In a world hidden just beyond our reach, an enigmatic species called the "Wardoks" dwell, secretly observing every detail of human life. Possessing the uncanny ability to seamlessly traverse between their realm and ours, they remain unnoticed and hidden among us. However, any human who dares to uncover their existence faces a swift and merciless end.
When a cataclysmic war erupts within the wardok world, the triumphant faction devises a sinister plan to conquer humanity, launching a devastating surprise invasion that will forever change the course of history.
Dive into this heart-pounding saga, where intense battles, ingenious strategies, and personal evolution intertwine with the forging of unbreakable friendships and the blossoming of unexpected love. Unravel the secrets of the wardoks and experience the raw emotions that surface in a high-stakes game of survival and intrigue.
Be captivated by this unforgettable journey into the hidden world of the wardoks, where the veil between our reality and theirs is thinner than ever, and the consequences of discovery could be deadly. Don't miss the chance to immerse yourself in a thrilling story that will leave you questioning the very nature of the world around you.
In the past the island country of Rhivera was plagued by famine. The government formed the Population Control Council to keep such a catastrophe from repeating itself. Those deemed weakest by Population Control are eliminated to keep the population at their desired level.
Like all children, Juaquin, Melissa, and Arturo were taught that Population Control is in the right. But when Population Control changes each of their lives irreversibly, their beliefs are shaken. They become part of a conflict which will profoundly change Rhivera forever.
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