Fifty years after the cataclysmic Second Jewel War, the Land of Spade has flourished under the legacy of Kaipo Kasumi, its once-fractured realms now united in an era of peace. But peace is a double-edged sword, for in the shadows of tranquility, a new and insidious evil stirs—one that threatens to unravel everything the heroes of old fought for. As dark forces emerge from the cracks of a fragile peace, the next generation of mages must rise to confront an adversary unlike any before. Will they uphold the legacy of their predecessors, or will the weight of history crush them? The fate of five universes rests in their hands, and their journey will test not only their power but the very essence of who they are.
In the city of New Eden (year 2178), where memories are the ultimate currency, a young scientist named Kory uncovers a hidden archive of secrets that threaten to upend the very fabric of society.
As she delves into the mysteries of a long-lost civilization, Kory must navigate a treacherous landscape of conspirators, rogue AI, and forgotten truths. But when the lines between memory and reality blur, Kory's own identity becomes the greatest enigma of all.
Will she unlock the secrets of the past, or will the shadows of her own forgotten history consume her?
Every story must end, but that isn't always the case for some.
In the novel's world, a group of people are messing with the plot and leaving them with no proper ending. And that's when Seraina is given the task of entering these worlds and tying up any loose ends, so the novels can finally be complete.
It's not always easy, especially when there is a group of people who don't want to see an end to these worlds. But as a dedicated Host, Seraina will see it through.
• Arc 1 - To Be Wed• Arc 2 - ???
This is the First Part of the 150 Part Boramusica Main Storyline Series, Boramusica: Age Of Gold is An Adventure Series Based on the works of H.P. Lovecraft, the Art of H.R. Giger, The Fate Series, 07th Expansion, Project Moon, and Puella Magi Madoka MagicaPlease show some support to the Series this novel is based on, in its overrall world structure, this story uses Surrealist themes within its setting and has some extreme topics, such as gore, Hypersexuality, Erotic Gore type content, Child endangerment and abuse, etc. and welcome to the world of Boramusica.
Kaizen, which has kept the planet in balance for millions of years, is entering a challenging period. With his mysterious abilities, the Heir of Time embarks on his own journey, changing the fate of the planet and uncovering unknown secrets.