This is an original story with some Star Wars elements. Set on Earth in the year 2016, it has been 18 years since the U.S. declared a war on drugs in response to the invasion of El Paso conducted by the Grand Cartel Syndicate led by narco-terrorist, Alejandro DeSantos. A military task force called The Counter-Terrorism Task Force was created and are now locked in a war with them. On the frontlines, Counter-Terrorism Task Force 105, leads the fight against the DeSantos cartel. They're considered the best of the best in military efficiency and training, the fate of the world as we see it lies in their hands.
A long time ago, there was a planet on the surface of which a real living Heart was beating. Each of its beat gave life to many wonderful creatures, and humans were no exception. Once, during a mountain collapse, they became afraid that something might happen to the Heart, and built a fence around it. And they started arguing about who is the worthiest defender of the Heart. The fence turned into a wall, and the city rose very quickly around it. Everything that people came up with was immediately brought to life by the love of the Heart. So, they created dolls to help themselves, which significantly accelerated the construction. In the time that was freed up, people took up the war. One day they closed the Heart completely, erecting a dome over it. Miracles stopped happening, and the dolls stopped coming to life. People blamed magical creatures for this and began hunting them. And in order not to stop the construction, they began to chip off pieces of the Heart and insert them into their mechanisms. The city continued to grow. Centuries have passed. The city has propped up the sky with towers. Only fragments of the Heart remained, saturating the black smoke with its breath. Factories that produce nightmarish monsters fed on it. With their help, people continue to wage war with each other for the title of the worthiest defender of the Heart. While it is dying. This is where our story begins...
This is a translation in process. So I am open for suggestions and comments on what to improve in the flow of the text.
He lunged at Omar, and tried to kill him. But Omar was not a fool, nor a corpse. He was a sorcerer, and a warrior. He had sensed Zhang's treachery, and prepared for his attack.
He dodged Zhang's dagger, and countered with a wicked blast of magic. This struck Zhang in the chest, and sent him flying across the room. Omar said,
"You are the fool, Zhang."
A fool to betray me, and a fool to underestimate me. You have failed, Zhang. By the gods you have failed your master, and your own pitiful self.
"And now, you will pay!"
When 14-year-old Aurora discovers a hidden portal in her book, she's thrust into a world where her choices shape reality. This novel takes young and older readers on thrilling adventures through new worlds, offering multi-level educational values for children and young adults.
Beta readers:"Like Jules Verne's works, but twisted to power.""A mesmerizing journey through worlds unseen - a must-read for fans of fantastic adventures!""This mind-bending tale explores the power of storytelling. I couldn't put it down!""A riveting blend of science fiction and fantasy that keeps you guessing.""The strangest novel since Alice in Wonderland.""Improves mood."
Read more:Maja's choices can change the fabric of reality as she and her newfound friends traverse parallel worlds, uncover hidden truths, and face unique challenges. As they encounter cybernetic creatures, molecular printers, and twists on familiar tales, they must confront the sinister force of Blackness that feeds on entropy and threatens the balance of the multiverse. Embark on an adventure captivating readers of all ages.
"How could you" She sobbed. I never felt such heat of her rage this much before. Her heart shattered in her eyes as it reshaped itself with hate and sorrow.
Everyone but me stood back, Heat raided off of her body in waves."Daiya.." I spoke softly and slowly approached her. She was just hurting and so was I. "Mom wanted to keep us safe". I gasped when I reached out to touch her and pulled back feeling the smallest of pain. I gazed at my fingers and saw my sensitive skin pink, was hardening by the heat. She burned me. She began to shake drowning in her grief. The heat increased growing hotter making me stumble back. "It should've been you!". She wailed out as she let loose of her power. We all flew back as it hit us hard But her words hit me harder than the blast. Because it's true. I killed her. ••••••••
A young woman is arrested for the crime of practicing the arts of craft. The punishment for that crime is death. But like magic, not everything is as it seems because She is mysteriously broken out of prison. After that day, Adelind encounters a small group. A dark skin girl and her little sister share an ability to manipulate nature. A tall scrawny bibliolater with glasses. A fierce female combatant and Two blacksmiths. As well as encounters with warriors, mystical creatures and more but as they dig deeper, she grasps that some secrets were left to be forgotten or kept shut behind closed doors.