This is an original story with some Star Wars elements. Set on Earth in the year 2016, it has been 18 years since the U.S. declared a war on drugs in response to the invasion of El Paso conducted by the Grand Cartel Syndicate led by narco-terrorist, Alejandro DeSantos. A military task force called The Counter-Terrorism Task Force was created and are now locked in a war with them. On the frontlines, Counter-Terrorism Task Force 105, leads the fight against the DeSantos cartel. They're considered the best of the best in military efficiency and training, the fate of the world as we see it lies in their hands.
Songs from the amazing Amavikka religion and culture Fialleril made, set in the harsh desert sands of Tatooine and guarded closely by the slaves.
Fialleril can be found on Tumblr or AO3.
After the Beacerika injures her, Rey battles with the Light and Dark sides of the Force while it takes her on a journey like none other-though supernovas and wormholes-right back to Ben Solo.
Rey remembers the day she and Kylo Ren/Ben Solo fought the Praetorian guards perfectly. Nevertheless, since the battle, something's changed inside her. She is not the Rey she remembers. Her Force abilities are no longer a gift; they are a threat. Everybody, including Rey's friends, fears her power.
She must sacrifice everything she loves and give herself to the conflicted Supreme Leader to change her fate. Nonetheless, something is hiding in the ashes of the galaxy-the Descendant of Evil. Now it is up to Rey and Ben to stop this growing threat.
As the galaxy crumbles, Rey will face danger like she has never faced before, including a wormhole, a supernova, and a Force-sensitive monster who swears allegiance to her. As she moves closer and closer to her supernova, her friends will try to save her. However, at the end of the day, Rey and Kylo Ren are the only ones who can change the fate of the galaxy. They are the only ones who can take the name, "The Rise of Skywalker".
2nd Draft
*Start Date: July 2018*
*End Date: June 2022*
Word Count: 30,000-35,000
Herm and Rami are two slaves in the blazing planet. Herm and Rami are getting married. And, as all marriage ceremonies among the Amavikkan must be, theirs is a secret, closely-guarded.
---This work takes place in the Tatooine Slave Culture Fialleril created. Fialleril can be found on Archive Of Our Own and Tumblr.
Depur wants to destroy the Desert. But there it stands, as a hope to the slaves and a symbol of all that Depur cannot conquer.
---This work takes place in the Tatooine Slave Culture and religion that Fialleril created. Fialleril can be found on Archive Of Our Own and Tumblr.
Depur wanted Siyya to carry messages between the Depuran. Siyya spoke the truth.
---This story takes place in the Tatooine Slave Culture and religion that Fialleril created. Fialleril can be found on Archive Of Our Own and Tumblr.
Depur wants to take the very bedrock of a young child. But Ekkreth will not let him.
---This story takes places in the Tatooine Soave Culture and religion that Fialleril created. Fialleril's can be found on Archive Of Our Own and Tumblr.
The story of how Depur endeavoured to build a Great Wall, and the slaves followed each other away into the darkness. Darkness like the ground that surrounds a seed.
---This is set in the amazing Amavikka religion and Tatooine Slave Culture Fialleril created. It is also a prequel to Mighty One by Triscribe. Fialleril's works and Triscribe's works can be found on Archive Of Our Own.
The story of how Reyn the slave bested Depur and kept their family together.
---This takes place in the Tatooine Slave Culture and religion that Fialleril created. Fialleril can be found on Archive Of Our Own and Tumblr.
One of the many stories of how Ekkreth the trickster learned their shape-changing and one of the many stories of how they freed the slaves. Featuring children, found family, defiance, and sandstorms.
---This takes place in the Tatooine Slave Culture and religion that Fialleril created. Fialleril can be found on Archive Of Our Own and Tumblr.
One of the many stories of how Ekkreth the trickster learned their shape-changing and one of the many stories of how they freed the slaves. Featuring children, found family, defiance, and sandstorms.---This story takes place in the Tatooine Slave Culture and religion Fialleril created. Fialleril can be found on Archive Of Our Own and Tumblr.
Depur thought Ekkreth the perfect, obedient slave. It was using their obedience as a cover that Ekkreth took out their slave chip and escaped into the wilderness of the desert. But they knew that Depur would not let them go so easily.---This story takes place in the Tatooine Slave Religion that Fialleril created. You can find Fialleril on Archive Of Our Own and Tumblr.