Javaraya, the enigmatic Guardian of Death, has spent centuries guiding souls to the afterlife, believing love to be an unattainable dream for someone like him. His existence is a solitary one, devoid of warmth and connection, until the day he encounters Venus, a hopeless romantic with a heart full of dreams.
This story is a side story. It contains major spoilers for 'Serenity: Crossing Realms'. I recommend reading that first. Enjoy!
Trapped in a dystopian labor camp, Zeiss endures a life stripped of hope and dignity. But when an unexpected meteor obliterates the camp's desolate landscape, it sets off a series of inexplicable events that plunge Zeiss into a riveting mystery.
DISCLAIMER: Dark themes - Violence - Sex - Abuse - Death
After Greg, Lucia's father, left her and her mom, Lucia is left to pick up the slack after her working yet alcohol-addicted mother, working a 9-5 at a grocery store with an occasional sub art teaching at her former high school to pay for the rent, and maybe earn enough money for that art program. Her life just isn't working as she'd always hoped. Then again, she hadn't been much of a dreamer since she overheard her dad call her a mistake when he was arguing with her mom, but she at least hoped it wouldn't be this...messy. So, what's a mistake gotta have a dream for, right? Maybe wrong. Maybe right. Her life is upside down. Her relationship with God is a mess. Her relationship with herself is a mess. Heck, she doesn't even have friends for her relationship with them to be a mess. And maybe much won't change even after her supposed book-inspired night in shining armor appears. Who knows? But there is one place she doesn't feel a mess--The Saint Patrick's Cathedral. There is one being who's loved her despite not feeling loved--God, and there are people who love her-- Priest Dixon and... someone else (find out in the story). So come aboard on this rollercoaster and have fun. Passengers, please don't forget to breathe.
***Currently Editing***
***(Don't discount it because it's a Christian book, and you don't want mushy or cringy or Christian-y stuff. Please give it a try. I guarantee you'll like it.) ***
All of my contest entries I have done for various competitions across Penana.
Each will be an issue on thier own, with awards won.
Two beautiful souls met their undesired fate as the past came crawling in into their slumber romance moment