Bless Your Soul O' Father God, It's a test only You who knowmy heart, I confess You have been with me since the start, Thank You for JesusChrist, They try to blank You that's why You increase us cause we're in acrisis, Every nation needs salvation.
I'm hip to the game, That's why I don't sip off the fame,Don't trip we're all the same, Rip the veil to see the shame, Don't grip thetale to the blame, We skip the sale to free the aim, We don't tip the scale tobe tamed, Close your clip cause of the flame.
Got to be like Abednego in the fire, It's hot where the raingo in the wire, Sabbath is friday sunset to saturday sunset, The havoc is dieday to have their way on the movie set, Sunday worship will turn to gunplayservice, Beast prowling, Peace of Shaolin.
Now the game over, You must flame the cobra, Why thedeception, I don't need no reception, Why all the subliminals, Why all thecriminals, Fear and lies being amplified, It's here if you die not being ableto decide, Detox, Free the rocks.
People finessing ignorance, The egos witnessing impotence,This world is coming to a complete halt, The Word is coming with the completesalt, After society has had their cake now they want to claim it was a mistake,True believers ain't fake.
The diamond ticket, They dying to be wicked, Biblical truthis salvation for the world, Spiritual truth is have patience for the world, Youdon't know anybody's heart, God will show everybody's heart, Is Christ withinor do you roll dice with sin.
God is not the author of confusion, It's hard when thestarter is under delusion, The team suffers, The dream buffers, Before you doanything are you filled with the holy spirit, The war is everything cause theycan't spear it, Jesus is alive, I will survive.
I only care about the win covered by grace, You think I careabout skin color and race, Wake up so you don't break up cause they fake up,That's for anybody, The stats of the illuminati, Endure until the end, The cureis to repent.
I was right there when they played truth or dare, Look themin the eyes I ain't scared, Look up in the skies be aware, God says we mustshare, Don't be fazed by different kind of stares, Jesus Christ will alwayscare, Repent and you will be rare.
The level is sovereign unity, Don't give the devil anopportunity, Love is beautiful, Doves is a miracle, People know when yourenergy is ether, That's why they do evil to bring in the reaper, I'm protectedfrom the beast, I'm connected to God's peace.
When you up they want to poison your cup, When you down theywant to see your drown, Whatever you do as a believer they praying to thedeceiver, Their efforts failed, Your purpose prevailed, You belong to God, Theydid wrong cause they know you love God.
Seek the Lord, It reek in this war, Devils perfuming theearth, At this level they assuming my worth, My value is more than theuniverse, They foul you more when you break the curse, Jesus is our Shepherd,Increase us in our effort.
The more you grow in peace is the more frustration of thebeast, Don't let your inner world get disturbed by fear or evil, Abstain fromimmorality, Refrain from duality, Return to being one with life, The wheelturns freeing you from strife.
Folks acting like they cookie cutter, The yoke got folks onthat rookie butter, You acting hard but you don't know how to act with yourheart, This is for the globe, Lips talking down on me cause I bring hope, Bornwith grit so I know how to cope.
My potential is biblical credential, God is transforming yourspirit. They act odd brainstorming cause they fear it, The beast is on theprogram, My peace is being watched by the soul cam, Behind the scenes. Thetruth is embedded in my genes.
The Word is provided, The world ain't divided, You gon knowwhen it's diabolical warfare, The truth will glow within when it desires thegold of more care, Correction in the score, Protection in the Lord, Jesus camefor all, Increase us when the lies fall.
Thank You God, They can't blank you in God, They can't plankyou in God, They can't prank you in God, Biblical influence is all over theworld, Spiritual innocence is to be sober in the Word, Expiration date, Everynation's fate, Salvation is not hate.
Just tell the truth, Don't sell the truth, Lies is turningthe world upside down, The skies is burning the world upside to the ground, Thematrix is enmeshed in luciferic worship, The ancients in the flesh got peoplebruised and nervous.
I'm healing in the peace of the Lord, I'm feeling the peaceof the Lord, They want you dejected, They want you rejected, God is taking careof me, They acting odd faking like they care for me, Jesus Christ is perfect,Increase the wise in the verdict.
Progressing in love, No aggression in the dove, They got anobsession in what's made up, Pray against the possession when you get paid up,Labor like God is your boss, The favor is God's gift on the cross, Jesus Christis the key, With The Gospel I'm free.
Peace is the wise inscription, Beast is the liesprescription, My frequency got these folks in secrecy, No false witness, Iain't got the pulse of sickness, Low vibes from majority, The glow ain't hypefrom God's authority.
The flame of the holy spirit, This is not a game they fearit, We ain't playing hocus pocus, We ain't praying for okras for the locusts,The jumper is clean, The number is seen, God planted verses, The enemy plantedcurses, Forgive me God the more I live God.
I'm making changes, I'm seeing strangers, I don't live indanger, Got to apply the biblical principles, Got to apply the spiritual torinse the gold, Grow in faith, Glow when you're saved, What I mean you are nowwalking by redemption in a new dimension.
Let your heart be fixed, They want you jinxed, The world isin links, The Word is for those who thinks, They throwing kitchen sinks, Wateris better than all the drinks, Foul spirits now the earth stinks, Bible moreimportant than the Sphinx.
I seen all kinds of skin colors and none is better or worse,I seen the blind in the sin lovers in free weather for the curse, Every raceneeds grace to walk in a new space, Transform your enlightenment to salvation,It's a rainstorm of truth in every nation.
I stay blessed cause I pray to confess, You must be tested soyou can't be messed with, Repentance is crucial, Dimensions is useful, I'm onthat fuel, My soul can't be ruled, They trying to play me like a fool, I ain'ttrying to be cool, Swimming pools.
Memory loaded, The enemy is folding, But I know it don'tstop until the world drop, Life can'tpause, Jesus life on the cross, Rose from the grave, Souls need to be saved,Repent and detox your heart, The intent is to unlock the heart.
Lot of gatekeepers and hate reapers and fate sleepers, Theycan't reach me on the beepers, Now I'm on top they thought I was a late leaper,They crop the drought to make the state cheaper, The world gon drop cause therate deeper.
Renegade, They been afraid, The world turning up, The worldburning up. God making a way, It's hard to look away, Still in control, Stillcan't be controlled, Catch me in hibernation, So they can't match my vibration,They can't latch up my hydration.
I claim salvation but society blames it in every nation, Theworld lacks peace and love, The Word cracks the beast with the dove, Make sureyou are rooted in Christ, Fake pure gets booted with the price, Facing thosepoker chips, Masons got cobra tricks.
Why be afraid of the light, Why be a grade of the night, Mypotential is peace, Their credential is beast, I see the present moment, I'mfree cause my essence they can't own it, The future is not physically promised,The Scriptures is biblically honest.
Made so many mistakes, They put an innocent man for pennieson a stake, Now that you believe they act fake, They try to deceive by thecake, The world needs to repent for God's sake, Their intent was to leave me inthe lake, Rise from the sleep and be awake.
It's a miracle to be alive, It's biblical to arrive, There'slevels in the heart, There's been devils since the start, Talking about earth,Walking knowing my worth, Watch yourself cause they after your breath, Don't betroubled by those who stir up trouble.
I got a bag of honey, They got to tag the money, Wi-Fi lagwhen it's sunny, You don't willfully sin and say God is working on you, Youdon't skillfully win and say God's not working on you, Give credit where it'sdue, They live shredded cause they ain't true.
Passover don't crossover, We ain't talking no racialundertones, We walking graceful even in thunder stones, The Gospel must bepreached to all nations before the end can come, Tell the lost souls don'tbreach salvation cause at any moment your time can come.
Razor sharp, Laser harp, Silent harmony, The violent ain'tharming me, A lot of folks ain't playing, A lot of folks ain't praying, How doyou represent love and peace, They took vows to crescent the dove and beast,Who are you to judge, Not you I won't budge.
The Bible will be fulfilled, The rival is for real, The idolwill reveal, Stay close to God, Pray you one of those to God, Keep Christ inyour heart, Peep the heist in the dark, Raise your energy by repenting, Graceyour energy by respecting.
It's not a burden to love God, They learning not to play withGod, You need the holy spirit to be tapped in, They plant seed cause they fearit due to that they're capped in, You think you all that, Lion to a rat, Theworld gon sink cause on Jesus they spat.
It's like the twilight zone, My light can't be cloned, Theyfight to be in my zone, Resist the devil and he will flee, Desist the devil andhe will plea with you Don't take no deal, Ain't fake been real, I don't wantthe riches, We don't count the witches.
Risen warrior, Vision courier, We're all on the soul cam,They don't dare ball on the goal ram, The belt is discipline, What I felt inthe heart insulin, How do you wake up doing evil, How do you cake up gluingyour ego, Freedom, Be wise how you treat them.
They drafting for war or ball, They crafting the score onlyto fall, There's no guessing only testing, They simulated every option, Theymisstated every adoption, People throwing dirt on my path, People knowing myworth by my staff.
Been delivered from the agony, Try to throw me in the rivercause they bagging me, Don't fear what they can do to you. They don't hear whatthe plan is for you, Society sees your energy, Their priority is to be yourenemy, They installing, I ain't spawning.
The road is paved with golden intentions, They sold the graveto holding the repentance, We're all in spiritual living, They dare play inbiblical living, You didn't create the universe, All they saying is we didn'tcreate the curse, Better read the verse.
Energy elevating in peace, Enemy meditating in the beast,They tried to barricade me, They tried to marinade me, Not even knowing heavenmade me, The more love you radiate, The more doves pay the rate, The tentalents, Repent for balance.
I feel like I'm being played, I heal like I've been slayed,The deception goes to the cosmos, The inception is in the convos, Babylon stillcontrol the world, The marathon is the sun's role with the pearl, and Rabbithole trapping havoc souls.
If someone has a dollar or a million treat them the same, Ifthey summon the caller of the dealing retreat from the game, They can't playme, They can't slay me, I have no parts of the industry, My heart is of theministry, The dark can't finish me.
We're glad that the world is temporary, We're grads of theWord cause they empty married, Bride of Christ, They confide in the heist, Wedon't fear the beast, We won't hear the beast, They taunt the tears of yourpeace, It don't count we're here not leased.
What's missing in the heart is we're not listening to God,Feel brand new. Heal the grand you, There's a blessing and curse in everynation, There's a lesson and verse in every nation, Salvation is the mostimportant, Save the ancient rose due to informants.
The world waking up in mourning, The Word taking up thewarning, Humble giant, They try to crumble the client, Don't fumble in front ofa lion, Don't stumble when they stunt the iron, Illuminati's reign is ending,Body of Christ is repenting.
Since I got the sodium now they want me off the podium, Don'tperish for a lack of knowledge, They cherish the cracked egg of the ostrich,Now they running like the roadrunner, Now they summon the toad stunner, Youcan't flex me, You can't next me.
I know what it do, I glow with the truth, Pray for the youth,Pray for the elders roots, We don't play with heaven fruits, Do the will ofGod, Be still and know God, I labor in the vapor, Love thy neighbor and see thefavor.
You got to face the wilderness, We ain't talking race weain't in the flesh, Spiritual warfare, Biblical or there, We ain't playing hideand seek, We praying to guide the meek, Salvation is found in Jesus, Everynation gon need us, Talking about believers.
Only God is my supplier, Know my heart is the true fire, I don't worship no idols, I don't purchase no idols, The light is shining already, The night is blinding all deadly, Hollywood distorts the mind, They probably would if I wasn't kind.
There's got to be a day you slay the ego, There's got to be a day where you slay the evil, Surrender to silence and resist the devil, Don't do no return to sender to balance the list on any level, Don't play with the enemy, They gone say crypt the energy.
Since I'm getting strong they acting wrong, You need tough skin, They got a rough grin, I had enough of the sin, I'm at the free throw, I'm under the tree's glow, Praying to the Lord, Ain't playing in this war, My power is dread to those who devour the bread.
We don't play with the folly, We don't pray to the holly, They threw dirt on my name, They threw hurt on my pain, Spiritual progressing, Biblical confessing, The veil is being lifted, The sale being sifted, My soul has no price tag, The glow has no jet lag.
If only you knew how diabolical the world is, They don't know me that's why it's chronological with what the Word is, They hate you cause your light is love, Take her on a date cause she sees what the night is made of, Her fate is bright like the dove.
Remain in peace, Refrain from the beast, I don't owe you jack, Now they can't get me back, All I can do is show you love, Who you gone call when you see the glow of the dove, The energy got them shook, The enemy of all folks don't know what it really took.
The Word is vital cause the world is full of every idol, Only the true and living God, They can't own me in my new and living heart, The day is dawning, They slay the comment, This matrix is energy so repent, Clips of the enemy is evident.
Everybody got a cause but does everybody got a cross, Is everybody willing to pay the cost, We'd be lost without the laws, Talking biblically. They trying to mimic me, I'm crying spiritually, They can't lease me up, Give thanks we peaced up.
Ain't no bluff in my light, They try to snuff my light, They try to fluff my light, They can't cuff my light, The victory is in salvation, The history is in every nation, The world chose this reality, The Word exposed this reality.
The commentary gon be momentary, When I was at my worst they brought in the hearse but God cancelled the curse, They take pleasure in sin, They fake measure to win, Unjust weights, Don't trust the plates Maxing my reps, They taxing my steps.
We're all facing some level of suffering, We're all embracing some vibe of offering, It's crucial you use your gifts for the Kingdom, It's unusual when folks believe in a myth to link them, See with your soul, Life is free I ain't stole.
There's no such thing as all these churches, We're clutch when we sing with peace worship, We're one body in Christ, The world needs salvation and that's goes to every nation, I understand folks are enlightened, The upper hand got my intuition heightened.
This is a new season in the Word is the cross which breaks the yoke of acting in sin the salt of thunder so pray heart, The reason why the world is like this is cause folks being practicing the occult under the radar, Repent asap. The intent is stay asp’s.
Hold your peace and fold the beast, How can you be walking conscious if you are talking nonsense, You can't break my soul, The earth quake cause what folk stole, The cup of suffering, They know what's up in the offering, Can't look back with my book bag.
The called, chosen and faithful, You can't ball when the world is closing cause the trey cold, Come to grips that the gum drips, The solution is Jesus to every problem, The pollution of deceivers is heavy to rob them, My faith ain't scared of the grave.
Is your energy beautiful. The enemy knows it's all biblical, Folks spirit is ugly, They fear it that's why they mug me, Not talking to you directly, Bots walking imperfectly, This is computer generated, This is the commuter to where heaven's gated.
One body in Christ, Illuminati can't pay the price, I speak boldly, They speak coldly, You ain't legit what they told me, You can't make me quit the game can't hold me, They got hate cause God with you, I feel great cause the heart is the truth.
If you still think illuminati is a conspiracy then I already know, They got a drill body cause of the literacy of the soul, You don't love God cause you felt it wasn't fair why life is hard, Government got disinformation, The world suffering limitation.
Sunshine got me at the combine, Hear me out, You can't fear me out, Mayflower they pay for the power, This ain't flesh and blood, This is fresh in mud, Higher ups of all faces and races, So don't even start, We must all see in the heart, Just play your part.
Triple G, Give God glory is the key, My story is for free, They try to ignore me cause I got the palm branch from the tree, They weren't for me cause the psalms grants the peace, They thought they tore me cause I was drenched in the streets, 36 is the beast.
Keep doing good. Peep how they moving if they could, The Gospel ain't hollywood, Explain the algebra of what's understood, Abstain from the imaginer of the mood, Maintain proper balance with the right food, Stay humble cause the world is brood.
The peace in my soul got the beast cold, The energy exposes the wickedness, The enemy encloses on how many minutes left, Like a thief in the night, They got grief cause of the light, Worship God in spirit and truth, Earth shift in the heart if you need proof.
Giving thanks, I ain't living in blanks, True story, New glory, All credited to God, Can't ball when it's edited by the odd, The love is real, The dove is healed. Our Creator will destroy the star invader, They thieve to try to clone, Leave the scene alone.
Space in every aspect is the outlasting truth, Grace in every last step is the outstanding truth, They hate to see you win, They love to see you sin, Strange world, You can't change the Word, The laws written in mind and heart, Ain't no quitting in my heart.
The world is under the synopsis of the devil, The Word is under process in any level, Meaning things will take place accordingly, They scheming in all races recording me, It's a coalition of occultists, Stop soul wishing cause your prayers are above this.
The power of love supercedes everything, The flower of dove has no rumour seed in anything, Stop pillow talking. Stop willow walking, Leap for joy, That heap getting destroyed, Don't compare and contrast, Some stare cause they see you as the outcast.
We all have our own calling in the body of Christ, You stay small if you loan balling with illuminati's sacrifice, This ain't a joke, The list of saints that are woke, I'm talking about seeing life crystal clear, I'm walking about free with no gristle fear.
The Word is legal in God's eyes, The world is lethal in God's eyes, Folks don't want to hear the commandments, The yoke haunt those who fear the abandonment, The night is right here, The light is bright here, Justice is served Above this is deserved.
The light of love got them in all kind of vibes, In the night of the dove they try to ball with dimes, The world gon pay for the spiritual crimes failing to realize that the Word says we're in biblical times, Just try Jesus, Just don't die without Jesus.
It's official my heart been initialed, What's a pistol to a missile, In the jungle you don't whistle, Stay humble the light is crystal, Meaning see thru glow, Folks scheming cause they see you know, We must have a strong spirit, Trust they fear it.
Is the world overriding what the Word is providing, That's a rude awakening, Sacks of lewd folk faking it, Spirituality is the root of every nation, Virtual reality is the root of temptation, Ancient vibes, Have patience for the times.
Repent of the induction of the grave, At the end of the discussion are you saved, Regardless of the politics anybody can catch those hollow tips, Not condoning violence. Just know the moment is silence, Stay prayed up cause the world bout to get sprayed up.
Getting stronger by the heartbeat, They betting that they can conquer your star feet, They hiding in flesh, I'm riding in the fresh, God is always in control, The doorways is the console, But you ain't moving me, You ain't proving me.
The first thing that hits my spirit is energy, The worst thing is to quit when you near it rebuke the enemy, You must do the shadow work cause you can't trust the battle of earth, Plant your soul in the deepest cause they grant the gold in secrets.
Keep spreading the love, Peep how they dreading the dove, Folks betting on what's above, Higher ups trying to recreate the universe, The fire is up drying those who appreciate the tuned curse, Meaning the game is stock, They dreaming God's name ain't mocked.
The reception is no deal, The deception is so real. Resist the devil cause the game exists on every level, They got the Vatican files, They attack again cause they wild, Integral aspect of society is changing, Federal prospect of variety is the agent.
The redemption of our soul is in Jesus, The exemption of the gold is in visas, To sin is self destruction, To win is self instruction, This spiritual war is hectic, The biblical war tactic, They messing with the dark. Stay present in your heart.
Trust and believe that God knows exactly what is going on and is working on your situation, Lust will deceive you that life is hard to grow intactly to what is flowing on in to an invitation, You need to switch your noggin, Got to glitch the log in.
Tensions is rising, Pensions is sizing, What's it gonna accumulate to, The Rock of our God will illuminate you, The Lord will fight your battles, The Lord will might your cattles, Don't sit while they attack, I won't quit when they try to artifact.
Under the lining deep and dark things are going on, Thunder of binding is to keep your heart's wings from growing strong, Don't get sidetracked by the controlled opposition Won't get hijacked by the console composition.
The next pandemic is going to be something with the eyes, The test of systemic unction is with the wise, You have nothing to fear, There's always stunting every year, But this time around the buck stops here. Don't kiss the ground they feel the sphere.
My prime is on the way up when you fall in love with God's grace, Time's up for all jokers no matter your race, Limes up cause they ball in poker no matter the space, Dimes up cause they call the broker in anyone's face.
Vision is the secret key, Children missing and folks don't regret me, Society is diabolical, Their priority is biological, Prayer is effective if you living right, The mayor is selective if you giving fight, Do what's lawful. Truth is the world is awful.
I got the biblical energy so I have to deal with the spiritual enemy, Resist the devil the miracle remedy, You got to read your own vibes first cause this world is hexed with a curse, Don't let them vex you to the worst, They test you but won't verse.
The realest to do it is God, You got to feel this to know that life is the heart, Hundred years plus practicing a certain spirituality, The sun is dread for those who live in virtual reality, The devil got folks in a chokehold, Any level I won't sell my soul.
These events are simulated already. Please repent cause it's regulated already, Most things in the news are distracting you from your salvation, Host brings the rules of the action in every nation, Show the world kindness, Soul of the Word heals blindness.
Get healed with silence, Get real with balance, My name written in God's heart, The game hidden in the dark stars, I ain't playing with anyone, I'm praying for everyone, Foul language is the howl anguish, You're being tested, Endure being invested.
Only real ones want to see you prevail, Only healed ones see through the veil, God is the only one who can keep promises, Life is hard cause folks have sleep consciousness, Resist the devil, Only the faithful can exist on the level.
Endure until the end, They'll send more for the rent, The peace of grace. The beast wants all space, Every square inch. Don't grow weary or flinch, Ain't nobody cheesing, Ain't no party pleasing, When you walk in the spirit they shocked cause they fear it.
Clean up your act and walk in theholy spirit, What I seen is the knack of talk of why they fear it, The worldswear they enlightened or woke, The Word is where folks get frightened causeit's not a joke, Only you can hold yourself back, The matrix hacked.
Bring your gifts to fruition, Thewings of truth is intuition, Read what I say completely before you come to aconclusion, We need to pray meekly in the war of infusion, Just know with Jesuswe ain't losing, Trust the flow with Jesus no snoozing.
Can't be uprooted. In God's plan mycup fruited, Illuminati about to be booted, The world's secret is about to belooted, The Word ain't got regrets that's why society feuded, For the darkpowers folks being recruited, Your heart's power can't be intruded.
Come correct, I don't need a gun toprotect, I plead the Begotten Son can resurrect, The holy spirit keep mevested, They fear it cause it's been tested, Folks still trying, Folks stilllying, Know Jesus came for all, They know it's over to ball.
What's in my notepad has the goatmad, Secrets of the universe, So many regrets of who they cursed, Folks tryingto drive you to do damage, Why stress if we all gon vanish, Don't let thembreak you down, Only God can make you go uptown.
Salvation is for all people, Everynation should be fed up with all the evil, Jesus is the solution, Increase usin the midst of pollution, The earth is toxic, Your birth they tried to box it.Your heart is light, They want you lost in the night.
This ain't no movie feature, Youcan't move me I ain't no creature, Give thanks that love is my teacher, Live inthe sanctuary the dove is my preacher, Not talking ski hat, Unlocking the codethey see that, Walking in my soul I plead that.
You got to be tapped in so youwon't be capped in, Combine flow got me league bound, Sunshine glow got themfatigued in any round, Please don't test your Maker, The peace I confess is waragainst the undertaker, The beast going down in the earthquaker.
If you are vibing in the holyspirit then folks hiding cause they really fear it, Tryna get a reaction, Theybe lying cause you ain't crashing, I let God take the wheel, They upset causethey can't fake the real, I pray for you cause I can't play with you.
I've been activated that's why theybeen hated, They stay quiet but really want to riot, Keep working on yourself,Peep the lurking on your health, They acting fake since I broke the curse,That's why they make no sense tryna be woke in a hearse.
I done been through the world whereI almost fumbled, I done see through the diamonds and pearl let it crumble,Money don't move me, Honey got me feeling like I'm in a movie, Next war. Textthe score, God's truth is in charge, Can't recruit me to no lodge.
Point blank period you need theholy spirit, Give thanks myriad the seed of your love they fear it, Just preachsalvation to all people, We must reach every nation to stop evil, We're savedby grace not race, Jesus is for whoever, Peace in the new weather.
God's got a plan for us the worldis dangerous, Book of Jeremiah told us that, Shook cause heaven's fire mold uslike that, Steeped to all inhabitants, Deep heart no arrogance, Why put yournation or race above your faith, Salvation is grace if you're saved.
Extraterrestrial glow, I've beenblessed to know, Love produces the fruit of peace, The doves introduces thetruth to the priest, Jesus is the root branch of Jesse, Increase us when theyloot the bench tryna guess me, God is watching, Keep caution.
Be content with what you have, Idon't consent with the evil they craft, Why the world is in a rush to be amillionaire, Try the Word cause they hush to fill in the air, Carbon tax, Theyharming the wax, They farming the fax, Alarming in the lax.
You must learn the way to walkaccording to God's standards, Can't trust you I got to discern how you walkrecording love's span in the Word, I speak in agreement of salvation, Stay meekcause I'm believing in the ancient.
We're dealing with a just God,We're healing so trust in God, They try to disgrace you cause they can't faceyou, We must be corrected so we can be perfected, Don't play with the dynamics,Just pray for alignment, Stay on point the devil is on assignment.
Dawn of the empire, They gone offthe hemp fire, I ain't promoting, I be devoting. The thrills and the chills,The power of peace exists within, The power of the beast exists with sin, Youcan't do what you want, The truth is my walk I don't need to flaunt.
Every level you got to clotheyourself, The devil even cloned himself, Tune into the spiritual frequency oflove, Soon into the biblical we all can see the dove, Don't perish for a lackof knowledge, See with your heart the world is back on the carnage.
I don't owe you, I don't know you,They doubt the pages that's why the world is outrageous, All I offer is love,They will fall proper in the kiss of the dove, The wickedness is pathetic,Peace is limitless cause it's aesthetic, Biblical is the miracle.
The Gospel is for all people, I wasa lost soul tryna ball with the ego, The fossils in the wall is illegal,Creatures coming out the woodworks, Features summon the hollywood church,Illuminati with the dice sacrificing, Body of Christ revolutionizing.
I know they ain't no bowing down, Iheard the streets getting louder now, In my heart the beast is not allowed, Theworld is dark I don't walk with the crowd, In the Word we're all stars the gameis like a cloud, I was taught to be meek in face of the proud.
The Word is backed up, The World isjacked up, The verses keep you activated, The curses is why they act withhatred, Biblical got them shook, I'mma miracle that's why they can't look,We're all one and equal, Earth's fall mean works is being done illegal.
The Word was created for theseages, The World will be cremated cause of what's in these pages, Biblical life,Miracle vibe, Believers is a spiritual tribe, Deceivers is a cynical hive,Don't be foolish, Folks tryna throw the stone in the sewage.
Those crystals don't work againstthe holy spirit, Those pistols don't work against the holy spirit, Thosemissiles don't work against the holy spirit, The battle is the Lord's, Thecattle is the Lord's. Jesus completes us even when they want to delete us.
You can run away but you can't sunaway, Focus on your salvation, The hocus is on every nation, You acting fake,You stacking cake, Repent and receive Jesus, They bent cause they can't deceiveus, Be baptized, See with the cat eyes.
If you ain't talking Jesus then youtrying to deceive us, How you be claiming God and in the back defaming God, Theuniverse is biblical, It only gets worse cause they crucified a miracle, 2ndcoming ain't nobody running. Grave can't hold my faith.
The vibe of people is on is likepocket silence, The type of evil they on is like rocket science, I'm focused onliving right, That hocus is driven tight, Stop cussing, Stop lusting, Stopfussing, Don't catch a case, Don't match their ways.
If you are living in holiness thenthey want your soul to be less, Thank God for the text, It's sad that people couldcare less, It's not a fad people would share less, The world gets their powerfrom the creation, The Word lets it's power reach the nations.
Something big is coming to thisearth, They be stunting cause they dig from the earth, Extraterrestrial orders,They wanted me a vegetable or aborted, The gold underneath is to steal yoursoul from the thunder's heat, Not with the wave, No fear of the grave.
I rose up, I chose up, They noseup, Wait until it blows up, Immunity free I don't need no dose up, Take backyour power, They fake when you ain't a coward, Every day is a new law, Keepplaying I'mma have to sue y'all, Favor is the Lord's flavor, No waiver.
You can't draft me, You can't craftme, You can't catch me, You can't match me, I'm like a hall of fame rookie,Take a hike if you ball in the game with the bookie, I'm in God's league,Something in the spirit reek, Bible is the real no sneak peek.
Don't forget what kind of world welive in, The more they get is how they try to blind the Word you living, Stayin your peace to slay the beast, Transform your mind, Rainstorm your grind,Can't do the same, Can't do the game, New dynamic, They been demonic.
I heard they calling my name, TheWord said I ain't falling in the flame, The world swear they balling in thegame, You ego tripping, Truth got the evil dripping. Renew your mind, They saywe knew your kind, You can't draft me, You can't craft me.
The Word is becoming apsychological center, The world is becoming a technological center, The covencreated covid, They woven the noted, Biblical text is the spiritual test, Theintent is not right, Repent to unlock your light.
The Word is eyeing true fears, Theworld crying blue tears, Behind the scenes they still worship the queen, Hearme out, No more year of doubt, Folks claim they know, The yoke of the flame isthe crow, Jesus is the number one pick, Devil got number one trick.
Biblical text is a spiritual test,They live in the night, I give in my light, The web is intertwined withlucifer, The realm is enter lined with who is served, Take it up with God, Theyfake it up when you see the fraud, Absorb the pain, I'm not in vain.
If you walk in grace they can'tplay in your face, See folks dodging me cause I ain't lodging in. The hatredfor a believer in Christ is lockdown, It's sacred to be a receiver of thesacrifice in the Rock now, You made it in primetime they shocked now.
The Word is living in the truth ofthe heart built, The world is living in do what thou wilt, It's rare to not bescared, Are you God fearing or are you hard of hearing, Read the energy. Don'tplead with the enemy, Fired up, Wired up, I ain't tired up.
I can't play it safe, I got to prayfor my faith. The Lord is directing my path, They can't afford to reject mymath, Grace plus truth sums up to saved, Space bus got the truth gums engraved,The moment comes and go, They can't own it now they run old.
Space walk got me in a newdimension, Grace talk got me in a new invention, The world playing withmasonry, The Word saying they ain't no erasing me, You're literally a star inhuman form, The more spiritually the heart is when you transform.
Been a champ, Behind the scenes isthe stamp, You coasting in the rain, You boasting in vain Continual evil,Funeral for the ego, Let the dead bury the dead, My bread won't be in dread,God is alive and well, I will survive from the hell.
Keep your energy unstained, Peepthe enemy they are untrained, Deep remedy in the sun's rain, Stay on watch,They pray my life is botched, How many believers left, They vowed to make apenny a believer's death, That backfired, Now they act wired.
We know the deal but our soul issealed, You must practice so they can't attack this, They in terror mode causeyou see the error code, Are you growing up or slowing up, The world is not asdeep as you think, The Word will keep you cause the evil stings.
Joy comes in the rising, Theirdecoy won't be surprising, You want the beast power, I want the peace power,Only please God in these hours, Won't lease anything in these hours, The antsare lovers of bees, The saints are covered by trees.
It's a different vibe when youreally live that life, Talking about The Gospel, Society thought you were alost soul, They finding out they were wrong, They minding out cause you'restrong, They blank cause they can't cheese us, Thank the heart of Jesus.
The theories been on hush mode, Theseries been on slush mode, What happened to all those who were against themisinformation of the government, Now they capping with the pretense ofinsinuation of suffering, We need to know, The seed will grow.
We've been placed on earth toexperience the birth of variance, We're being tested by God, We've been blessedwith the cards, No joker can laugh in your face, The broker plans to craft inyour grace, Watch your vibration, Don't dodge the entire nation.
If you are seeking God's face youcan't be weakened in a hard place, The Lord is directing our steps, The cord isreflecting our reps, Can't bow down, They made a vow for the crown, They wonderhow I didn't drown, Holy spirit got me solid on the ground.
This ain't golf I can't bemastered, They think you soft until they feel disaster, The same playbook forthe world, The game is the flame hook in the Word, The beast is not dear, Thestreets is clout with fear, Don't lease cause the truth is always here.
Smile through the tests, Stylethrough the vests, God's Word doesn't change, It's a hard world in a dozenrange, Master your mind, Disaster when you act blind, She's beautiful causeshe's kind, Folks looking for a sign, They cooking with the swine.
Prepared beforehand, The war ain'tfair for the land, Taken from the core of God's plan, What's it for if youcan't stand, There's more if you believe you can, No one knows the score oftheir lifespan, What's yours they can't ban.
The hands of God has always been on my destiny, The plans of God has always beenthe One blessing me, Correct when I’m wrong God, Protect me in a song God,Jesus is our Shepherd, We fighting for you thru our effort, They igniting thebeast for the endeavor.
God put me on high, God so good He won’t lie, God said you shall live and not die,I’m breaking generational curses with the biblical verses, Now they see I’m notbroken, Now I’m free without the token, Now it be that I ain’t joking.
I seen those who smile turn to a wolf in the wild, Only God knows who been in thetruth for a while, Really consecrated in the Lord, They don’t feel me causethey understated in the war, Got to heal to be concentrated when you score.
I ain’t hesitant, I’m heaven sent, Angelic heart, I won’t sell my heart, I knowmy worth, My glow won’t die with earth, Your soul is before the birth, JesusChrist is the key to eternal life, Love will suffice when you free of theinferno jive.
What you living for, Are you giving more, Do you know we’re in a war, Jesus willalways be Lord, Sin is something we can’t afford, That’s what Christ came for,We ain’t watching the final score, Take caution on the vinyl floor, Don’t wantno idol award.
Root branch of Jesse, Truth grants you mercy, I’m in perfect peace, Not with theworship of the beast, God is my provider, Always told me be a fighter, Timeswhere I pulled all nighters, Searching for truth, Purging the sins cause Jesusis the truth.
Pray for peace, Don’t play with the beast, Destruction is tombing, Instruction isbooming, Examine yourself, Why flex to gamble your health, Folks tripping.Yokes gripping, Cast your burdens on the Lord, The past can’t burn the sword.
As believers of Jesus we need to endure until the end to be saved, The deceiverstry to delete us cause we have the seed of the pure to repent to destroy thegrave, Trials and tribulations, They trying to brand the simulation, Stay flyno imitation.
I want to live a blessed life not my best life, Not saying I want the worst, I’m
praying I break the curse, It’s about living fulfilled, It’s about giving morefilled, Thanks where it’s due, God is always new, Ancient of Days, Got tosanction their ways.
Keep your heart fixated on the Lord, It’s deep cause the start was dictated by thewar, Whether it be psychological or biological they aiming the darts, Lifeain't astrological that’s why the world is diabolical in the dark.
I ain’t turning back even when they turned their back, I was lost and now I’mback, I don’t need no back up even when they act up, Christ said Jonah, What’sthe sacrifice of the owner, Have no fear of the devil, The wrath is so near onany level.
Keepyour heart from falsehood, Peep your start in the pulse wood, How is the world world divided, The Word is decided, What God says is valid, They fake like a crouton salad, flexible silence like a futon ballad, Thank You Jesus, They can’t blankyou in Jesus.
Are you turning right or left, The war is to burn the light of breath, We know thedark forces can’t win, I don’t flow with the stark voices cause they sin, I’mstriving for perfection, I’m thriving in protection, No recording me, I’m seenby God accordingly.
Blazing fire, Amazing in the choir, How many chasing the wire, How many facing theliar, Store up cause the score up, Angelic wings so we can soar up, Spiritualwar get your sword up, Metaphorically speaking, They imported the legion.
They say you make yourself a target, Without the Mark of the Beast you can’t buy in the market, Wake up before time’s up, Can’t fake up when time’s up, Took a loss, Cook up the cost, The enemy see the rising, Now my energy is etherizing.
Can’t hesitate in the present state, The frequency is officially shifting, The freecan see eventually the lifting, The veil being torn, All hell will mourn. Atthis new dimension, Only the truth is the pension, Jesus is Lord did I mention.
They say Thursday is the worst day cause no one knows about the first day, They wantyou in the hearse day cause the world coming to a cursed day, Solar eclipse is not a birthday, It's a prophecy to earth day, Jesus Christ will purge the end day.
They want you banned from society cause God’s plan is your priority, Spread the nameJesus, Thread the game due to seizures, Christ is Lord over all, The price Iswhat the devil can’t afford over all, Take heed to the silence, Fake deeds ofbalance.
When you living right you repent so you can live in light, My trajectory is skyhigh, God is protecting me that’s why I still smile, I don’t fake it withfolks, I break all the yokes, Everything ain’t about the riches, My soul inJesus as the world glitches.
The control of life belongs to God, They mock and troll on God, The thirteenbloodlines are in power, Earth’s dream is in our power, Unfortunately it’s anightmare, Most importantly does your light care, Partakers in Christ,Undertakers look for a price.
They can’t JFK me, They can’t MLK me, They can’t break me, They can’t fake me, Theycan’t make me, I ain’t paranoid, I know they got the Polaroid, Watching myevery move in Christ, Take caution cause on my head is a price, Can’t auctionmy slice.
I thank the water then squeeze the lemon, I ain’t with the beast venom, You knowwhat I mean, You know I ain’t mean, Lovingkindness, Southern silence, FEMAcamps ready for the population, Dreamer stamps ready to stop the nations, Weall need salvation.
I can’t retire until I see the saints in the choir, Give thanks you been through thefire, They blanked when I broke the wire, Spiritual rank I’m gettinghigher, The banks took an oath to be a liar to, The clank will soon be dire.
Our Saviour is risen, Our labor ain’t missing, Jesus Christ is the truth, Seizures of thesacrifice is not the fruit, God has to be your main thought, It’s hardbut it must be the sane heart, They can’t bench me, They can’t trench me, Theycan’t drench me.
I’m real no cartoon, The deal is to take your heart soon, I’m going out in a blaze,I’m growing out of that faze, You want to be a gate keeper, You want to be ahate reaper, The enemy can’t haunt me cause the slate deeper, Countdown to thestate sleeper.
God’s love is in every season, The doves don’t bluff for any reason, Justice isalways being served, Above this God’s footstool is earth, Don’t fake it withthe low vibes, They won’t make it with the old pipes, Don’t play with theworld, Pray for the world.
Study the playbook. It’s muddy if they slay you with the hook, Have no fear, Thewrath is all year, Their craft is ball gear, Focus on God always, That hocus isin them all days, Better repent, Weather is intent, God is King, God is myeverything.
All praises to learn God. All faces need to turn to God, Look within, The book isnot a myth of sin, Biblical power, Spiritual power, All in righteousness, Thefall is the crisis ain't blessed, Cold freezing brains, Gold squeezing grains.
What’s in the Bible is truth not news, What’s in the idol is the fruit of fools, Whocares about the mundane, Who dares about the sun’s pain, Got to see therainbow, Got to free the angels, The world is scripted, The Word is gifted.
God meant every word said, We must repent or live dead, Trust the intent to givebread, Christ came to save, The sacrifice was to defeat the grave, The price todelete me I’m still brave, Perfect peace, I don’t worship the beast.
The Lord's faith defeated the grave, God ain’t stupid, God ain’t cupid, Once you automatic with the heart, Don’t matter how acrobatic the dark, Season ofrepentance, They leasing inventions, Keep living right. Peep the living night,Focused, No hocus.
Get right with the weather, Get light as a feather, We’ve been perplexed by earth’stest, We been bruised but we still didn’t lose, We’ve been crushed but stilldidn’t budge, We’ve been confused but God we choose, We’ve been in despair but westill spared.
Repentance is to your benefit, The entrance is the core element, The exit is also important, They flex it until they lose the fortune, Take care of your healthand wealth, I surrender to God, I’m not a pretender to God.
The flow is God driven, The glow is God given, To know is God living, Keep yourheart detoxed of all evil, Peep their heart in the tv box of the ego, Keep the law of the heart in the hard knocks of the legal, Don’t collide with the wall,God overrides all.
The Word Is power, The world is sour, You stuck on the milk but it’s time for themeat biblically talking, You knuck on the silk but it's time for the heatspiritually talking, Exposure cause the sun getting brighter, Composure causethey getting the spider.
Lovely words of peace, Above me is the words of please, Making sure my ways areblameless before God, Ain’t gon fake it cause I’m pure for the days areshameless before God, Can’t take the cure in the praise for the baseless beforeGod.
I plead the energy of love, I need the energy of the dove, Lord increase ourfaith, Jesus’ heart to save, Believers will defeat the grave, Show the kindnessof peace, I know behind us is the beast, God is our protector, God is ourdirector.
Plant a seed of love in Christ name, They chant a deed of above in the sacrificegame, Just know what happened on the cross wasn't a joke, What I know I ain’tcapping cause without Jesus it’s a loss and yoked, We freeing the pulse, Weseeing the results.
Heal from the past days, Real cause we’re in the last days, Even if it wasn’t stillgot to keep it integretized, Lot of folks leaving the gift to fill the dot tobe incentivized, Today is to do God’s will, They call a new play to make ithard in the real.
I ain’t decaying, my spirit red dot em, They slaying folks saying I got em, Theypreying I hit rock bottom, I ain’t playing got to lock Sodom, Your enemies arereal close, They want your energy sealed closed, The world is sold The Word isgold.
If you love God then you hate evil, If you have the dove it’s hard when your fatethey grieve you, Guard your heart cause they won’t believe you, The joker cardwill try to deceive you, The world is dark they won't receive you, They try tobob and weave you.
The world is going to get flamed up, The Word is going to get blamed up, We gon seewho was selling, We gon see who was telling, The flesh profits nothing, Thefresh stops it punting, We’re in a spiritual war, We’re in a biblical war.
We building, Rebuilding, We in the building, God’s children, All races, All faces,It’s not about flesh and blood, It's about who's fresh in love, Strive to walkthe narrow path, Thrive to talk the marrow raft, Holy spirit, Only the fakefear it.
We’re at war, You gon hear me roar, I’m gon soar. Been running I ain’t sore, Theytried to put vodou on me cause they seen the guru in me, The light got themnervous, The night they’re at service, Jesus is Lord over all, Increase us thegame over in fall.
I just want to be godly, They playing like it’s oddly, I’m praying even morehardly, I know that they can’t guard me, Energy been on fire, Enemy been aliar, Every nation riddled with skull evil, Innovation griddled with no ego.
They can’t understand me so they try to underhand me, Don’t let anybody faze you,Don’t let anybody maze you, Be right in the heart, It’s always been light in the start, Candle flow, They can’t handle the glow, Faith in God’s power, Grave can’t take my power.
Put his name on the cross, Put the game on pause, I ain’t playing with those who cheat me, Laws written in my heart no man can teach me, I take sound advice if needed, Can’t fake the found when Christ is seeded, Can’t take the ground inany heist deleted.
We headed to the mountain top, They dreaded cause the ocean gon drop, Got thepeople watching, Got the evil at caution, I know they want me on a poster, Theglow certified like kosher, They ball in the dark to the blind, Law written inmy heart and mind.
Get your heart right, Get your heart’s light, Are you filled with the holy spirit,God’s will is for the beast to fear it, Can’t be lukewarm in your mood version,Being only good is not making the cut in the purging, You need Christ, The onlyseed of price.
Only Godcan book you, They can’t rook you, They can’t mook you, They can’t shook you, They try to overlook you, They try to overcook you, They try to hook you,They try to juke you, They can’t nook you, They can’t fluke you, They can’tzook you.
Faith comes first, Saved from the curse, You must not realize that the devil is adeceiver, I only trust God who is wise on every level to the believers, Todayyou can repent and receive Jesus, New day with intent to achieve to free us.
Seek out Jesus Christ this very moment, Meek with no doubt cause they feel merry when they own it, Repentance is vital no matter what you think. Defendants is idols so don't blink, Be original, We live in divisional, God is the invincible.
I announce Jesus, I won't denounce Jesus, No breath is promised, Not even in death will I pay homage. The Lord rebuke you satan, They try to afford to recruit you in the statement, Love is truly refreshing, The dove is purely a new dimension, God I mention.
You will exist on the level when you resist the devil, Repentance is crucial, In this life you can't be neutral, In Jesus we have our being, Increase us we laugh at the demon, I look rugged caused I ain't shook I suffered, Right of truth. Light of truth.
Can't be sad again I'm the salt of the earth, Vatican timed the heart of our birth, Social security, Global impurity, Cellular discretion, Regular deception, Universal conversations, True rehearsal of the song of nations, Lord's choir, Sword's fire.
Ought to be in the fire of grace, Heart to be flyer in space, The Word is the investment, The world is a testament, Don't want material riches cause the video glitches, Peace is bestowed within, The beast is restored in sin, No lease we score to win.
Nothing to be scared of, Everything to be aware of, God said all things are taken care of, E equals MC squared as love, It's illegal to flare the dove, Feel what I'm saying, Heal the heart of praying, Worship the living God, Our purpose is living for God.
Seep the Word in your spirit, Keep the Word in your spirit, Control yourself with practice and discipline, My soul is the breath of justice in the innocent, The secrets of God, There is no regrets in God, Nature is our sanity, Danger is their vanity.
My life turned around now they want my life burned to the ground, The victory is in our Saviour, The mystery is in our labor, Jesus Christ is the one I talk about, Lead us in the rights of the sun so we can walk about, That's for everyone, Stats for everyone.
I care about the next verse in the Bible not the album, Folks aware of the curse of the idol of talcum, Growing in spirit, Glowing in spirit, They test you. They can't bless you, Pay them no mind, Don't play with no mind, Under the sun we're all one.
I just speak truth, It's a must to be meek in truth, When they see you progressing they start to stop you getting more blessings, Ain't gon happen, God told me I was wrong for clapping, Now most songs are for trapping, I don't get along with those mapping.
Folks don't get me cause they tried to bet me, Only if God let me, Now they realize since they met me, Watch for the flies they can't sweat me, Starch the lies they can't set me, They launch the skies to jet me, They crunch the cries to net me.
Heal from the sickness of false witness, People try to drive you crazy, The evil is to drive you swayze, Be a warrior not poorer, Rich in faith, They glitch cause I'm saved, Endure until the end, Ensure the sun is still to repent.
Been through the struggle, Sins I used to juggle, Now I repented is the time all the evil being invented, I have no part in the wicked, I can't laugh in my heart if you wicked, We're under Christ not Moses, There's thunder in the lights of roses.
You see people's true character when you win, You see evil's true character when you sin, We ought to be blameless before God, The heart is same bless before God. They try to downplay your light, Only God crowned you in the day of the night.
Raise the hertz cause it hurts that they want to see me in a hearse, Not new age, Now they got new rage, Same plans cause of the game plans, Born again cause they raise the horns again, Jonah is this generation's only sign, Owner of preparation is all grind.
Words seasoned with grace of no grumbling, Birds reasoned with space no tumbling, Stop cussing. Stop fussing, Take control of your reality with the love of God, Don't fake control of your reality with the made up odd, Last rodeo, Last holy road.
Couldn't brainwash me, Couldn't pain squash me, They added heaps of garbage, But I was steeped in knowledge, Knew my God, True to my God. Realize my faith got to get built up, Revitalize my faith to get the filth off.
The Rock of our salvation a lot of people don't rock with it, The stock of the generation is unlocking the myth in it, Just know Jesus is the real deal, You must know Jesus to heal in the zeal, God's hands on our life, God's plans in our life.
My trust is in God not the beast, I must listen to God in peace, The message is to everyone, Don't guess it when the enemy blitz everyone, God wants you to make it, God doesn't want you to fake it, Repent and receive Jesus cause they invent new seasons.
Radio frequency, Last rodeo we can see, No need to stockpile, The seed on the rock mile, I'm on solid ground, I'm on that olive sound, Running with overflow, They fronting like they over know, Trust in God, It's a must in God, We're the dust of God.
Lamenting, Repenting, Spirit can't be shook, They fear it cause of the book, Biblical scriptures, Spiritual riches, Love and peace, Doves won't beast, It's made up in that lease, Speaking to all people, Folks tweaking cause of all evils, Pins and needles.
Forever indebted to God, Morever I said it to God, The enemy will attack your mind, My energy attract the score sign, They know I'm real but I ain't with no deal, Still my concern to feel one hundred, Still on my journey to heal the flooded.
Ain't no switching in the holy spirit, Folks glitching cause they fear it, Pray you don't lose it, Don't pay for the music, Not saying to steal, Just let it be revealed, It must be healed, Sing praise unto God, Bring the grace unto God, Make space unto God.
Advance the movement, Add sense to improvement, Talking about removing the veil, I ain't walking assuming what you tell, Don't grieve the holy spirit, Don't leave the holy spirit, They fear your energy, Stay clear of the enemy, Last year for the remedy.
No middle ground. They wired the metal for sound, Fire petal in her crown, Tried to kettle me couldn't drown, I don't meddle in the mound, Won't settle for the bound, Can't nettle me I was found, No fear if you fettle the round, I'm here for a special noun.
The Lord made the day, You can't afford to fade in that day, Folks under a strong delusion, That yoke make them wonder in the song of confusion, Break chains and bonds, Can't fake the pain in the rounds, Jesus is my Guardian, Believers we know God again.
Got me feeling invincible, Got me healing in principle, I'm talking about that grace, I'm walking without a shadow of a doubt in new space, They act weird cause they truly fear, Karma is not a joke, That trauma made me woke, Spiritual mind, Biblical grind.
Views from my eyes, The news is for the lies, Go within to not sin, The world is grieving, The world is leaving, This is all temporary, The fall is legendary, Be lawful. The game is awful, Each soul has their own story, Beseech Jesus who is your glory.
The right strategy, The night tragedy, The light prodigy, Name the Majesty, The game is magic street, Got you at crossroads, I ain't locked at the lost codes, They mock at the cost of modes, The victory is Jesus Christ, The mystery increased us in the heist.
I don't flex cause I'm blessed, The next won't come in a text, Stop lagging and boasting, Why you tagging and toasting, Why you bragging and coasting, They know when your vibes are low, Please repent so your lives can glow, The intent is pure for your soul.
They want you to walk aimlessly, I'm surprised cause you the same as me, The sunrise melt the game as tea, Their enterprise is dealt the fee, Talking about the cabal, Unlocking what's in the wall, The world tryna fake you, God won't leave you or forsake you.
Build up your faith, N.W.O. is filth make sure you're saved, The world is turning over, The world is burning over, Not a front, Ain't no time to stunt, Order out of chaos, Won't flip a quarter for the playoffs, Endure until the end, Stay pure until the end.
Remain tapped in with Christ, Abstain from the trapped in the myth of the spiced, See the spirits roaming wild, The tea is spearmint chroming mild, The light is power. Be right in this hour, Her kiss is like a flower, The blur blitz is to devour.
Let folks see the results, The yoke is cause you are the salt, Break the chains. Don't mistake the gains, Mountaintop flow, They hunting cause I copped the glow, Gift of God with the love of God, The fruits of the spirit, The truth is they fear it.
Truth ain't lukewarm, You been warned, Feel like a newborn, See the beast with a new horn, Oxen, gold and corn, I'm unboxing the scroll it ain't torn, Reading the original form, Greeting in the subliminal storm, Now we meeting they know I transformed.
The truth is the air I see, I don't even pay no mind to no pharisee, They got the nerve to act like how dare I see, Only God I serve that's why they scared I see, Got the energy that's why they stare at me, Blot out the enemy love is the air I breathe.
Look what flew in, In the book I'm fluent, Biblical vibe, Spiritual tribe. Repentance is not the beast inventions, Stay present in God, Pray for the blessing of God, I know Jesus, The flow increased us, They showed who the real believers.
Truth been here, They soothe sin with fear, I reject the beast with authority, They reject peace that's why they have no loyalty, This ain't about flesh and blood, Don't faint when you fresh in love, Keep striving in faith, Endure until the end to be saved.
Don't judge a book by it's cover, Don't grudge life if you love her, Light heart makes for a right start, Be truthful with your soul, Free all the beautiful souls, The revelation is real, The elevation is for the real, Repent and represent.
The real is here. Heal from the fear, Nobody faking anymore, Nobody caking anymore, People want to control, They won't receive you cause the sun taking a toll, No matter who it is, I don't flatter no matter who it is.
The fruits speak for itself, My roots is meek in it's wealth, Strapped my boots to glitch death. No fear on my part, They know it's the year where it start, The glow is dear to my heart, Can't play games with people, Got to slay the game in all it's evil.
Folks expect you to know rocket science, That yoke tryna stop you by the lock of violence, So many gatekeepers, So many fate sleepers, Vibrate on the frequency of love, You can't hide hate when the free can see what you're made of.
I need a new jersey, The seed is truth's mercy, Biblical vest, Spiritual test, Jesus got the gift. The believers know they can't stop the shift, Many want knowledge not love, Many want homage not love, You can't finesse God, Give thanks and bless God.
My heart is a canvas of love, Don't be anxious just keep your thoughts on what's above, I don't need you to acknowledge me, Rather eat seeds than to be injected by technology, Know the exact truth, Society don't know how to act in the truth.
Since the battle soared, I now battle with the sword, Been in combat, Now old folks want to come back, Christ woke me up, The spice couldn't choke me up, They see a new star is emerging, The truth got me in a new heart of version.
Called, chosen and faithful, You can't ball in the closing when you not grateful, We not supposed to be splurging. We supposed to be purging, The crows circling is urgent, The heart that grows is heavenly discernment, The world is spiritually burning.
The heart is being tested, Where do we start if the world ain't rested, We got to change our capacity of compassion, Why act strange when you have the audacity to come blasting, Out of their range cause of my tenacity in the action.
I ain't counting the minutes, I'm free of the haunting spirits, How many warnings do you need, How many torments did I plead, Had to get my soul right, They mad cause they couldn't get my soul at night, I don't need no wishes, Life is full of kisses.
Military turning to police, Auxiliary burning the lease, You can't save earth, They try to enslave you at birth, Don't sleep on the world powers, Steep in the Word for hours, The beast system is being activated, The peace of my vision is why they hate it.
We know the circumstances, I glow when the earth advances, Pay them no mind when they bring low vibes, Pray for them cause you don't know where the soul resides, They try to slay the flow cause they sow the lies, You ain't got to cry when the rose dies.
I love God with all my heart, Cry with a dove cause the end is the start, Just know your mourning will turn to joy, The glow is warning the learnt not to get destroyed, All that clever talk, With Jesus I forever walk, The night will sin, The light will win.
The world mixing spiritual and technology, The Word is biblical psychology, Free your mind of the clutches, The key to unlock the crutches, God orders my steps, Brick and mortar to build the steps, Now it clicks cause you a warrior unto death.
There's no such thing as living how you want then repent after, There's much I know to sing giving praise to the One who told me to read the chapter, Biblical verses keep me in peace mode, Spiritual curses keep them in beast mode, We broke the disease code.
Your thoughts should be obedient to Christ, Your hearts should tapped into the ingredient of Christ, That of course is love, The only force is love, It's a thundering hug of peace, If you wondering they dug up the beast, Suffering cause the plug on the lease.
They had joy when I was down, Now they want me destroyed cause they feel the crown, They set a decoy so I would drown. I'm not a toy I can't be clowned, No soy in my blood I feel the sound, They can't employ love to burn to the ground, The envoy is now found.
Ain't no coincidence, The saints glow with innocence, The banks steal the currency from Genesis, Give thanks to God cause we know the emergency of the nemesis, But I ain't saving the beast, They plugged trying to enslave my peace, Don't hug the grave's lease.
The only atonement is Jesus, The holy component is the lost needs us, The Great Tribulation, The state of this simulation, Repent and receive Christ, Don't invent to deceive the sacrifice, Walk in integrity, Can't talk to the entity, Unlocking my identity.
We exist due to God, We insist the truth of God, Resist the devil and he will flee, Desist the devil cause he can't free, Persist of the verses, Earth's mist is of the curses, Dirt kissed is like bowing down, Myrrh blitzed is like vowing drowned.
Now that I woke up they want my heart broke up, They wanted me in a vegetable state, I counted the gems etched in gold, It's splendid I'm free, I blended the tea, Self control is key, Wealth don't roll on a tree, They hurt cowardly, Work powerfully.
Interpret the codes, The serpent is their modes, They don't believe it's in you, That's why they ain't receiving you, Copying my style, Lobbying my smile, Depends who you are, Repent whoever you are, Love thy neighbor, They try to sell doves for labor.
Be slow to speak and quick to hear, The glow of the meek is why they try to trick with fear. Folks are fake, The yokes will have you snaked, Putting chips in pets, Next is you in gradual steps, Don't take it, Won't bake it, Be bold, The key is gold.
Stay motivated, Pray cultivated, I know they hate it, I know I made it, The glow got them jaded, The flow got them faded, Thank you for my daily bread, Give thanks cause for you he bled, Talking about Jesus, I ain't walking with deceivers.
Stay poised when they try to slay with noise, Pray you can speak your voice, Don't play with your choice, Discipline is hard but is of God, Menacing heart is their odd, Medicine star is in the pod, Sin is the issue, Her sting is to kiss you, God I miss you.
Folks walking alive but dead in the spirit, Folks talking that jive but won't said if they're near it, Christ ain't no myth, The price is a gift, There's no joke. The world swear they woke, Watch them fade up cause ain't nothing made up.
Joy comes in the morning, Don't get destroyed in the warning, Weeping doesn't last, Keeping doesn't last, You came with nothing and you will leave with nothing, The game is stunting but they will leave punting, Don't test God, We must confess to God.
Learn to stay in the present moment, Burn the play in the crescent omen, With God nothing is impossible, With God the now is responsible, Return to your first love, Discern your versed dove, Truth is beautiful, The proof is life is a miracle.
God has always taken care of me, See folks faking like they care for me, Who truly know Christ, They unruly cause of the price, Salvation is worth more than the entire universe, Revelation is earth's core when the fire within is the truth of curse.
Inspiring dreams, Deciphering dreams, They don't want me to be a sage, They won't stop until they see me in a cage, God is ancient and here in the present, God is patient so here is the blessing, Bring the world closer to Christ, The Word is exposure of dice.
Heart decree by the art degree, Store up your treasures in heaven, They score up their measures in the leaven, See that no one deceives you, Agree with those who believe you, With a mutual understanding, The world is unusual with their understanding.
Rescue me from the residue of the fee, Diffuse the situation. You can't infuse no initiation, Those rituals is being broken, Rose miracles is being spoken, The Word is traveling throughout the realm, It's absurd how they unraveling the doubt of the Lamb.
Full of mercy, Bull can't curse me, We're under the covenant of Christ, They err in the wonder cause of the supplement of cries, Why oppress if you're blessed, They're stressed cause you have confessed, Jesus is Lord, Increase us in the war.
Correction is for your protection, When you feel the belt of truth, That's when you heal cause you felt the truth, Be zealous to repent, Don't be jealous of intent, God wants you to be blameless, The heart should not be flameless, God name is forever blessed.
Truth is here now, Proof is how they fear now, The glow is beautiful, The snow is a funeral, Win souls with the gifts bestowed on, Been with the gold restored in the sun, Every second folks is scheming, Every legend is woke in dreaming.
If it ain't God's way then it's a fraud way. My testimony is blessed in God only, They pray you have a tragic life, I don't play with no magic in my life, Sin causes major damage, Win and losses you got to manage, It ain't a piece of cake, Seize the fake.
All nations can come unto God, We ain't taking vacations when it comes to God, Go hard forever. Gold heart forever. Don't grow weary, Just grow the berry, Only God should you dread, Only God gives you bread, Make room for peace not the beast.
Reflect on your respect, Don't think of any evil thoughts, They wink cause of many evils arts, Jesus tasted death for everyone, Deceivers wasted breath for everyone, That Hebrew and Gentiles don't matter, God knew to send trials cause you won't shatter.
Love thy neighbor, The dove is my prayer, Wings of grace, We sing the praise, Unto God only, Continue in God only, Christ came for you, The dice is not a game for you, We don't gamble, We won't ramble, They want me in shambles, Love is the purest example.
New covenant is the true suffering, There's no more excuses, Those who flex loses, There's no need to worry cause that's when your seed is buried, Meaning you get choked up by the cares of the world, Folks scheming cause you woke in the Word.
We not watching cable, They got the auction of the fable, Just know Christ is the real deal, The glow of the wise is what they try to steal, The flow of our cries is sealed, We shall rejoice. We don't need your invoice, All races included, Why faces deluded.
Folk know exactly what they are doing, Break the yoke that blocks your flow intactly cause they spewing, The fight is against your flesh and the spirits of dark forces, The light is the sense of test and they fear it with stark sources.
The heart of salvation, The start of revelation, I listen to God first, If not I'm cursed, Prepare for the worst, We care for the verse, Repentance is vital like CPR, The sentence is in the Bible not a VCR, Valley of the dry bones, Highly of the sky tones.
Can't play with my energy, Can't play with the enemy, The world is a distraction, The Word is incaptioned, Pray I don't get infraction, They slay with gnashing, Everybody is ancient through regeneration, Illuminati is working with satan in every nation.
I don't care about what pleases the flesh, I won't dare to doubt the thesis of the test, I know God is right here, I know God with right fear, The purpose is greater, The service is our Creator, The worship is unlocked in Jesus our Saviour.
I only care about what pleases God, The holy stare is about what decreases the fraud, If you real it's met with love, If you heal it's met with the dove, The silence doesn't violate the peace, The balance annihilate the beast, Erase the evil, We're all equal.
How you see life determines your reality, Now you free in life with discernment cause they can't rattle the key, Political correct folks think they can spiritual protect the yokes, Repent to remove the chains, The end is to prove your life wasn't in vain.
Life is a test of love, It's not about flesh and blood, Skin color is despicable whoever is playing that game, You're a sin lover so to whoever I'm slaying that game, God sees the heart, You see the work of art, It will stop when grace starts.
We're all equal in God's eyes, Don't err cause salvation is legal in God's eyes, We are the spiritual proof, This is the heart of biblical truth, Start confessing and stop guessing, This like Wizard of Oz, Your light gets blizzard without cause.
It's about living in the will of God, Don't doubt in giving in the will of God, It's not about being cool cause you end up being a fool, They'll use you like a tool cause you ain't covered by the wool, Your eyes must be clear, The skies must be near.
Chose God until my last breath, The rose won still even in the last death, Resurrection power, Every perception in this hour, We need Jesus always, The seed will increase us always, Bring folks to the light, Break the yoke of the night.
The divinity of salvation is sacred, The infinity of revelation is graded, See the Word doesn't change, It's the world that needs to change, When your vibration is out their range they act strange, God is love forever, The heart is love endeavored.
The world is backwards, The Word is not actors, This is real life like your pulse, They blitz when you heal due to the cults, They feel the pressure, They try to steal the treasure, No deal of any measure, Opinions is not credence to dominion.
I don't play with Babylon's trance, I don't get along with the plans, We don't sing songs for chance, Live right and don't take the wrong stance, Build on the rocks cause of the strong sands, Jesus rose from the grave not easter eggs, Truly saved I won't beg.
Salvation is the remedy. Revelation is the melody. Start praying folks, Stop playing folks, Awaken from the slumber, They shaking cause of my jumper, Not talking sports, Talking about my source, I know they come with force, I don't run the devil's course.
Her kiss on this level, I know I got to resist the devil, Repentance is vital, Free lessons is not to have idols, This is why the world is suffering, This is why the world is buffering, The Word is a covering, Truth is they of satan, Proof is they blatant.
Be better every time, Free weather every time, My treasure is in heaven. The measure is in the leaven, Your energy is haywire, The enemy is slayed fire, Ain't nobody elite, Anybody can be delete, Meek up cause I can't kick my feet up.
The saved defeats the grave, If you have peace why do you craft the beast, Dedicate your every heartbeat to God, Educate your every heartbeat to God, We can't afford to play, They ain't no award to pray, Seek for guidance, Meek for no violence.
The key is obedience to God, The decree is innocence to the heart, See the hatred is real, To be sacred is to heal, Why plot to see me rot, Resist the devil, The list on the level, Keep striving, We still surviving, They change when you're out their range.
If you don't do your research they gon put you on a T-shirt, We being played like fools, That's why those in the fray rules, Take out the trash, They fake out with cash, The matrix is getting exposed, The ancients warned us of the next rose.
If your heart is real in God then your love is real for all, The world looking for a deal but not looking to heal, I ain't fake with my energy, I don't mistake the enemy, When they acting weird then I know I'm feared, They slay to sin, I pray to win.
Know your energy and know your enemy, I'm living by the Word, I'm not living for the world, Learning with the guidance of God, My heart burning the violence of all, Doing my part to discern the science of the law, Stay within, They slay with sin.
You are a living testimony of love, Now they giving testimony said you not of, Saying they know you but looking foolish trying to slay the old you, Born again, At the end I won't mourn again, Weeping for a moment, Keeping my soul you can't own it.
April Fool's, Maple blues, The veil is still over the world, Check your mail until the game is over in the Word, Why act like you saved if you want to see me in the grave, No need to worry or be in a hurry, Ain't no next time, Ain't no flex time.
With the Word you see the myth in the world, Society is plugged into the cable of the fable, The priority of the wicked is crushed with their label on the table, Forbidden laws is coming back, Forgiven hearts they can't stomach that, I ain't running back.
The moment you heal is when they stopped being real, They can't own it so they steal the crop so it can't peel, They attacking your heel so the soil of truth you can't feel, I won't take no deal, I won't fake that I'm sealed, Pray the world gets a meal.
False promise, They lost common sense, I've been humming since, The essence of salvation, The blessing of all nations, Doomsday clock, Tombsday shock, Transforming to my truest self, Sands storming to my newest self, Blank the odd, Thank God.
In the land of ego, I'm not a fan of evil, Keep your heart right, Weep no more you are light, Don't think everything is gumdrops, They link on everything until the sun stops, Folks can't handle the breath but they can do candlework to put you to death.
I'm on the mission of the ancient, My soul is not in submission to satan, Basic knowledge of God is love, Face it the heart etched of God is the dove, Higher learning, Prior turning, Standing on my guard, Branding has become the nod.
Live according to Christ, These myths ain't the perfect sacrifice, If people care they gon pay attention, If evil is in the air they gon pray for ascension, Not talking about everybody, Not walking with everybody, Now you the enemy cause I got the energy.
Spiritually disciplined cause I'm biblically heaven sent, Repent with a pure intent, Don't be bent in the impure ascent, You free to invent but I don't consent, New tea to blot the sin rent I'm content, The prophecies must happen, No time for capping.
Old folks turned foes coming out the woodworks. Gold yokes burned by the blows of good works, They want to see if you still have the light of Christ, They hunt you in the night of sacrifice, Loved ones and close ones tuned goats, The doves sing heart notes.
Being real means walking in love with no fear, Being healed means walking with the dove in any year, Biblical discipline is your spiritual insulin, The walk in Christ is everlasting, The talk in Christ is ever fasting, Repent cause the enemy won't relent.
Crop the cake, Stop being fake, I'm appalled by people's actions, The fly on the wall is the evil attraction, If need be everyone is required to repent, If the seed is free everyone is wired to intent, Think right, Think light, Don't blink in the night.
Training ground, Graining ground, The crops will yield with practice, The drops will heal with brackets, You watching the game, Who's watching the name, Society keep acting like they sleep but faking like they woke, Try to lie to me but the truth I soaked.
We all need Christ for everything, The seed of Christ is not a play thing, Baptized in that holy water, Better act right if you a starter, Used to play bench, Now they confused cause I broke the wrench, Power of the lion, The hour where the world is dying.
Make sure your thoughts are obedient to Christ, Don't take the cure of the cults cause the ingredient is a sacrifice, They quake in the drought cause you're defeating them with the price, God's love is free, God's dove is free, No more chains, No more stains.
Destined to walk in my spiritual service, Investing in my walk by biblical worship, Lean not on your own understanding, Behind the scene the thunder is landing, Love is not in bondage, The dove is not in carnage, See first then you can heal the thirst.
Times of refreshment and perfect peace, The crimes of enmeshment and worship of the beast, I know history is rough, But the victory ain't bluff, Jesus really paid the price, Deceivers thought they really played the Christ, He still rose. God is who I chose.
Speak your voice, Speak your choice, All in righteousness, All in Christ is blessed, Stop rejecting God, Stop injecting your bod, Don't fall victim to the deception, Don't fall for the rhythm of the inception, Can't play games, Thank and pray for the names.
Determined to free the captive, The sermon is the key to be active, Better wake up, Can't wife her if she caked up, Love ain't lost, The dove ain't lost, You ain't looking within, You cooking with sin, Now they glitching and switching, Stay out the kitchen.
God made a way, God paid the way, Perfect atonement, Worship no opponent, Eternal life is real, The journal of a wife will heal, Then came Jesus to deliver the world from deceivers, Simulation like a museum, Any situation you can't fuse them.
They reminiscence on the past, They lost heaven's kiss when they were cast, God don't play with sin, God won't play with sin, This simulation is temporary, This situation is in the sanctuary, The temple is within, The sample is opinion, I bless not guess.
You can try to fulfill biblical prophecy but only God can do that, You plan to try to pull the will of spiritual privacy only the fraud would do that, The meek is available to help by love, The meek is unfailable to melt the bluff, Toxic not exotic.
God's precious grace is written on my face, Had to learn to give people their space, Had to learn evil can be erased, Must give credit to God, Trust the medic of God, You are healed, You are sealed, Indebted to Jesus, They inverted lukewarm believers.
Had to learn the hardest lessons to recognize they can't burn my harvest blessings, Focus on the now, That hocus is not a vow, Be careful what you say in your mind and mouth, Be thankful of how God is kind with no doubt, The law of truth, It's raw in truth.
God don't deal with stupidity, God don't deal with cupidity, We weren't given a spirit of timidity, We're living in a spirit of infinity, I know eternal rules, Don't enroll in the inferno schools, My journal is the views, The lab of the infernal is news.
Can't steep the rust, Can't sleep with lust, Wake up to what's coming. Can't fake up what they summon, I know they messing with me, But they ain't the one who blessing me, Only God, You know your heart holy when they act odd, We don't play no joker card.
My attitude is integrity, My gratitude is eternity, Roll with the punches, Bowls of fruit in my lunches, They know what they do, The day is soul what they do, See through their features they only worship creatures, Lip service, Can't clip my purpose.
People can't handle the lion, The evil in the candle is dying, You think it's a joke, You think you woke, Holy spirit got them shook, They only fear it cause you know the Book, I don't do the autograph pertaining to the art of craft, Justice or wrath.
Just admit you signed a deal to reject Jesus, I don't trust no habit to blind the real believers of Jesus, We see with clarity, We see with charity, They want you to be part of the system, They don't want you to be set apart with wisdom.
Feel like I'm in the lion's den, They steal time in the Cern to destroy your lens, For the elect's sake the days will be shortened, For disrespect sake they pray for abortion, Solar eclipse is it a hoax or do you regard the notes, Dunk talking, Monk walking.
Make the most of your life in righteousness, They take the ghost to give to the scientist, Keep seeking God's face, Keep meeking God's grace, We're universal expressions of love, There's no reversal impression of the dove, Live fully. Don't live unruly.
Live for the glory to God, Give more for the story of God, Alpha and Omega, No laughter in the soul breaker, Seek mercy and justice, The meek they will try to curse thee with substance, Be sober minded, Game over don't be blinded, Transcend, They can't stand.
The reflection in the mirror, The dimension is clearer, Transcension is nearer, Matrix ain't set in stone or in code, The ancients didn't bet on the bone in gold, Some cast lots on the innocent, That's why they didn't last when they did the realest sin.
You can only control how you feel, You can only control how you heal, Give people their space, If you live evil you will be erased, It ain't what if I have grace, You can't trust the devil, You can dust the devil, Bone collector, Throne protector.
Your birth name details your life, The earth game is like retail for life, Get out of the rat race, Get out of the cat pace, Be set apart from society, Be set in your heart as priority, Be a winner not a sinner, Pay them no mind, Pray for your mind.
Grace covers my every heartbeat, Space covers my every star treat, Crucify your flesh, Who's fly in the test, No crash landing, No trash banding, The sun is rinsing to erase what they claim is convincing, The Almighty rules, In light they think you a fool.
If they idol looking, I'm Bible booking, Keeping my heart on the verses, Deepen my heart on the verses, You realize all this is due to transgressions, We will rise when they fall due to confessions, This ain't race laced, This is grace based.
So many errors, So many terrors, Still got to walk right, Still got to talk right, Can't fear if it ain't God, Can't hear if it ain't God, I know the dread they have, I know Jesus bled to save from the wrath, We don't sin at jokes, We win at cracked yokes.
How did it go from eating potato chips to now brain chips, If you go past your limit, Then you will be the last to mimic, Microchips and hydro clips, The world scared to return to nature, But they prepared to relearn the danger.
I ain't take no oath, Thank God for the quote, There's a message in every line, There's a presence in every mind. There's a blessing in every sign. Final four horsemen, Don't be idle in the core of the endorsement, Christ stamped me, They price is to vamp me.
What's headed to this earth got them dreaded by the birth, The flesh withers, The blessed rivers, A lot of people talking the equation, But how many people walking in the ancient, God is King. Scars on my wings, World turned to a mess, To Jesus I confess.
Class lootings, Mass shootings, Third temple, Word ammo, Earthquakes and disasters, Birth rates and the pastors, No need to read faster, No need to speed faster, I lasted through the doubt, Don't be without the juice casted out,
Live in grace. Given space, Righteous standing, Crisis landing. Always be ready, Always be steady, You must be born again, Trust the world won't be sworn again, This the last go around, The past is going to the ground, Loud and clear, The crowd I don't fear.
Book of Amos, Look for the angels, Shook cause they see the bengals, They took to spend gold, There will be a great revival of hearts, There will be a great arrival of hearts, Jesus is Lord, Visas for the cord, Christ is Sovereign, The price was the offering.
Don't bash the covenant, Don't trash the government, That don't mean to bow down, That won't be the sound now, You acting unruly, I'm attracting truly, Return to your heart, They want to burn you in the dark, Be concerned to play your part.
Improve the faith of your heart, Remove the hate from your heart, Keep your love in God, Peep the dove in the squad, Obedience is better than sacrifice, The ingredients is the letter of the act of Christ, No this ain't fake, Jesus thought of you on the stake.
Wait expectantly for God, They hate heaven's tea for the heart, I'm encouraged in faith, Their sin is nourished by the grave, Close mouths don't get fed, Rose doubts don't get bread, Why deny love if it's truly real, Why deny the dove if you truly healed.
I say no to idolatry, They see the glow they doubting me, Can't take the soul out of me, I know the deception, Folks mad cause I declined their reception, Diabolical schemes, Psychological dreams, The game is froggy, Jesus name is the reason they mock me.
Through thick and thin, Truth is they only click when the land sin, The world is sick if you tapped in, Pray for the lost, Don't play for the cost, We don't gamble. We don't ramble, Spiritual warfare, Biblical hardware, Paid up. This ain't made up.
Open your spiritual lens, Hoping the world gets a biblical cleanse, What happened to society, They capping salvation is not the priority, The vibe is low, The hype is glow, Who shine with Christ, Who grind with Christ, Who mind on Christ.
Love and peace and faith is key, The doves ban the beast and save the free, They keep lying, Pray we keep flying, Where's the reciprocation of kindness, There's anticipation of sinus, Spread the name Jesus, Daily bread in the name of Jesus.
Subconscious threat, Obnoxious bet, They know you know, They want to slow your flow, The glow real. The crow steal, Conqueror and a champion, Not a wanderer in the mammon, They hate God not you, My fate in God not you, Try to cripple me, Christ delivered me.
We lift your name, No myth for the game, Walking with Jesus, Talking the gift of Jesus, Healed by love. Sealed by love, Fully in peace, They unruly in the beast, Kindness is a plus, The finest is a must, They try to slay the meek cause we pray at God's feet.
Prayed the name hard, Played the game hard, Money don't define me, Honey don't rewind me, Lord, change my heart finance, Don't break the cord of the heart's silence, We're like a mere vapor, I don't fear labor. Love thy neighbor.
Still amazed by God, They still in a haze cause of the flawed, Thinking I would fall short, I don't want the ball in my court, Stand tall cause life is short, Pray she don't call to abort, Christ paid the penalty, The sacrifice wasn't for vanity.
Point blank I'm been dealing with pride period, Anointed thankful I cried in healing had to bury it, Humble my mind cause they want to crumble my mind, Once in a while my eyes see women with lust, I know it's my flesh cause God said to be free of that bust.
Pray for the world, Don't play with the Word, Lost and I was found, The cost is the sound, Do you hear God, Do you fear the odd, It's clear life is hard, Ain't got peers cause they fraud, You can't trust no one on earth, You can't plus no one of birth.
Love God and your neighbor, Love hard with your favor, The truth is precious, The truth got a message, I walk in the power of peace, They walk in the power of the beast, They fear the energy, I don't fear the enemy, The test is to make you the best.
Calculate your steps, Calculate your reps, Don't be where your enemy is seated, Don't be where your energy ain't needed, Wrong place wrong time, Strong grace strong time, Yes we will succeed, Be still the seed, No pill for deceit, Can't blame me or flame me.
I'm not on the sixth power, Heart free watch how I shift the power, Love is foreign, The doves is mourning, God takes care of me even when they pretend like they there for me, Feel the animosity, This is real like varsity, You can't hide, Jesus is my guide.
Higher energy, I got the fire for the enemy, In the pulpit is the heresy. The culprit is the pharisee, You got the audacity to play, They can't part the sea cause they don't pray, To our King who is God, True wings even when it's hard.
My heart is in service to God, When it start they get nervous cause it's hard, Spiritual warfare going wild, Biblical warfare going dialed, Answer the phone, They try to censor the stone, Wisdom over fame, The system like the game, Know your light and right.
Strong pressure, Stay fresher, They thought I would crumble, In the drought I didn't fumble. Remain humble, The rain couldn't make me stumble, Love is the x factor, It ain't made up no actor, It's already explained, Are you ready for the next rain.
My heart got to renovate cause in the dark they bending weight, Elevate your soul, Generate your soul, By God's power, It's not hard to get devoured, It's odd to not see the world is sour, Stay present in love, Pray the blessing of the dove.
I know what's hidden in the temple, I glow cause of what's written ain't for example, This is the real, Her kiss is the deal, Babylon seducing minds, Singing songs reducing minds, This is spiritual warfare, It's beneficial the more you bear.
This is the last go around, They try to blitz cause I'm not who you want to play around, Ain't nothing being rebuilt, They do what do thou wilt, Can't succumb to the pressure, My soul ain't dumb when it comes to the measure, The gold ain't numb all treasure.
Not trying to fake who I am, They shocked I ain't dying for their mistake of who I am, Folks seen my light, The yokes been in the night, Break the chains, The earth quakes in the rain, For the sake my life won't be in vain, No flowers and cake for my pain.
If you wake up with evil your mind, Then why you trying to say it's illegal to be kind, I hope you pray your ego don't make you blind, God should be your first thought, The devil should be your worst thought, Be holy cause God is your only.
I triumphed over the curses, I high jumped over with the verses, Wake up from this illusion, Take up your cross in this confusion, Second coming, They begging to summon, They reckon the drumming, This is the last session but this ain't the last blessing.
My energy warn folks, My enemy yarn folks, How you claim love and hate at the same time, Now they claim the dove and fate for game time, God is justice, The fraud lack substance, Turn from your sins, Learn from your sins, Point of peace, Can't join the beast.
Fast so you can erase the past, The world is cast so it won't last, Raise your vibration, Grace is my hydration, Folks plotting, The yoke's rotten, Don't taste the fruit, Don't waste the truth, We don't play no tournament, The glow is permanent.
Mental ranking wisdom, Central banking system, Love is the math, Doves know the path, I ain't going for that nonsense, I'm glowing cause of my conscience, Deceivers brought us into the night, Jesus brought us into the light, Earth is for God by the heart.
Since you carry the light, They rinse in the berry of the night, World is shook cause you know what's in the Book, The verses break the curses, Stay in the holy spirit. Try to play me cause they fear it, Jesus is in God's will, Increase our love to heal.
Fix your heart finance, Don't mix the rock of violence, New kix for the walk of silence, Folks don't get that, So they try to bet that, No time for a bracket, Gold lime for the packet, They mad cause you're really in Jesus, Don't be bad in the seasons.
My heart's symphony is telling me win for me, I don't you want to sin for me, They taunt you cause you're a kin to the story, Jesus died and rose, We cried and chose, To walk with God forever, Truth unlocks faith when it's hard morever.
Foks changing their tune from auto to lotto, My tune is the motto, Only God Knows, Lonely when the heart grows, Loved ones turned to foes, Dove'd suns burned the woes, They want to vex you cause they can't next you, When's the last time they text you.
Please don't sleep on the powers that be, Please don't sleep on the hours that be, Heart of truth the Bible hit different, They start to soothe the idol to get in shifting, People pretending, The evil they defending, The light got them shook, Lamb's Book.
I got the main ingredient, I'm at the spot cause I abstain from the expedient, The powers that be shook when you walk in Christ The flowers ain't a crook in the price, Daffodils and Roses, Laugh and heal with Osmosis.
Be legit, Be enriched. Be a glitch, We don't switch, My heart ain't stitched, Covered in Jesus name, Love her in Jesus name, It's up to you to live right, It's up to you to give light, To the nations, Truth is ancient, The Lord rebuke you satan.
They trying to interfere so you can enter fear, Just understand the end is near, Repent in the holy spirit clear, They only scared cause they don't know the year, You can act tough but God had enough, Every heartbeat is real no bluff.
Specifically I'm biblically spiritually, Typically I'm vividly dimensionally, State of emergency, Your faith is currency, The earth belongs to God, The rebirth is the songs of the heart, The light disrupts the program, The night corrupts the soul lamb.
I adjust on the fly, I suggest you don't lie, Cover all your corners, They are lovers of mourners, Have a contrite heart, Better act right it's only the start, I ain't scared to say Jesus, God spared me from the prey of deceivers.
Praying to The Most High King who is God, They playing with the ghost of the one eye thing that is the pod, Look with your heart, Read the Book for your heart, Talking about the verses of biblical codes, They walking in doubt of spiritual modes.
If your ministry is race based then you might be called a worker of iniquity, If the industry was grace based then the light would be a worker of divinity, All is welcome to receive salvation, Wake up call for all nations, Jesus saves, Don't fear the grave.
Where I'm from I don't love sin, Don't be scared of the drum when the doves sing, You got to get rid of your ego, Still say Jesus even when they try to make it illegal, I'm not here to debate, I'm not here for the hate, Christ the Rock is my faith.
Sinners crave the grave, Winners is saved from the grave, Meaning death can't hold them, They scheming cause they was told the gem, Keep your heart purely love, Peep your heart if it's surely the dove, Rebirth to be in peace, Free earth in peace.
Contrite and meek, Act right it's you they seek, We not on dreaming time, We not on demon time, Take a deep breath, They fake cause they keep death, Life is your birth right, Your wife should be your earth light, There will be a revolution in execution.
The trail has been set, The grail has been set, We must live according to God's standards, We must give supporting the heart's manner, God is King, Love is everything, My heart opened to peace, The dark hoping for the beast, Whoever you are. Know you a star.
Heavenly Father, I pray I don't bother, May I have a cup of that holy water, Thank You for Your love, By the riverbanks with Your dove, The women by the well, I know they looming cause I won't sell, I know it's booming cause the truth I tell.
I speak to everybody even if I don't speak for everybody, They want to see you at every party, I'm not in that realm, I unlocked the heart of the lamb, No matter your race you can be saved by grace, God doesn't want you to perish, Get it by the dozen of fish.
See through the matrix with the eyes of love, Free through the ancients with the wise of the dove, Fight through the fear, Light truth clear. The night is near, Live right in every year, The mistake of sin, They kissed the cake to win, I ain't fake within.
I done seen God came through, I done see life is hard what it do, Rainbow is a covenant the sky is blue, I'm like an angel suffering cause my heart won't die in the truth, Just know I walk in perfect peace, Just know I won't worship the beast.
Every level is repentance, Cause the devil is relentless, They tremble at the sentence, It ain't got to be an example to be in the mentions, All that ramble can't take you to ascension, Feel like they gamble with the inventions, Free sample for dimensions.
You reap what you sow, Pray you keep your soul, Humble your heart, Don't fumble your heart, Trust in God. We're the dust of God, Need that boost, Duck duck goose, Don't push your luck with the truce, The name of Jesus. I don't play games with deceivers.
We attract peace and prosperity, They distract with the beast and austerity, If you playing with the charade, Then I know you be throwing shade, Life is not the arcade, Light of Christ can't let my heart fade, Night of rights won't let my heart wade.
In the Book of Revelation, Got them shook cause of my elevation, It's better you know, The weather brings in a new soul, You can't bathe in the grave. They fear you when you're saved, Yes you must be pure and endure, Bless the dust to cure the impure.
We must be unstained and blameless, They trust the untrained and shameless, Don't let the crown tilt, I won't let myself do what thou wilt, Fearfully and wonderfully made is how I was built, They against me tooth for tooth, We in the sense of truth for truth.
I been real with God since the start, That's why God healed my heart. Still some kinks, But no more links, They trying to throwing the kitchen sink, The world is dizzy, The Word is busy, Service of the worship, The biblical verses uproots spiritual curses.
Look at what's taking place, They shook at the awakened grace, Bills of Mary got them stocking up, Military coup is locking up, Now they entering the stage do it or get punished, To God I'm surrendering to gauge the new tip of the nourished.
I'm from the living heart, I'm from the giving heart, In the Book of Psalms, Within they shook cause I keep calm. They want me agitated and vexed. They want me aggravated and hexed, Still got righteous indignation, They still got crisis by inclination.
The gifts bestowed upon you is beautiful, The shift of the free soul is a miracle Vibration is on the next, Hydration is not for the flex, Give thanks, Living by the riverbanks, The natural atmosphere is love, The actual last of fear is known by the dove.
What I may say is to repent, I got to pray to invent, Instruments of peace, They are insolent cause of the beast, We're all in a moment of reflection, There is a component to the intentions, Your temple belongs to God, The example is biblically strong in God.
Your mindset and the biblical minds is not the same, The vine net is to bring in the spiritual minds cause it ain't a game, We need all believers of Jesus on one accord, Don't plead with deceivers cause I know all they want is war, Without God we're all poor.
State of affairs, They hate cause I care, Live great and there will be stares, The crate of gold is the market shares, They did a lot of damage, But God didn't vanish, Took me under love's wings, The Book thunders when the doves sings.
Many different backgrounds have mapped into the Bible, Many gifted who act sound have tapped into the Bible, I say that cause there's the right hand and left hand, I pray that the stars light the plans when in the theft ban, God is King, Doves always sing.
I really shouldn't be here, I freely couldn't when I had fear, Now God is the only one I dread, Now God is the only one I ask for bread, We must leave this flesh one day, They grieve the rest everyday, Believe in the test for the berry clay.
Success is being holy in Christ, They obsessed in fleeing of the only price, Will you repent or be planted in cement, This world is temporary, The Word is legendary, Biblical commandments, Ain't no spiritual amendments, Be light or get lost in the night.
They be trying to make the matrix unglitchable, They be lying cause grace is unwishable, Whoever you are God loves you, The river of the heart dubs you, The victory is in Jesus, The mystery is in Jesus, The history is in Jesus, The symmetry is in Jesus.
Check your credentials, Check your essentials, Love will always win, Doves will always sing, Plant the word on good soil, Grant the word on the wood coil, We need more anchors than bankers, The game is expired, Holy flame inspired.
Ain't no second guessing, Saints get the second blessing, First was Jesus, All the verse is for believers, They trying to break the meek. They drying the stake for the bleak, Scriptures determine the real, Getting richer in mind to heal.
Put in a good word for me, Don't loot the bird's wood for me, Meaning the hay nest is their harvest, What's the meaning of the clay test in the chargers, Y'all still dreaming cause you heartless, Keep it real cause I know the truth regardless.
Biblical conversation, Miracle observation, Keep your success on hush mode, Peep the finesse on clutch mode, The test of life isn't when you have the best of life, When you get hit by a comet will you return to your vomit, That's the real, What's the deal.
Seize the moment cause they try to freeze the moment, Mercy and faithfulness, Can't curse me the angels are blessed, That's what I said, Can't just live off the bread, The Word is nourishment, The world is on punishment, Slap on the wrist, Clap for the blitz.
They want you lethargic so you don't see the law is logic, Glitch the matrix and watch your heart shift, Stitch the basics and watch their part drift, Leave me alone, Believe me they will clone, Protected by grace, Connected to a new space.
Gold in the vault, My soul is the salt, They stole what the world bought, Read the scroll in the diamonds and pearl of the heart, They know the Word is the holy thought, Biblical love. Spiritual dove, Government ain't a terror they just caught in error.
Been a target no bull’s-eye, Soon chip for the market no fool's eye, When you have options, They want your goals in the auctions, Renew your thoughts, Be you in your heart, Free truth in the start, The key to the last part God's will cause I know God will.
Tell the Lord don't let me lose control, I'm in a spiritual war where they want my soul, Won't bow down to the world power, They ask me how the Word has power, I show by my fruit, They move slow in the truth, 24 seven. Plenty more in heaven.
I'm fed up with the evil. Keep your head up in the evil, Why wouldn't you want to walk in love, Why shouldn't you want to talk to the dove, Don't take it personal though it hurt, They mistake the curse of the fall to flirt, Wake up, Don't fake up.
If it ain't scriptured, Then you know ain't no water in the pitcher, In the Father I'm getting richer, Cup of that grace. What up with your heartspace, You gon see the inner workings, I'm done with the sinner workings, The sun is healing the winter workings.
Living hard, Giving heart, Breathing smart. Reading the chart, Time running out, Crimes is summoned now, Protect your soul, Connect your gold, To the wire of love, They can't put no fire on the dove, Enemies lurking, My energy is working.
No fabrication of my imagination, Know my heart is a masterpiece, I glow in the dark like a pastor's peace, No hallucination, I'm seeing they losing hating, So many I left behind, No theft of my mind, They couldn't make the journey, Haters don't concern me.
I go by morals and principles, I glow cause the soil got me invincible, No faith in imposter gold, Soul saved by the impossible, Spirit of these folks is fugazi, They fear it cause the yoke in their truth don't faze me, Stay prayed up. Made the grade up.
My heart blazing, I ain't star gazing, Ephesians and Galatians, Peace within is ancient, They hate the light of truth. They hate that you fight for the truth, The war is full throttle, Even more tears in the bottle, Joy in my soul, You can't toy with my soul.
Mention God first, Suspension of the hearse, Invention of the curse, Dimension of the verse, I'm llama'd up cause they karma'd up, Keep my distant, Peep the instant, I'm speaking parabolically, They tweaking diabolically, They bleaking ironically.
The crazy part, I had a hazy start, Now I'm in first place, They in the worst place, Not talking about inferno, Tears bottled in God's journal. Lamb's Book, They scam to cook. Correct your soul. Protect your soul, Christ found me, Their price can't ground me.
There's a remainder, I don't need no trainer, Love in Christ what a no brainer, Doves eat the rice no strainer, If it's made up it's a no gainer, Lighting them weights casting them burdens, Shifting the plates blasting them sermons, No folding in the loading.
I'm in a different spiritual bracket, This am not me biblically bragging, Meaning my heart posture is tapped in, They scheming with the dark monster capped in, Built for the battle. We don't drink milk from the cattle, Them satellite can't see the afterlife.
Your mind should be rooted in Christ, The blind is booted in price, My grind can't be looted by the heist, The sun shine it am not muted no matter how you roll the dice, I am not fatigued in the Lord, I'm in a different league I don't need the award.
Calculated the game plan, Activated the game plan, Immaculated the game plan, But it ain't a game, I do it for His name, Jesus Christ, He received us with the price, We walk in truth miracles, We talk in biblicals, Unlock the visuals, Can't block the residuals.
Invest in rest, Every moment is a test, To God I bless, It's hard in the nest, The heart is the harvest, Dark times the world is godless, Bark limes the Word is honest. Taste the fruit of wisdom. They can't paste the truth in the system.
They trying to find fault with me but God put the salt on me, Her mind is beautiful, The sunshine is a miracle, We all need to be saved, We all a seed in the grave, Will you be the tree that gives rest, I know it's free to bless, Got the key to the next.
Lambs in the barn, Yams and the yarn, Cut the cam you been warn, This is ain't hollywood, I got love for good, Christ is controversial, But the price is universal, The sacrifice wasn't a rehearsal, You could play nice but they ain't no reversal.
I'm trying to perfect my soul, I am not lying the earth's blessed with gold, The world am not fighting for resources. They're lighting the sea courses, Fret not. Don't get got, Stop playing like you know what it is, Start praying like you know what it is.
We're living in a time of digital currency, We're living in a time of biblical urgency, Behind the scenes the beast is waiting, Divide the beans the peace is ancient, Portion for all of us, They tried abortion for all of us, Don't drop when they won't stop.
They tried to throw me in the holy flame, I had to cry out to the only name, If you didn't know it's Jesus Christ, If it didn't glow they didn't receive the price, Heart talking got the world stalking, My enemy recognizing, My energy heavenizing.
Used to be a knuckle head, Fused the free with the buckle dread, Can't only eat bread and water in the cup, Make sure you get from the Father your bread up, Pray for brother and sisters, Don't play with others who whisper, Stay present. The day is pleasant.
See the trickling effect, See the wrinkling effect, Keep the flow starched, Keep the glow washed, They know they watch, The day is to grow the hay of the marged, Secrets of the lodge, Ain't nobody I dodged, No masonic ties, They astonished by the wise.
Keep my mind on my business, It's deep cause God is my witness, Peep the grind cause it's my fitness, The favor is absurd, My prayers being heard, Every layer is in the Word, See the serpent soul come at you, Don't take it personal when they combat you.
Say a prayer for the world, I'm favored like a diamond in a pearl, Ain't no criteria in race, Ain't no hysteria in grace, Ain't nobody inferior in this space, We all need help. We all need health, Crucify the flesh, They using lies to destroy the harvest.
Let's talk about generational health before we talk about generational wealth, So many illnesses can prevented, No penny can truly cure the illnesses that's cemented, Eat the right foods with thanksgiving, Coconut and beets by the river banks just living.
God is the greatest, You can't debate this, Love it or hate it, The doves still gon make it, There's a spark in her eyes, They are destroying the bark to hide the lies, I'm talking about the higher ups, I'm walking in no doubt getting flyer up.
Army troops coming to your door, They want to harm me in groups in this war, Only God I fear. I know it's hard when they here, Inflation in the nation, New World Order speeding the process, Each quarter is pleading the success, Jump shot, The pump gon rot.
The calling, The falling. The balling, Pray for the nations to repent, Don't play with the ancient to descend, The truth is salvation not race, The proof is elevation of grace, Folks reading energy codes, The yoke is yielding cause the enemy's heart is sold.
Who gave you imagination. Are you saved in the nation, Let your mind be in Christ, The blind don't believe in the price, They rather tax the money, I rather wax the honey, There's sheep in other fold, Those who sleep won't receive the Father's gold.
Numbers do lie, Jumpers do fly, We am not playing with love, We the saints praying with love, I know by the holy spirit, The glow is why they fear it, The aura like a vapor, Laura is beautiful and favored, Stay motivated, Slay the doubt I know Christ made it.
Statistics am not accurate, Ballistics ain't immaculate, The spirit of Christ, They fear cause the sun burning the ice, They tried to clear it cause of the price, Grow your faith and strength, Glow when your saved by the rank, The Almighty, Holy and piety.
Be truly faith'd to God in every situation, The unruly ain't saved by the God they claim has limitations, The impossible can be done, I'm not an imposter in my soul under the sun, It will cost the blur if you under the gun, This world am not rainbows and fun.
Please pray and don't make a wish, Peace I pray and don't fake when the world glitch, Inspirational, Invitational, Keep watching, Peep the caution, Prophecy has to be fulfilled, The currency has to be all will, Of God's grace, You're covered in any space.
Be on the lookout, Don't be at the cookout, Get the book out, Get the light codes, They forget the night modes, The Bible is the matrix glitcher, These idols is how masons getting richer, Salvation is more than a billion, Every nation in the war of dealing.
Why is the world in turmoil, Take your turmeric and anointing oil, To The Almighty I am loyal, So much fighting to validate who's royal, While they scam up, Get your lamb up, Since you don't want God it's saran’s turn, The Prince of Peace is waiting for Cen.
I'm covered in any vicinity for infinity, They hover cause of my divinity, Society seen your energy before you did, Now they priority is to be an enemy in the war of the bid, You recognize your calling, They reckon with lies cause they falling.
Love and peace. Dove and the beast, My cup is increase, What's up with the freeze, It's a dub when God you only please, If it's made up it won't last in the breeze, Don't stay up in the past with grease, Prayed for favor not anything leased.
Faith over failure, Saved by the sailor, Christ walked on water, The price is the heart of the Father, No six on the level, Resist the devil, I don't need an introduction, The seed of enrolled connection, You fake with that hatred, Truth makes you sacred.
Train in your own atmosphere, They try to drain you in the stratosphere, Love in my veins this is the last of fear, The doves in the rain saying this may be the last year, Meaning get your soul right, They scheming for your soul light.
If you on God's roster then society doesn't want to see you prosper, They would rather you get devoured by the monster, Gather your power through your heart posture, Behind the scenes my garden is beans, Free in my mind they want me destroyed by any means.
Continue to walk in justice, The Son is in you I love this, Ask God to cleanse me from all evil thoughts, They ask when it's hard to sense all illegal hearts, That's a crime, The stats show I'm in my prime, The fire can't be quenched, The wire ain't wrenched.
Was granted life lessons. They underhanded life's blessings, I seen so much like the eyes of the wind, I been through so much like the wise of kin, Believers of Christ, Deliver us from the dice, Got to be grateful, Now they hateful cause my plate full.
Meek with praise not fussing, Speak with grace not cussing, Seek God's face not crusting, Give and deliver thanks, I'm by the river banks, Correct your energy, Protect your energy, Stay present in your heart, They resent your start, No acting, No lacking.
Dedication in applying the verses cause they in education supplying the curses, This is universal, This ain't no rehearsal, Mvp mode every season, They envy me for no reason, I showed compassion, They slowed me with subtraction, Bounced back, No ounce lacked.
I show real love, I flow with the healed dove, My glow is sealed up, My rising is surprising, See the skies in the horizon, Tried to hold me back, Nights I cried I was told go back, They get sour when you walk in your power, Unknown hour for the flower.
They know what they do, I glow what it do, Generational verses, Generational curses, That goes for every nation, What goes in your salvation, Love, faith and peace, The dove's plan is saved to destroy the band of the beast, Jesus paid it all no lease.
Heaven is one for the books, The leaven is a ton for the cooks, Well done my good and faithful servant, Hell ain't done until the rude and hateful taste the serpent, You don't want to hear worker of iniquity, I don't fear the lurker who try to blind eternity.
Awaken the fire within, They fake the wire with sin, We all need salvation, Plant a seed in every nation, Second coming, They begging for the summon, The world will expire, The Word will inspire, Realize your worth, Be advised this is earth.