Am afraid the test results are In, the doctor began, his voice grave. And they reveal an alarming truth: you have been overdosed on a dangerous substance.
"Naimah's thought was spinning out of control. Overdosed ? How could that be possible? She hadnt taken any drugs, she was sure of it . So how could she be possibly overdosed on something?
To the villain, love is a poison he should avoid. But what if a bubbly girl, his enemy who's fated to destroy the Faerie Realm, falls in love with him? Will the villain get the girl and disrupt her destiny, or will his avoidance of love disrupt her heart?Meilin is prophesied to end the era of the High Faerie Lords alongside the Demon King. But as an 18-year-old girl with a passion for gaming, her life takes a turn when she joins a popular Esports team—Solaris—whose mischievous leader, Ningshun, carries a dangerous secret about his identity and connection to Meilin.What happens if the charming man she falls for is actually the heir to the throne of the Faerie Realm?
- Touch her and die,- Forced proximity,- Meet-cute to disaster,- He has his own agenda,- She drives him nuts,- Slow-burn romance.
This is a series in the Counter-Terrorism universe set a few months before the events of Task Force 105.
The city of Deacon, once a peaceful city, now corrupted and terrorized by crime and cartels. In the city's time of need, one man is willing to step up to end the terror plaguing the city.
The hands of God has always been on my destiny, The plans of God has always beenthe One blessing me, Correct when I’m wrong God, Protect me in a song God,Jesus is our Shepherd, We fighting for you thru our effort, They igniting thebeast for the endeavor.
God put me on high, God so good He won’t lie, God said you shall live and not die,I’m breaking generational curses with the biblical verses, Now they see I’m notbroken, Now I’m free without the token, Now it be that I ain’t joking.
I seen those who smile turn to a wolf in the wild, Only God knows who been in thetruth for a while, Really consecrated in the Lord, They don’t feel me causethey understated in the war, Got to heal to be concentrated when you score.
I ain’t hesitant, I’m heaven sent, Angelic heart, I won’t sell my heart, I knowmy worth, My glow won’t die with earth, Your soul is before the birth, JesusChrist is the key to eternal life, Love will suffice when you free of theinferno jive.
What you living for, Are you giving more, Do you know we’re in a war, Jesus willalways be Lord, Sin is something we can’t afford, That’s what Christ came for,We ain’t watching the final score, Take caution on the vinyl floor, Don’t wantno idol award.
Root branch of Jesse, Truth grants you mercy, I’m in perfect peace, Not with theworship of the beast, God is my provider, Always told me be a fighter, Timeswhere I pulled all nighters, Searching for truth, Purging the sins cause Jesusis the truth.
Pray for peace, Don’t play with the beast, Destruction is tombing, Instruction isbooming, Examine yourself, Why flex to gamble your health, Folks tripping.Yokes gripping, Cast your burdens on the Lord, The past can’t burn the sword.
As believers of Jesus we need to endure until the end to be saved, The deceiverstry to delete us cause we have the seed of the pure to repent to destroy thegrave, Trials and tribulations, They trying to brand the simulation, Stay flyno imitation.
I want to live a blessed life not my best life, Not saying I want the worst, I’m
praying I break the curse, It’s about living fulfilled, It’s about giving morefilled, Thanks where it’s due, God is always new, Ancient of Days, Got tosanction their ways.
Keep your heart fixated on the Lord, It’s deep cause the start was dictated by thewar, Whether it be psychological or biological they aiming the darts, Lifeain't astrological that’s why the world is diabolical in the dark.
I ain’t turning back even when they turned their back, I was lost and now I’mback, I don’t need no back up even when they act up, Christ said Jonah, What’sthe sacrifice of the owner, Have no fear of the devil, The wrath is so near onany level.
Keepyour heart from falsehood, Peep your start in the pulse wood, How is the world world divided, The Word is decided, What God says is valid, They fake like a crouton salad, flexible silence like a futon ballad, Thank You Jesus, They can’t blankyou in Jesus.
Are you turning right or left, The war is to burn the light of breath, We know thedark forces can’t win, I don’t flow with the stark voices cause they sin, I’mstriving for perfection, I’m thriving in protection, No recording me, I’m seenby God accordingly.
Blazing fire, Amazing in the choir, How many chasing the wire, How many facing theliar, Store up cause the score up, Angelic wings so we can soar up, Spiritualwar get your sword up, Metaphorically speaking, They imported the legion.
They say you make yourself a target, Without the Mark of the Beast you can’t buy in the market, Wake up before time’s up, Can’t fake up when time’s up, Took a loss, Cook up the cost, The enemy see the rising, Now my energy is etherizing.
Can’t hesitate in the present state, The frequency is officially shifting, The freecan see eventually the lifting, The veil being torn, All hell will mourn. Atthis new dimension, Only the truth is the pension, Jesus is Lord did I mention.
They say Thursday is the worst day cause no one knows about the first day, They wantyou in the hearse day cause the world coming to a cursed day, Solar eclipse is not a birthday, It's a prophecy to earth day, Jesus Christ will purge the end day.
They want you banned from society cause God’s plan is your priority, Spread the nameJesus, Thread the game due to seizures, Christ is Lord over all, The price Iswhat the devil can’t afford over all, Take heed to the silence, Fake deeds ofbalance.
When you living right you repent so you can live in light, My trajectory is skyhigh, God is protecting me that’s why I still smile, I don’t fake it withfolks, I break all the yokes, Everything ain’t about the riches, My soul inJesus as the world glitches.
The control of life belongs to God, They mock and troll on God, The thirteenbloodlines are in power, Earth’s dream is in our power, Unfortunately it’s anightmare, Most importantly does your light care, Partakers in Christ,Undertakers look for a price.
They can’t JFK me, They can’t MLK me, They can’t break me, They can’t fake me, Theycan’t make me, I ain’t paranoid, I know they got the Polaroid, Watching myevery move in Christ, Take caution cause on my head is a price, Can’t auctionmy slice.
I thank the water then squeeze the lemon, I ain’t with the beast venom, You knowwhat I mean, You know I ain’t mean, Lovingkindness, Southern silence, FEMAcamps ready for the population, Dreamer stamps ready to stop the nations, Weall need salvation.
I can’t retire until I see the saints in the choir, Give thanks you been through thefire, They blanked when I broke the wire, Spiritual rank I’m gettinghigher, The banks took an oath to be a liar to, The clank will soon be dire.
Our Saviour is risen, Our labor ain’t missing, Jesus Christ is the truth, Seizures of thesacrifice is not the fruit, God has to be your main thought, It’s hardbut it must be the sane heart, They can’t bench me, They can’t trench me, Theycan’t drench me.
I’m real no cartoon, The deal is to take your heart soon, I’m going out in a blaze,I’m growing out of that faze, You want to be a gate keeper, You want to be ahate reaper, The enemy can’t haunt me cause the slate deeper, Countdown to thestate sleeper.
God’s love is in every season, The doves don’t bluff for any reason, Justice isalways being served, Above this God’s footstool is earth, Don’t fake it withthe low vibes, They won’t make it with the old pipes, Don’t play with theworld, Pray for the world.
Study the playbook. It’s muddy if they slay you with the hook, Have no fear, Thewrath is all year, Their craft is ball gear, Focus on God always, That hocus isin them all days, Better repent, Weather is intent, God is King, God is myeverything.
All praises to learn God. All faces need to turn to God, Look within, The book isnot a myth of sin, Biblical power, Spiritual power, All in righteousness, Thefall is the crisis ain't blessed, Cold freezing brains, Gold squeezing grains.
What’s in the Bible is truth not news, What’s in the idol is the fruit of fools, Whocares about the mundane, Who dares about the sun’s pain, Got to see therainbow, Got to free the angels, The world is scripted, The Word is gifted.
God meant every word said, We must repent or live dead, Trust the intent to givebread, Christ came to save, The sacrifice was to defeat the grave, The price todelete me I’m still brave, Perfect peace, I don’t worship the beast.
The Lord's faith defeated the grave, God ain’t stupid, God ain’t cupid, Once you automatic with the heart, Don’t matter how acrobatic the dark, Season ofrepentance, They leasing inventions, Keep living right. Peep the living night,Focused, No hocus.
Get right with the weather, Get light as a feather, We’ve been perplexed by earth’stest, We been bruised but we still didn’t lose, We’ve been crushed but stilldidn’t budge, We’ve been confused but God we choose, We’ve been in despair but westill spared.
Repentance is to your benefit, The entrance is the core element, The exit is also important, They flex it until they lose the fortune, Take care of your healthand wealth, I surrender to God, I’m not a pretender to God.
The flow is God driven, The glow is God given, To know is God living, Keep yourheart detoxed of all evil, Peep their heart in the tv box of the ego, Keep the law of the heart in the hard knocks of the legal, Don’t collide with the wall,God overrides all.
The Word Is power, The world is sour, You stuck on the milk but it’s time for themeat biblically talking, You knuck on the silk but it's time for the heatspiritually talking, Exposure cause the sun getting brighter, Composure causethey getting the spider.
Lovely words of peace, Above me is the words of please, Making sure my ways areblameless before God, Ain’t gon fake it cause I’m pure for the days areshameless before God, Can’t take the cure in the praise for the baseless beforeGod.
I plead the energy of love, I need the energy of the dove, Lord increase ourfaith, Jesus’ heart to save, Believers will defeat the grave, Show the kindnessof peace, I know behind us is the beast, God is our protector, God is ourdirector.
Plant a seed of love in Christ name, They chant a deed of above in the sacrificegame, Just know what happened on the cross wasn't a joke, What I know I ain’tcapping cause without Jesus it’s a loss and yoked, We freeing the pulse, Weseeing the results.
Heal from the past days, Real cause we’re in the last days, Even if it wasn’t stillgot to keep it integretized, Lot of folks leaving the gift to fill the dot tobe incentivized, Today is to do God’s will, They call a new play to make ithard in the real.
I ain’t decaying, my spirit red dot em, They slaying folks saying I got em, Theypreying I hit rock bottom, I ain’t playing got to lock Sodom, Your enemies arereal close, They want your energy sealed closed, The world is sold The Word isgold.
If you love God then you hate evil, If you have the dove it’s hard when your fatethey grieve you, Guard your heart cause they won’t believe you, The joker cardwill try to deceive you, The world is dark they won't receive you, They try tobob and weave you.
The world is going to get flamed up, The Word is going to get blamed up, We gon seewho was selling, We gon see who was telling, The flesh profits nothing, Thefresh stops it punting, We’re in a spiritual war, We’re in a biblical war.
We building, Rebuilding, We in the building, God’s children, All races, All faces,It’s not about flesh and blood, It's about who's fresh in love, Strive to walkthe narrow path, Thrive to talk the marrow raft, Holy spirit, Only the fakefear it.
We’re at war, You gon hear me roar, I’m gon soar. Been running I ain’t sore, Theytried to put vodou on me cause they seen the guru in me, The light got themnervous, The night they’re at service, Jesus is Lord over all, Increase us thegame over in fall.
I just want to be godly, They playing like it’s oddly, I’m praying even morehardly, I know that they can’t guard me, Energy been on fire, Enemy been aliar, Every nation riddled with skull evil, Innovation griddled with no ego.
They can’t understand me so they try to underhand me, Don’t let anybody faze you,Don’t let anybody maze you, Be right in the heart, It’s always been light in the start, Candle flow, They can’t handle the glow, Faith in God’s power, Grave can’t take my power.
Put his name on the cross, Put the game on pause, I ain’t playing with those who cheat me, Laws written in my heart no man can teach me, I take sound advice if needed, Can’t fake the found when Christ is seeded, Can’t take the ground inany heist deleted.
We headed to the mountain top, They dreaded cause the ocean gon drop, Got thepeople watching, Got the evil at caution, I know they want me on a poster, Theglow certified like kosher, They ball in the dark to the blind, Law written inmy heart and mind.
Get your heart right, Get your heart’s light, Are you filled with the holy spirit,God’s will is for the beast to fear it, Can’t be lukewarm in your mood version,Being only good is not making the cut in the purging, You need Christ, The onlyseed of price.
Only Godcan book you, They can’t rook you, They can’t mook you, They can’t shook you, They try to overlook you, They try to overcook you, They try to hook you,They try to juke you, They can’t nook you, They can’t fluke you, They can’tzook you.
Faith comes first, Saved from the curse, You must not realize that the devil is adeceiver, I only trust God who is wise on every level to the believers, Todayyou can repent and receive Jesus, New day with intent to achieve to free us.
Seek out Jesus Christ this very moment, Meek with no doubt cause they feel merry when they own it, Repentance is vital no matter what you think. Defendants is idols so don't blink, Be original, We live in divisional, God is the invincible.
I announce Jesus, I won't denounce Jesus, No breath is promised, Not even in death will I pay homage. The Lord rebuke you satan, They try to afford to recruit you in the statement, Love is truly refreshing, The dove is purely a new dimension, God I mention.
You will exist on the level when you resist the devil, Repentance is crucial, In this life you can't be neutral, In Jesus we have our being, Increase us we laugh at the demon, I look rugged caused I ain't shook I suffered, Right of truth. Light of truth.
Can't be sad again I'm the salt of the earth, Vatican timed the heart of our birth, Social security, Global impurity, Cellular discretion, Regular deception, Universal conversations, True rehearsal of the song of nations, Lord's choir, Sword's fire.
Ought to be in the fire of grace, Heart to be flyer in space, The Word is the investment, The world is a testament, Don't want material riches cause the video glitches, Peace is bestowed within, The beast is restored in sin, No lease we score to win.
Nothing to be scared of, Everything to be aware of, God said all things are taken care of, E equals MC squared as love, It's illegal to flare the dove, Feel what I'm saying, Heal the heart of praying, Worship the living God, Our purpose is living for God.
Seep the Word in your spirit, Keep the Word in your spirit, Control yourself with practice and discipline, My soul is the breath of justice in the innocent, The secrets of God, There is no regrets in God, Nature is our sanity, Danger is their vanity.
My life turned around now they want my life burned to the ground, The victory is in our Saviour, The mystery is in our labor, Jesus Christ is the one I talk about, Lead us in the rights of the sun so we can walk about, That's for everyone, Stats for everyone.
I care about the next verse in the Bible not the album, Folks aware of the curse of the idol of talcum, Growing in spirit, Glowing in spirit, They test you. They can't bless you, Pay them no mind, Don't play with no mind, Under the sun we're all one.
I just speak truth, It's a must to be meek in truth, When they see you progressing they start to stop you getting more blessings, Ain't gon happen, God told me I was wrong for clapping, Now most songs are for trapping, I don't get along with those mapping.
Folks don't get me cause they tried to bet me, Only if God let me, Now they realize since they met me, Watch for the flies they can't sweat me, Starch the lies they can't set me, They launch the skies to jet me, They crunch the cries to net me.
Heal from the sickness of false witness, People try to drive you crazy, The evil is to drive you swayze, Be a warrior not poorer, Rich in faith, They glitch cause I'm saved, Endure until the end, Ensure the sun is still to repent.
Been through the struggle, Sins I used to juggle, Now I repented is the time all the evil being invented, I have no part in the wicked, I can't laugh in my heart if you wicked, We're under Christ not Moses, There's thunder in the lights of roses.
You see people's true character when you win, You see evil's true character when you sin, We ought to be blameless before God, The heart is same bless before God. They try to downplay your light, Only God crowned you in the day of the night.
Raise the hertz cause it hurts that they want to see me in a hearse, Not new age, Now they got new rage, Same plans cause of the game plans, Born again cause they raise the horns again, Jonah is this generation's only sign, Owner of preparation is all grind.
Words seasoned with grace of no grumbling, Birds reasoned with space no tumbling, Stop cussing. Stop fussing, Take control of your reality with the love of God, Don't fake control of your reality with the made up odd, Last rodeo, Last holy road.
Couldn't brainwash me, Couldn't pain squash me, They added heaps of garbage, But I was steeped in knowledge, Knew my God, True to my God. Realize my faith got to get built up, Revitalize my faith to get the filth off.
The Rock of our salvation a lot of people don't rock with it, The stock of the generation is unlocking the myth in it, Just know Jesus is the real deal, You must know Jesus to heal in the zeal, God's hands on our life, God's plans in our life.
My trust is in God not the beast, I must listen to God in peace, The message is to everyone, Don't guess it when the enemy blitz everyone, God wants you to make it, God doesn't want you to fake it, Repent and receive Jesus cause they invent new seasons.
Radio frequency, Last rodeo we can see, No need to stockpile, The seed on the rock mile, I'm on solid ground, I'm on that olive sound, Running with overflow, They fronting like they over know, Trust in God, It's a must in God, We're the dust of God.
Lamenting, Repenting, Spirit can't be shook, They fear it cause of the book, Biblical scriptures, Spiritual riches, Love and peace, Doves won't beast, It's made up in that lease, Speaking to all people, Folks tweaking cause of all evils, Pins and needles.
Forever indebted to God, Morever I said it to God, The enemy will attack your mind, My energy attract the score sign, They know I'm real but I ain't with no deal, Still my concern to feel one hundred, Still on my journey to heal the flooded.
Ain't no switching in the holy spirit, Folks glitching cause they fear it, Pray you don't lose it, Don't pay for the music, Not saying to steal, Just let it be revealed, It must be healed, Sing praise unto God, Bring the grace unto God, Make space unto God.
Advance the movement, Add sense to improvement, Talking about removing the veil, I ain't walking assuming what you tell, Don't grieve the holy spirit, Don't leave the holy spirit, They fear your energy, Stay clear of the enemy, Last year for the remedy.
No middle ground. They wired the metal for sound, Fire petal in her crown, Tried to kettle me couldn't drown, I don't meddle in the mound, Won't settle for the bound, Can't nettle me I was found, No fear if you fettle the round, I'm here for a special noun.
The Lord made the day, You can't afford to fade in that day, Folks under a strong delusion, That yoke make them wonder in the song of confusion, Break chains and bonds, Can't fake the pain in the rounds, Jesus is my Guardian, Believers we know God again.
Got me feeling invincible, Got me healing in principle, I'm talking about that grace, I'm walking without a shadow of a doubt in new space, They act weird cause they truly fear, Karma is not a joke, That trauma made me woke, Spiritual mind, Biblical grind.
Views from my eyes, The news is for the lies, Go within to not sin, The world is grieving, The world is leaving, This is all temporary, The fall is legendary, Be lawful. The game is awful, Each soul has their own story, Beseech Jesus who is your glory.
The right strategy, The night tragedy, The light prodigy, Name the Majesty, The game is magic street, Got you at crossroads, I ain't locked at the lost codes, They mock at the cost of modes, The victory is Jesus Christ, The mystery increased us in the heist.
I don't flex cause I'm blessed, The next won't come in a text, Stop lagging and boasting, Why you tagging and toasting, Why you bragging and coasting, They know when your vibes are low, Please repent so your lives can glow, The intent is pure for your soul.
They want you to walk aimlessly, I'm surprised cause you the same as me, The sunrise melt the game as tea, Their enterprise is dealt the fee, Talking about the cabal, Unlocking what's in the wall, The world tryna fake you, God won't leave you or forsake you.
Build up your faith, N.W.O. is filth make sure you're saved, The world is turning over, The world is burning over, Not a front, Ain't no time to stunt, Order out of chaos, Won't flip a quarter for the playoffs, Endure until the end, Stay pure until the end.
Remain tapped in with Christ, Abstain from the trapped in the myth of the spiced, See the spirits roaming wild, The tea is spearmint chroming mild, The light is power. Be right in this hour, Her kiss is like a flower, The blur blitz is to devour.
Let folks see the results, The yoke is cause you are the salt, Break the chains. Don't mistake the gains, Mountaintop flow, They hunting cause I copped the glow, Gift of God with the love of God, The fruits of the spirit, The truth is they fear it.
Truth ain't lukewarm, You been warned, Feel like a newborn, See the beast with a new horn, Oxen, gold and corn, I'm unboxing the scroll it ain't torn, Reading the original form, Greeting in the subliminal storm, Now we meeting they know I transformed.
The truth is the air I see, I don't even pay no mind to no pharisee, They got the nerve to act like how dare I see, Only God I serve that's why they scared I see, Got the energy that's why they stare at me, Blot out the enemy love is the air I breathe.
Look what flew in, In the book I'm fluent, Biblical vibe, Spiritual tribe. Repentance is not the beast inventions, Stay present in God, Pray for the blessing of God, I know Jesus, The flow increased us, They showed who the real believers.
Truth been here, They soothe sin with fear, I reject the beast with authority, They reject peace that's why they have no loyalty, This ain't about flesh and blood, Don't faint when you fresh in love, Keep striving in faith, Endure until the end to be saved.
Don't judge a book by it's cover, Don't grudge life if you love her, Light heart makes for a right start, Be truthful with your soul, Free all the beautiful souls, The revelation is real, The elevation is for the real, Repent and represent.
The real is here. Heal from the fear, Nobody faking anymore, Nobody caking anymore, People want to control, They won't receive you cause the sun taking a toll, No matter who it is, I don't flatter no matter who it is.
The fruits speak for itself, My roots is meek in it's wealth, Strapped my boots to glitch death. No fear on my part, They know it's the year where it start, The glow is dear to my heart, Can't play games with people, Got to slay the game in all it's evil.
Folks expect you to know rocket science, That yoke tryna stop you by the lock of violence, So many gatekeepers, So many fate sleepers, Vibrate on the frequency of love, You can't hide hate when the free can see what you're made of.
I need a new jersey, The seed is truth's mercy, Biblical vest, Spiritual test, Jesus got the gift. The believers know they can't stop the shift, Many want knowledge not love, Many want homage not love, You can't finesse God, Give thanks and bless God.
My heart is a canvas of love, Don't be anxious just keep your thoughts on what's above, I don't need you to acknowledge me, Rather eat seeds than to be injected by technology, Know the exact truth, Society don't know how to act in the truth.
Since the battle soared, I now battle with the sword, Been in combat, Now old folks want to come back, Christ woke me up, The spice couldn't choke me up, They see a new star is emerging, The truth got me in a new heart of version.
Called, chosen and faithful, You can't ball in the closing when you not grateful, We not supposed to be splurging. We supposed to be purging, The crows circling is urgent, The heart that grows is heavenly discernment, The world is spiritually burning.
The heart is being tested, Where do we start if the world ain't rested, We got to change our capacity of compassion, Why act strange when you have the audacity to come blasting, Out of their range cause of my tenacity in the action.
I ain't counting the minutes, I'm free of the haunting spirits, How many warnings do you need, How many torments did I plead, Had to get my soul right, They mad cause they couldn't get my soul at night, I don't need no wishes, Life is full of kisses.
Military turning to police, Auxiliary burning the lease, You can't save earth, They try to enslave you at birth, Don't sleep on the world powers, Steep in the Word for hours, The beast system is being activated, The peace of my vision is why they hate it.
We know the circumstances, I glow when the earth advances, Pay them no mind when they bring low vibes, Pray for them cause you don't know where the soul resides, They try to slay the flow cause they sow the lies, You ain't got to cry when the rose dies.
I love God with all my heart, Cry with a dove cause the end is the start, Just know your mourning will turn to joy, The glow is warning the learnt not to get destroyed, All that clever talk, With Jesus I forever walk, The night will sin, The light will win.
The world mixing spiritual and technology, The Word is biblical psychology, Free your mind of the clutches, The key to unlock the crutches, God orders my steps, Brick and mortar to build the steps, Now it clicks cause you a warrior unto death.
There's no such thing as living how you want then repent after, There's much I know to sing giving praise to the One who told me to read the chapter, Biblical verses keep me in peace mode, Spiritual curses keep them in beast mode, We broke the disease code.
Your thoughts should be obedient to Christ, Your hearts should tapped into the ingredient of Christ, That of course is love, The only force is love, It's a thundering hug of peace, If you wondering they dug up the beast, Suffering cause the plug on the lease.
They had joy when I was down, Now they want me destroyed cause they feel the crown, They set a decoy so I would drown. I'm not a toy I can't be clowned, No soy in my blood I feel the sound, They can't employ love to burn to the ground, The envoy is now found.
Ain't no coincidence, The saints glow with innocence, The banks steal the currency from Genesis, Give thanks to God cause we know the emergency of the nemesis, But I ain't saving the beast, They plugged trying to enslave my peace, Don't hug the grave's lease.
The only atonement is Jesus, The holy component is the lost needs us, The Great Tribulation, The state of this simulation, Repent and receive Christ, Don't invent to deceive the sacrifice, Walk in integrity, Can't talk to the entity, Unlocking my identity.
My heart ain't got a power outage, In the start of the lot was the hour of knowledge, We all need love, We all need the dove, The light is already shining, The night is already signing, Rise above the danger, The lies turned us to a stranger.
To maintain your fire, Abstain from the liar, Book of Revelation, Book of elevation, Book of every nation, We need to be saved, We don't plead with the grave, True and just, Who can I trust, Deception is out here, Perception only God I fear.
Workout your own salvation through fear and trembling, They lurk out their own idol anciently through the year of remembering, You can't afford to guess, You must war with the flesh, Of yourself, Love is our breath, You fight in the night, Unite in the light.
The mind is the frontier, One of a kind no sun fear, Light within, In the night is sin, Daytime it's more hidden, Pray time is not for kidding, The devil has come with great wrath cause his time is short, The level is your fate of the path in the court.
Walking in my authority, Now they talking ignoring me, Nothing ain't happening without God informing me, The earth is lukewarm, Game over you been warned, Know what's going on, Grow what's flowing on, Fruits by the river, The truth I deliver.
Who's in attendance, Who's in repentance, Class is in session, The past was a blessing, Had to endure the miracles and nightmares, Used to be impure in the biblical for light dares, Don't say who cares, Won't play new shares Jesus paid it, Giza's braided.
Breaking free of the norm, Making tea by the storm, Behind the scenes what they perform, Occult rituals of the flesh, Salt is spiritual to the blessed, Healing properties, The Bible is way more than the lotteries, She speaks honestly and dresses modestly.
If they looking for the one, Who I'm with got them shooken under the sun, Our creator God is protecting me, Far greater than the odds correcting me, I ain't being injected, I'm being perfected, Serpents all around, Merchants buy the sound, Lost now I'm found.
Reaching new heights, Teaching new sights, Learning to adjust, Discerning who should I trust, Stop flexing on your haters, Stop testing the gators, We're in a season of come up, Only one reason where I come from, God is the source, Free the scores.
We need love in the purest form, We need love in the truest form, The atonement of our sins, The opponent can't win, The component can't kin, We seeing it all play out, We freeing it all praying it out, The standard is Jesus, The handlers know the price.
I speak boldly, They speak coldly, I call your bluff, They ball with the fluff, This is the choices you making, This is the voices they faking, I seen the sunshine for a long grind, God's work pays off, Hard work ain't no layoffs, We can't take no days off.
Being selfless doesn't mean being helpless, Carry each other's burdens, Don't marry the peach of the butter burning, Love one another, The dove in the sun when it thunder, It takes heart to be in truth, Since the start it's always been truth.
The healing is felt, The dealing is theft, Know who you serve, Know the truth of the earth, I can tell they don't want to hear the name, I won't sell my soul for fear of the game, Count it all joy what we must endure, They soy out cause their heart impure.
They thought they had me me for a brief moment, I crashed the keypad cause I had the chief component, Don't mix good with evil, The wood ain't fixed by evil, That was a real event, That was a real repent, My heart youthful, I'm trying to stay truthful.
Only love has real power, Only the dove has healed power, Been living in my heart, I was forgiven from the start, Still had to repent, They still have evil to invent, Brain chip and virtual goggles is the beginning, This ain't a movie clip so stop sinning.
Plenty of gifts of miracles, Sent me with the biblicals, This reality is a test, This duality is a nest, Specifically the eagle, Spiritually get rid of the evil, The solution is salvation, The pollution in every nation, Clean the air, Seen the rare.
Seek the Kingdom of God, The meek will bring them to God, The lost know the cost, Look within, Don't cook with sin, Get in the book to win, The Bible is vital. This is not a recital. We don't play with no idol. Visas is how they ball. Jesus came for all.
I know my destiny cause God be testing me, That's why I know they trying to vex me, When's the last time you text me, In my past they next me, Now they hate the blessed me, Mad cause they can't guess me, Still try to finesse me cause they see the best in me.
Tried to erase me, Now they can't face me, No longer want to embrace me, I conquer cause of the grace in me, They see my light, Now they want me to see the night, Freed from the bad habits, I ain't had greed like mad rabbits, God is the best. Life is a test.
My immune is efficiency, They commune in deficiency, Construction is innocent, Destruction is imminent, Detach from the world, I only chat from the Word, Them curses steep you in disrespect, Them verses keep you in check, Not restricted, Not descripted.
This is God's story, This is God's glory, Jesus died for me, Also for you. Our soul is new, 2nd coming ain't no second running, Make sure I plant a seed, You can't fake the grant you need, Repentance is vital, Transcendence is in the Bible.
Praise belongs to God, I was raised in the strong yard, The closest ones hate the most, The roses suns made the toast, Strangers got a problem cause your heart ain't rotten, The danger of the foes ain't forgotten, They can't change ya like cotton.
I don't take your suggestions, I don't fake my confessions, Meaning if you spitting nonsense. Then you scheming on written conscience, We're like a vapor, They don't like me cause I have favor, I get love from pure hearts, They don't get I got a cured heart.
Gems in every verse, Stems in every curse, Wheat and barley, Don't take a seat in the folly, We got to defeat the holly, God is the supreme, Wake up from the dream, Be meek and contrite, When we're weak the sun is light, Life ain't bleak just love right.
Love at it's finest, Doves don't got the sinus, If it's made up it's a minus, Stay prayed up they can't sign us, Keep your grade up they can't blind us, Mvp status they know where to find us, Believers of all faces, They can't deceive us in these spaces.
Holy conversation, Holy convocation, Holy connotation, Holy concentration, They took the bait cause they reprobate, Keep your mind on God, Peep how they find the odd, The illusion theory, The inclusion theory, Don't need your invite, You can't own my insight.
This ain't television, They just spell and witching, Heaven or hell they ain't no switching, You can tell when the matrix glitching, They sell their soul for wishing, They say get well serving poison in the kitchen, I ain't fell cause I got biblical vision.
Soil and the lumber, Loyal in the number, Produced the jumper, I refuse the pumper, My light is the peace of love, The night is the beast of bluff, Nobody playing though, Know it's cloudy when they praying though, Come correct, From the protect.
Our love is of Christ, They sold the dove for the price, Den of thieves you Bend the leaves, They got that retro hate cause they mind is reprobate, Slowly folks losing soul, Show me the yoke of choosing the cold, Break the chains, Nothing fake in my veins.
Jesus own people wanted him crucified, Deceivers of evil wanted to know who will rise, Don't get caught in doctrines of demons, They ought to be locked in scheming, You can accept or reject but Christ is Lord, They incept for defect of the price in war.
Sealed with perfection, Healed with correction, Now I know my worth, I glow with the cry of the earth, The grind don't stop until you give up the ghost, The mind don't stop until you lift up the toast, They think this is an arcade, I pray my heart won't fade.
If you want to be saved Jesus is right here for you, If you want to be enslaved the deceivers are right here for you, Get free of all that is not of Christ, Get the key to your heart back for no price, The light got them frustrated, Life is love's greatest.
I'm from a place where I'm hated the most, Now I'm in a place where God gave me the toast, Meaning the favor of heaven is in my heart, They scheming with the vapor of leaven in the dark, Believers of Christ got to inspire cause we don't want none in the fire.
This walk with Christ am not for the faint, This talk of the price is to give the thank, Last days upon us, Masked grey's upon us, Folks irritated by God's love, Yokes imitated by the fraud's bluff, I can't blend in, Deny blank defending.
Take up your cross, Don't fake up in the frost, The light is shining already, The night is finding already, Can't hide in the closet, Thanks for the guide in the lock set, Free of the yoke, Tree of the oak, The matrix is cloaked, The ancient truth is woke.
Trying to turn men to masons and women to witches, I don't know why you dying to burn in the invasion and why be looming in the glitches, The world is cooked, The Word is booked, Apply the verses, Can't be fly in curses, Can't cry in hearses.
It's up to you to make a difference with your gift, They got mist in the cup to make the instance of a myth, It's liable to happen, It's viable to capping, The world is chaotic and people got time to be patriotic, Citizen of heaven, Realest sin is the leaven.
Used to have dreams of being signed, Now I'm infused with dreams of being kind, No hollywood for me, They probably would but I don't want that glory, Be a saint in the ministry, Don't faint to be in the industry, Be set apart, Be set in the heart.
We're all going through something, They try to blur the glowing of the proof that love sings, Trying to dirt me up when it's snowing cause of my dove wings, Have mercy and compassion, Can't curse me in any fashion, Try to verse me cause I see the caption.
It haunts them with curses cause of the quantum verses, The Scriptures is loaded with ammo, My riches is not corroded with example, Bible opened my eyes to see through the matrix, It's vital you hoping for the rise to free the nations.
Only God truly blessing me, Only God truly texting me, The matrix is not getting turnt up, The matrix is getting burnt up, Repentance is crucial, In this world you can't be neutral, Power in the name of Jesus, We're in the last hours in the game of Visas.
The fruits of the Spirit, Only one truth of the Spirit, Jesus is the key to eternal life, Believe us they flee into the inferno night, I say it kindly, They prayed I stayed blindly, My vision is crystal clear, Ain't no switching no matter the atmosphere.
Fix your antenna, They fixed the agenda, Propaganda, Pay attention to the panda, Many can't see their own denial, Plenty is needed to put you in their file, Whatever you claiming, You still blaming, God is our Rock, It's hard but you can break the lock.
Each moment is precious, Each opponent will perish, We're not here for the runaround, We're here to run this thing to the ground, Babylon and Rome, I don't get along with no foam, Meaning the earth lost in Egypt, Ain't dreaming cause I know the cross secret.
Must be born again, Trust me the world gon mourn again, Not just me see the game sworn again, The body of Christ is revolutionizing, It started with the lies of the devil losing the pricing, Salvation is free, All the ancient had the decree.
Spiritual dedication, Biblical meditation, Keeping my mind on God's law, Peeping how they blind so they can fraud ball, You think evil is right, Your ego is lost in night, It ain't illegal to walk in the light, Doing justice is the new wings of substance.
Can't catch my drift so they try to match my shift, We at war with the fear, We at the door with the gear, I am not a roadrunner, I'mma codehunter, My energy is ether, The enemy is weaker, Fake behavior. They can't take my favor.
I been through the night, I been through the fight, I been through the light, Don't let them faze you, Don't let them haze you, So many lukewarm folks, So many nuke storms in the yoke, There's no joke, They don't care if you woke, Walk upright not uptight.
The sacred is real, The hatred is real, Got folks thinking they divine, The yoke got them sinking in rewind, I ain't playing in the sand, I'm praying I don't get scanned, Why you faking how you feel, You baking cause you ain't healed, I ain't taking no deal.
Felt the sentiment, I ain't knelt in the settlement, Life comes with pains, Life comes with gains, That belt of truth, I won't melt in the truth, The warning is to prevent the mourning, God is King no matter who sworn in, This is the world we born in.
Take heed the first time, Don't fake the deed or it could be a cursed time, You are being tested, Repent so you can be rested, They try to invent the truth don't be invested, The world is infested, I'm not who you want to mess with, Love I'm blessed with.
They marked Saturn with a dark pattern, Solar eclipse, Polar sea lips, Make sure you prayed up, Can't fake cause nothing made up, The beast system is already here, The peace wisdom got them in fear, More devils being summoned cause they see I ain't running.
Heavenly Father asking for a cup of Your water, Can't play the bench got to be a starter, How it turn to money when we used to barter, The world ruled by the Magna Carta, They try to make life harder, How can you as the clay go against the Potter.
Stronger than gravity, Conquer the depravity, War for our souls, More of them trolls, We don't score goals, We don't go to the polls, I ain't playing roles, Be immovable in the coals, Banks merging with tolls, The versions of lows.
Stay on your principle, They prey on you when you're invincible, Everyday sin is spiritual, Made in perfection, They try to grade your profession, I won't ask you for love, I don't have a mask for the dove, You playing with theory, Now they fear me.
Fully equipped, They unruly with the grip, Don't be a bully in the drip, Ain't nothing newly in the script, I know how they view me in the clip, They can't school me in the crypt, They can't rule me in devil's myths, You can't fool me God is who I'm with.
I feel the lion roaring in me, I feel the iron pouring in me, Lessons should be for your essence, Don't learn the hard way, I'm concerned with God's ways, They try to burn the hallways, Got to discern always, Not for sale, Unlock the veil, Sign of the whale.
I see right through the nonsense, My light is pure in the conscience, Don't play with God, Don't pray only when it's hard, Rejoice cause you have a choice, Be poised when you have a voice, Sin is at the door, To win is the end of the war.
Walking spiritually is my service, Talking biblically got them nervous, Unlocking miracles is my worship, Of course it's hard, The source is God, The pale horse is odd, Reading Morse is the pod, Peep how they start with a fee, Keep your heart free.
Blessed by the Greatest, They stressed cause they haters, Ain't luck in my veins, Can't duck in the sky rains, Forever grateful, Morever my plate full, Have faith, They can't laugh cause you're saved, Yes I know endure until the end, Game over no pretend.
Walk free heart of peace, Lock the key in the heart of the beast, They claim it's a robbery, The fame got them feeling like the lottery, It's not a game that's why you trying to bother me, Stay in the present ether, Pray in the blessing meter.
My heart is love's pulse, They feel the energy now everybody acting false, Put them in check now they trying to pause, Somebody's lying, It's not a party when people are dying, How do you atone for your sins, Ox and bulls and gold for your wins.
True repentance, Is a new replenish, Let go of your past, We ain't met more of the last, Only love in my being, Only dove in the freeing, It ain't made up what we seeing, They try to portray when they see you know to pray, It's not ok cause I don't play.
Take care of your soul, Fake pairs of what they stole, We're fighting against spiritual wickedness, The lightning is biblical vividness, Accept what you did, The crescent got folk on the bid, I love truth, The dove is proof, Peace is within, Beast is sin.
Love is my driving force, Love is my thriving force, Don't be fueled by hate, Don't be ruled by hate, This is temporary pain, This is legendary gain. Not for my glory, Unlock the roar of my story, All credit to God, When I said it I exposed the fraud.
I see through the screen, The money ain't really green, Stay brand new and clean, Ain't no fable true in any scene, I'm running to the prize, Ain't stunting to any lies, They punting to the skies, They hunting for them eyes, X-ray vision, The game glitching.
I know God with me, The world don't get me, But they won't forget me, Only do what the holy spirit let me, They judged until they met me, Casting lots they bet me, I told them don't sweat me, Their mistake now they regret me, I won't let them inject me.
Free of disease, Free of the seas, Free of decease, Free of the streets, Free of the feast, Free of the beast, Free of the lease, Free of the grease, Free of the priest, Free of the pleas, Free of the fleas, Free of the fleece, Free of the breeze.
I confess Jesus Christ is my Lord and Saviour, That's why I'm blessed and highly favored, That's why I don't stress in labor, That's why I test your spirit like vapor, That's why I invest in prayer, That's why I don't finesse my neighbor.
My momentum is rising, Every moment I'm looking to the horizon, Any giant, I'm playing defiant, I praying in silent, They slaying in violent, God knows your pains, God knows your veins, Purify your soul, Don't let them crucify your soul.
Walk this earth, Talk of the earth, Salt of the earth, Light of the world, Fight of the world, Night of the world, Climbing the slope, Timing in scope, Rhyming in strobe, They secretly watching, They preaching for caution, They weakened by exhaustion.
When you are walking in your purpose they'll be talking about who you worship, They try to block your path, They try to mock your path, They get shocked when they feel the wrath, Now they don't want to cross path, Purified my soul with a frost bath.
Give God all the praise, Whether it's good or hard I'm in His grace, Elevated in love I'm in a new space, Separated from the hate I'm in a new place, Educated in Christ I got a new face, Meditated on the laws I'm free of any case.
I'm like a gold rock breaking down the roadblock, Keep the peace in the name closer, Peep the beast cause the game ain't kosher, They see you as beneath them, With one breath God gon delete them, I ain't making threats, I ain't faking debts.
Different levels when you see the shifting devils, They made you the scapegoat, Today was made to tape the vote, God chose me, God rose me, God knows me, While I'm overcoming trials they summoning the miles, Take heed to lessons, New seed of blessings.
I broken the matrix, I woken the ancients, Spiritually on a new level, Biblically ain't no new devil, They fear the energy, Today I don't fear the enemy, They can't recognize my vibration, They reckon the lies for hydration, Folks shocked, The yoke is rocked.
Study the game like I got a scholarship, They muddy the veins to give you dollars for the chip, The peace is my revival, The beast is on arrival, I'm heaven sent like wings of hope, President and the King and Pope, Almost drowned Holy ghost crowned.
Free to call on God knowing the doves sing, We all going through something, Give light to the world, Live right in the world, Twenty four hours, Plenty more powers, They above space or underground, I'm love in grace with the thunder's crown.
Teach one to reach one, Don't leech one, My speech won, Talking like a lion, Walking with the iron, Meaning my soul got ether, They scheming to get gold for the creature, Spend hours in silence, Repent is the power of balance.
This is for all folks, They risk more to ball with the yoke, This fall will the world go broke, The wall of the temple ain't a joke, Got a call from God to move like the oak, In the river of truth I soak, Y'all still dreaming you ain't woke.
Nehemiah and Jeremiah, In the choir of this very fire, Sin is the wire to marry the liar, The end times is to wisely spend time, The days are evil, They seek praise for the ego, Workout your own salvation, Earth's sound is in every nation.
Heart of spirit, They start if you fear it, They depart when you hear it, Listen carefully, They missing prayerfully, They asking to see you not reach your potential, I'm fasting of the fee to teach your contential, What's your talents, How's your balance.
Growth in the heart, Clothed with the stars, Can't clone me on Mars, Saint stones in jars, Stop playing with sorcery, Can't drop the source in me, It's God the King, It's hard to sing, Inspiration to get in the choir, No initiation in the devil's fire.
I know it's hard sometimes, Just know God is always on time, The fraud is trying to stop my time, We're in the end times, Don't err how you spend time, Gold and myrrh to bend time, Make room for time, Can't fake the doom of time, Wake up in the zoom of time.
I resemble my ancestors, Won't tremble cause of transgressors, The example of God's plans of treasures, Can you hear me sing, Can you heal my wings, Christ paved the way, The sacrifice paid the way, At this price you can't afford to play.
No matter the race, The glow will shatter the space, You holding on to hot coals, I ain't folding in front of shocked souls, The energy got them worried, The enemy is now in a hurry, The veil uncovered, The bail unmothered, The nail unpottered.
See the manifestation of the peace, See the investigation of the beast, Love will always win, If it's made up it will always sin, Protect the elderly, Protect your immune with elderberry, Correct your commune with the letter of curry.
Exhibition, Extra vision, Seeing the game clearly, Freeing the flame dearly, Burning the wickedness, Concerning the innocence, Higher goals not breaking the regulations, Flyer souls not faking the revelations, Come to Jesus, Save the fetus.
All is equally special, You can't ball illegally in this vessel, Can't bypass the statutes, Was in class they couldn't match you, Now they hate you cause they couldn't fate you, Your energy is covered by the atonement, The enemy is bothered by the opponent.
Only by God's grace, They fear my heartspace, Can't rock with the devil, They shocked at my level, The joy got me dieseled, Decoy got them weaseled, You must be born again, New trust to be sworn again, I know they be plotting, The glow can't be forgotten.
The book is mostly logic, Look closely at the object, Emotions play a role, Devotions pray for your soul, They want me to fail without bail, God does not like dishonest scales, Only sign for this generation is Jonah's whale, The victory is not for sale.
Christ is the author of our faith, The price is water of the saved, Fruits of the spirit, Truth they fear it, This like dominoes, Her kiss like the heart of gold, The mist in the start of the road, My soul is favored by the hands of God's prayer.
I can't understand why you want to do evil knowing the consequence, Saints in the land of why it's illegal to be glowing with consciousness, Still gon see the FEMA camp, We still won in the dreamer stamp, Don't fear the guillotine, Our year for eternity.
If you a believer why you throwing devil horns, If you a deceiver why you knowing the level is sworn, Lot of folks masquerading, They got the yoke of procrastinating, Clean hygiene, I don't need no caffeine, Boost of iron, No zoos for the lion.
I'm directing fire in every breath, They defecting the wire for every death, We all gon be resurrected, Free call for the earth to be corrected, Lost in the rain, It was the cost of pain, Found God in my heart, They tried to bound me from the start.
Seeing minds connected to time computed, Freeing minds corrected by time unmuted, Be right here in the moment, No fear cause they can't own it, Yesterday was their day, Tomorrow has it's own sorrow, Today is forever made, Focus on now, No need to ask how.
Elated with joy, I made it with no decoy, I claim victory, I don't blame history, The spiritual glow is special, The biblical flow my vessel, The commercial ain't controversial, The more hating, The more ratings. Carry your cross, No need to bury your scars.
All the believers of Christ going through the same, God won't leave us through the flame, The power of unity in faith is beautiful, The hour of immunity is a miracle, Warriors of God all being tested, Jesus is my lawyer is how I'm invested.
The power of God resides in me, The power of God decides for me, I don't know what book you reading, I glow with the look like we're in Eden, What's the subject matter, They got puppet master, Integrity over the abomination, Eternity got the combination.
Draw the line. Straw the twine, They can't blur my mind, Don't eat the fur of the swine, Stir the grind, Myrrh for the world, Air of sign, I ain't talking astrology, I'm walking in apology, Seeking God's face, Ain't no beef I'm vegan in my grace.
Countless night, Boundless light, Love in my blood, The dove won't sin in the mud, Prayer is needed, Favor is seeded. Please stop sinning, Peace is the crop of winning, Keep pushing. Peep the cushion, Live holy and pure, Give only the cure.
You quick to sell your soul, You been tricked hell ain't paved with gold, You ain't slick the grave is cold, Evil is sick I'm brave and bold, I'm rich I don't crave what you was told, I don't switch what they slave for the road, No fear of the witch and toad.
Be relentless in your repentance, You acting hard, You attacking God. The truth is my shield, The booth looking like a field, Meaning more space for more grace, A lot of things is what the hearts of birds sing.
I don't aim for fame, My name is not a game, It's strictly business, They're a wickedly witness, Seeing old faces cause I'm freeing gold cases, What's for me is not for free, Spiritual come up, Biblical sum up. Cartridge to video, Heart rich here we go.
Exposing the fruits of darkness, Decomposing of the fruits of the heartless, Soursop and pineapple, Watch the hour drop cause of the swine babble, You chose to run the marathon, They froze cause Sarah gone, Jesus rose even when they were wrong.
Opportunity runs deep in my soul, Proper unity is the sun deep in the gold, Elevation of surrender, Revelation of no pretender, The deception started at birth, The reception will be hearted at earth, Jesus is Lord of all, Visas can't afford the call.
The control is in God's hands, Don't worry about any troll who mock God's plans, Masonry is common in the mirth, They ain't erasing me in the robbing of earth, Believers sharing the same sentiment, Deceivers are barren in the game is evident.
Miraculous, Don't care about the accolades, Bride of Christ, They hide the price, Now they asking, Now they masking. Closed captioned, No dose of their passion, Soon you'll be aware of the hatching, Stay tuned and prepare for the matching.
Society is more conscious than you think, Variety of nonsense doesn't make me blink, They say I came from the bottom, You can't play with the flame of Sodom, Not condemning. They rot when the sun stemming, That's for wicked souls, Stats for the cricket goals.
Got the grace for that feeling, Got a new space cause I broke the ceiling, The Sovereign Maker, The offering of the baker, Stay peaceful cause the beast ain't full, My currency went from lint to mint, Masons run the game, I'm facing the One who I claim.
I need a godly woman, They oddly assuming, True peace is love, The new beast blitz the dove, Woke up with prayer, They can't quote up my favor, My demeanor is cleaner, The war is seasoned, The door is ceasing, Can't score if you leasing.
Got the grace for that feeling, Got a new space cause I broke the ceiling, The Sovereign Maker, The offering of the baker, Stay peaceful cause the beast ain't full, My currency went from lint to mint, Masons run the game, I'm facing the One who I claim.
The crown of blessings, Can't drown in my confessions, You can keep the ground possessions, I have the right to remain silent, I got the light not to get violent, My past stained my spirit, Had to fast to maintain my spirit, The last days abstain my spirit.
If God is tugging at your heart to do something then that's what you should be doing, If she hugging at your heart to do something then that's what you should be doing, If they bugging at your heart then that's something you should not be doing.
It's a system of governance, Got wisdom to know the covenants, Not talking witches, I ain't walking in glitches, Keep your peace, Peep the beast, Let salvation work through you, They don't get the revelation in the new you, Now they acting like they knew you.
On this spiritual quest I know it's a biblical test, The fountain bonafide, I ain't fronting I don't hide, They counting on luck that I died, If you think I'm joking, That's why they are broken, Thought I was going down to the pit, My energy you can't forget.
Relaxing by the heart springs, They taxing the heart strings, You made a deal with the beast, The truth paid me to heal in peace, Why you want the meek to fail, A new count to seek the mail, My soul in love with wisdom, My glow is like a dove in this system.
I got a spear for the reaper, I got the sphere for the beeper, Beautiful woman she a keeper, I know the truth it gets deeper, Not flexing, Not texting, Not vexing, Prayers for the suffering, Mayor of offering, They aim for the mind, The game is blind.
Give God the flowers that is due, Live when it's hard in these hours that's when you true, What the game claims is false, What the flame tames is the pulse, See through the gimmick, Be you no need for the mimic, Propaganda, Act proper in the land of.
You can't glorify evil, The story ain't fly in your ego, I'm fortified even if they lethal, They mortified cause the prey is the beetle, Been certified cause I say what's on the needle, Been verified cause I don't fear people, Seen the air cry in diesel.
I don't pray to gel my glow to a genie, I don't play with those who want me to sell my soul for a Lamborghini, I'm content with what I've been given, I don't consent to how they been living, Walking in salvation, Talking in revelation, Rocking the elevation.
I feel like I could run for mayor, I'm real to the One who gave me favor, The source is God. I know it's hard, The glow came from the heart, Old Testament, Gold excellence, New Testament, True resident. Citizen of heaven, The realest sin is leavened.
The peace within is why the beast is trying to get me to sin within, But I refuse, They told me I blew a fuse, That's why before I was confused, I cry cause the war is infused, I was lost they were amused, Paid the cost now they try to abuse.
Need rhythm and soul, I plead I felt the venom of the cold, Be bold as a lion and gentle as a dove, Free gold in the iron as the mental love, Keep believing cause the wicked is leaving, Biblical protocol, No spiritual alcohol, Stay sober, Game over.
Sing hymns. Wings on my limbs, Was lukewarm not even knowing, Keep the laws cause of the nuke storm in the snowing. Late bloomer, My fate is not a rumor, Keep God first, Cause they want you in the hearse, Nothing you can rehearse, The devil is who we verse.
I got light that's golden, Lot of might I ain't folding, The bite was loaded, Merging out the terms, Obliterate those germs, There's a new version of worms, I know what I'm saying, I glow when I'm praying, Hate will always falter, Fate can be altered.
Folks tried to bind me, Cults tried to sign me, I ain't take no deal, I ain't fake I'm real, Actions speak louder, They crashing cause they tweaked the router, Kept my faith I wasn't a doubter, Dear God our Heavenly Father, First round draft pick starter.
Prepared to fight the enemy, I ain't scared of their energy, People acting so tough, They attracting evil but still ain't had enough, I don't play cause some don't bluff, I pray cause where I'm from the tone is rough, Speak truth cause they seek to execute.
God will always provide, Your heart won't glow when you have pride, Oh no I won't let it slide, During this life you got to pick a side, It's pouring light ain't no trick or hide, It's sick what they confide, Secrets of masons, They regret who they facing.
Only the real gon relate, Only when you heal can you relate, To the invitation they say we late, No imitation cause I don't play with fate, Can't wait to enter those gates, Got to endure until the end, My heart is pure until the end.
Only the meek will support, The fake gon report, They break rules and call it sport, From the womb I was destined for doom but I'm the one who bloomed, When I couldn't see my light I was sipping tea in the night, Now I can see. So they mad cause I'm free.
As long as I can plant the seed of love, The song I grant is to plead for the dove, Free the burden, The tree is burning, Keep them verses close, It's deep cause through the curses I still rose, Give people the space to feel the peace of grace.
Cold nights and gold nights, Through it all kept my soul rights, Love God with all your heart and thy neighbor as yourself, The dove is a star in the part cause the favor is in your breath, What did you expect, The truth is what I respect.
They know light and dark to fight your heart, The truth warned don't be lukewarm, What do you expect when you do evil, The truth is respect so why is salvation illegal, What I mean is the world don't tolerate love, Behind the scenes they sacrifice the dove.
I'm telling you I don't play, Why you yelling cause I pray, Lukewarm believers, The truth warned of deceivers, You can keep that goofy energy, Peep the movie energy, Can't relate to the flesh, My plan is to keep my faith fresh.
Glimpse of the past, Clips of the blast, Drips of the fast, The pain of loving totally, The rain of loving globally, Who gave humans the ability to create, Who saved humans from the agility of free hate, God is my source, My heart is my force.
Only God reign supreme, It's lonely and hard when there's pain in the new dream, But I don't grow faint, I won't sell my soul to be a saint, Can't laugh it up, The angels gon wrath it up, Final copy can't draft it up, Be strong cause the world be wrong.
Revelation is clearly being felt, Elevation is dearly being dealt, Microchip been here. They psycho with the drip cause they seen fear, How did coughing turn to coffins, We need the joy of love, We see the decoy for the dove, To be free destroy the bluff.
Keep your eyes on what's in front of you, Peep the lies in the songs when they taunt the truth, Mockers and scoffers, I ain't taking no offers, Stop partnering and making deals, They won't stop laundering the meals, Don't stop gardening and raking peels.
When you indulge in folly, The sin will crush you with the holly, Told her I was born to win call me, They try to unlock my pin to wall me, Stay silent in most moments, Pray balanced in most moments, They think they know you, Don't claim I owe you.
Love conscience, Tired of the nonsense, Keep my peace, It's deep in the streets, I'm in the church, Soul merch, Major alignment, I'm favored in assignment, My eyes on the end times, The rise of blend crimes, Be blameless, God's love I claim this.
Turned my life around, They wanted to burn my life to the ground, Prayer knees, Favor is to please, Not people but God, Can't rot in evil it ain't hard, Live right always, Give light always, Second coming, Can't be reckoned or summoned.
My energy can't be remoted, My enemy been demoted, There's no rehearsal, There's no reversal, Pray with a staff, They play with the craft, In the sermon with a shawl, Sin make the vermin crawl, Why can't you say Jesus, Cash a check with them visas.
Salvation in my blood, Elevation from the mud, Freeing myself from the curses, Being myself in the verses, Of course I don't bluff, Love's source is the dove, The force ain't made up, Ain't talking the squad.
Unlocking the cloud, Storage, Had to eat porridge.
You didn't make your life so how can you fake your life, Be real and honest, She's healed and modest, I been sealed with a promise, They prey on my come up, I don't play if you run up, Not saying I got the tool, I'm just saying I'm not the fool.
They get a kick if you can't hit your goal, I ain't got to hit a lick to get the gold, Still prosper, Still made the roster, I ain't clout capping, Try to shout while I'm napping, They doubt what I'm mapping, Been knew my purpose, Been knew my worship.
God is correcting me for following my heart, God is protecting me from them swallowing my heart, Listen to the voice of reason, They missing the choice this season, Only God I'm pleasing, Not to be in Christ is treason, They paid a price for leasing.
Biblical thoughts, Spiritual hearts, Rose from the pit, Every dose is a new hit, Deception in the hands of the enemy, Perception in the hands of your energy, Joy is here, They get destroyed by fear, The warfare is deep, The more air then you will leap.
My heart beat for every heart that I meet, They try to delete me but can't defeat me, You ain't right in your ways, I'mma saint with light for days, Accept the gift of salvation, There's no except if it's a myth of all nations, Same laws, The game lost.
This is true dedication, This is new education, They trying to make deals with the game changers, They trying to make you feel the flames' anger, You can keep your contract, Got to peep and see who's on track, It's deep cause the sun got the world cracked.
Focused on God, Them locusts is odd, I see stars in her eyes, I see Mars in their lies, Earth has an expiration date, My worth is an exclamation fate, Destined for the heavenly abode, This is a test of sin in the heavenly code.
Seek the face of God, The meek got to face the odds, Got to speak when you see frauds, They tweak the game with the joker card, By the creek watching the flame of the stars, Not literal, The bitter scroll, The votes don't verify, The goats ain't very fly.
We was tipping we knew the cost, They were ripping what was the cause, They dripping in hot sauce, They was tripping and got lost, The game is gripping but they can't pause, We ain't slipping on the laws, They be clipping the lost.
There's no faking the funk, We ain't taking no junk, The game is baking looking for a dunk, They caking cause your glow is like a monk, You don't want to be laking where the pit is sunk, They making bacteria to spread the gunk, They waking up to no bunk.
What's free speech, They got the tree leech, People saying anything for shock value, God say it's illegal for them to foul you, On the list, Her heart is sun kissed, In the dark the gun missed, God gave you a second chance, The second coming in God's plans.
My status ain't fear that's why they can't tap into my stratosphere, I heal in the peace when doubt is near, I feel the beast in the atmosphere, Can't be in the streets when clout is here, The saint is true divinity, They ain't no new infinity.
Level up cause the devil is always up, Salvation in my cup, Ain't nothing made up, Got to know what's up, Been a lion you a pup, They hate the come up, The gate is still up, My faith is still up, Repent cause time's up, Foes out when you meek up.
The meek can't kick their feet up, I seek what they leak up, By the creek getting my peak up, When they speak they tweak up, Can't meet up cause they geek up, Said I was weak until I got my tea up, Life ain't bleak just got to see up.
Making power moves, They faking the hour views, Taking flowers to the news, Waking to sour blues, God made me disciplined, Its hard when the truth is innocent, Level of discernment, The devil ain't gon miss the burning, They ball on wood, God is always good.
Birds up, Words up, See the progression, See the confession, Vital for repentance, Idols store dimensions, We fighting space beings, The lightning is the grace feeling, The tightening is the blaze sealing, See the treasure even through the pressure.
It's better to be alive, Any weather I will survive, Light as a feather is the vibe, Trying to catch me off guard, Crying to match me when it's hard, Both foot in the Kingdom, No oath in the truth of what they bring them, The deception is inception.
It's a miracle to be alive. It's biblical how I survived, It's spiritual how I arrived, The victory is in Christ Jesus, The history is the price of Mona Lisa's, Renaissance, I don't rent no sauce, Covered by grace, Life is the mother of space.
The new you is the true you, They love you crazed but hate you unfazed, Been feeling the joy, The wicked setup the decoy, That's why the world has to be destroyed, Speak your truth, Don't get weak in the booth, They try to tweak the proof.
Spoken word curses, Broken word verses, We need to repent of unlawful deeds, We plead who was sent to powerful seeds, Of course I mean Jesus, Behind the scenes they deceive us, Talking about the higher ups, Walking when the fire up, No fable on cable.
They mad at me cause they couldn't put the pad on me, They tried to rat on me. They tried to put the hat on me, They see the light of Christ, The fee is night for the price, Every moment is a test, They can't own what God blessed I love you that I confess.
Can't laugh with a snake, The wrath of the quake, The craft is for the fake, I'm on the path for my sake, They cooking the cake, They looking to make, Found them hiding. The ground is guiding. The sound is inviting, When I'm around the vibe is lightning.
Atomic strategy, Astronomic tragedy, Hollywood is an abomination, Christ died on the cross for every nation, Let it be known the resurrection, I was shown my protection, They can't own my connection, Be blameless in the real, Be stainless in the field.
God will not let you be put to shame, God will not let you be put into the flame, God will not let you take the blame, The flesh loves lust, The fresh loves trust, Not being rude, Not being nude, Dressed in modesty, Pressed in honesty.
Peace in this cup, Beast try to disrupt, We don't run from the pressure, Free the sun to be fresher, Thank God for mercy and compassion, It's a blank odd to verse me on some fashion, Garment of love, They charming with the dove, Honey funds the money.
They looking for the fault of your worth, Not knowing you the salt of the earth, I don't need your dead rose, Give some seeds to the red crows, Universal glow, Reverse the flow, The energy is out of this world, My enemy is waiting for the clout of the pearl.
Comeback stronger, Some lack hunger, Lost a lot of years to influence, It cost a lot of tears due to the innocence, Made something out of nothing, They glorified the evil, Don't get horrified when it's all legal, Stay prayed up cause this ain't made up.
Dearly hearted, Yearly watered, This is the healed version, This is real urgent, The dimensions are merging, Did I mention they still searching, Frame of mind, Don't flame the blind, They try to tame the kind, It's not a game when you can't find.
God's guidance is to bless your heart's finance, God's instruction is to prevent your destruction, God's warning is to advert mourning, God's conviction is so you won't see no eviction, God's learning is to deter the burden, God's lesson is for your essence.
My thought process has taught me progress, The power belongs to God, The hour of songs is in the heart, They are synchronized with time, I seen in her eyes with no grime, I'm in tune with now, To the moon they make the vow, My energy got them like how.
Reaching the choir, Teaching the higher, We trying to make it, Why you dying to lake it, Now the world crying cause they faked it, Now strangers lying cause they didn't bake it, I'm flying I didn't cake it, I see the view, Many are called but chosen are few.
My joy can't be decoyed, I don't speak like a serpent, I'm meek is the lion version, She's by the creek her love is urgent, We all need help. Don't plead self, That seed is your wealth, Faith is the witness of the unseen, Saved by the wisdom of love's team.
The earth's crust is for believers, Don't trust deceivers, They want you to slip up, They want you to flip up, The intent is what God sees, Repent is the heart's keys, Can't invent the dark seas, Mundane things, Sun rain wings, Lessons for your presence.
Next level phase, Next devil days, Only God gets the credit, My heart in joy cause I bled it, I rebuke the beast, I recruit the peace, Jesus died for you, They lied to you, We fight against cosmic powers of wickedness, The light is atomic in the innocent.
Ancestral gifts, Celestials myths, Jesus is the real deal, Believe us you feel healed, All will be revealed, I don't believe in coexist, I don't receive no x sixth. I know you're enlightened, The glow been heightened, God is love, Why they after the dove.
Been dealing with the testament, Been healing with the medicine, You know who's on God's side, You know who's on the hard drive, Different scope of lens, Different hope of sense, I learn from God, I yearn for God, Full of joy not soy The game is a decoy.
We practice silence, They're actors in science, Fake technology in the streets, They make things to acknowledge the beast, The hour of temptation, The power of the ancient, The flower for the nation, Don't include me, God renewed me.
As you glow up they slow up, Flow up when you show up, They hate to see your energy awakened, My fate is my enemy knows I won't be forsakened, Now they arriving when they see you surviving, The light got them in attention, The night is here new dimension.
Discipline your mind, This divine your kind, Tell the world sorry, Tell the world your story, They took the wrongs and try to make it right, They shook cause the songs baked the night, The crook couldn't take my light, Them verses break the curses.
It came deep from the heart, I keep God in my heart, Going to church when I was little on my own, Now I'm glowing in any merch cause of the widow of the known, Learning the Lord's prayer, Discerning the war's layers, Bulletproof vested, The truth been tested.
I know the deeper roots, I know the reaper fruits, Time is promised to no one, That's a crime if you pay homage to the gold one, Talking idolatry, Walking where the tree is free, The flesh profits nothing, The test is to see if your faith in God is forgotten.
Keep your composure. Deep in exposure, My soul is not in foreclosure, The gold I inherited is not four clover, I was told stay more sober, The way I pray the game over, I'm energized, I know the enemy lies, The beast is an enterprise, I don't improvise.
Stay away from society's timeline, Pray away the curses for primetime, The devil is the father of all lies, Every level I'm the author of my rise, Put God first, The wood ain't cursed, The sacrament is in my mind, The baphomet isn't blind, Love and be kind.
One soul won is better than a million ones, Talking about salvation worth more than trillion, My elevation got them in the tunnel drilling, Still fighting, The real lighting, You claim flesh, My flame is blessed, The game ain't fresh, Your name is a test.
See right through the imposters, Free light cause I'm true in the rosters, I ain't talking fantasy, I'm walking in the land to see, They put love on a cross, They try to put the dove in the frost, It's not made up there's a cost, Jesus came for the lost.
They want me on a movie reel but they can't move the real, The proof of love is to know God is real, It's not odd how you feel, It's hard when you heal, But know your soul will be purified, The goal of believers is to be unified, Don't be a kin to sin.
If you still pretending then you need real repenting, The whole world is in on the lie, That's why the whole world is gon cry, You acting like you the one, Just know the chosen have won, Centuries of damage, Don't mention me when the game vanish.
Keep a humble heart, No I won't fumble my part, They already crumble before the start, Directed programming, Elected soul scamming, Connected glow jamming, I know my temple, I glow in example, They stole the text in a sample, My gold is blessed by ammo.
I was delivered from them demons, I was by the river dreaming, God held my soul, Can't eat the bread they stole, The Word of God is my portion, It's absurd to think I'm gon bow down to their extortion, Sweet victory, We gon meet in history.
I don't agree with those terms, I won't pay the fee of those germs, Immune is immaculate, The moon is a accolade, Open their hearts, They scoping with darts, Cruise control, Blues had me sun gold, Quit with the acting, My grit is not with the faction.
A lot of people are enraged cause to me evil is estranged, I'm not married to the beast, I'm carried by the peace. Walk circumspect, Talk with all respect, Know your worth, Snow of the earth, Light of love, Sight of a dove, Humanity is in duality.
God is a consuming fire, It's odd when they assuming you a liar, Felt like I was in a nightmare, They melt when you give the right stare, Blessed with the mercy, They test to see if they can curse me, Deceivers tried to close me up, Jesus rose me up.
I'm here cause of God, No fear cause of God, Walk with boldness, Talk cause my soul blessed, Don't deny Jesus, We don't rely on deceivers, Global movement to preach salvation, They go ball to bleach the revelation, You know who real, I glow with no deal.
I'm always a step ahead of the matrix, They always one step into the spaceship, We talking about love What are you made of, Are you prayed up, Get your weight up, Be present I can't wait up, From the start was deceivers, My heart is for Jesus.
It's clear it's The Gospel, They don't want to hear The Gospel, They fear The Gospel, My heart is dear to The Gospel, My soul is near to The Gospel, I'm on a different gear in The Gospel, Every year is The Gospel, No spear can destroy The Gospel.
I was traumatized lost in karma's eyes, Used to be living under the influence and they confused cause I became the influence, Keep your hands clean, It's deep plans in the scene, Hold on to your receipt, They sold a ton of deceit, Gold bond to the seat.
You can't get lost in space, Truth is they bet the cost of grace, Better repent, The letter been sent, The seven churches, This is where heaven merges, Idolatry is the father of sin, Adultery is the water of sin, My demeanor is still cleaner.
Can't fear the lion's den, I was here when they were lying then, My loyalty is in Christ, Royalty is obedience not sacrifice, Create and let your seeds flourish, They hate when your deeds nourish, Cast your burdens, The past is burning.
Show kindness and watch the world catch a minus cause they want to give you a sinus, I ain't signing this, I ain't trusting no scientist, They rusting with lying lips, The world will vanish, No one can control the damage. Shred the score, Instead of the war.
Heart sweeter than honey, My start wasn't with the heater and money, Can't play both sides, Can't pray for the oath of guides, Lucifer in their blood, They crucified Christ's blood, I had to get it from the mud cause they really wanted me under that mud.
King of kings. Wing of wings, Lord of Lords. War of wars, We serve the all knowing God, They try to swerve when you calling on God, Life is stranger than science fiction, The light got them stranger cause of the crucifixion.
I won't deviate from the mission, They don't appreciate the vision, The power I carry, The flower I marry, Relationship with Jesus, We pray every shift if you believe us, Without love what are you saying, Without the dove why are you playing.
See the greater in the skies, See the hater in your eyes, Walk in the love, Talking to the dove, You playing with your life, I'm praying for a wife, I look straight forward, The book with the fate of the word, They shook cause the gate opened for the bird.
Mystery in my veins, Victory is not in chains, History created a lot of pains, Misery stated a lot of gains, Hold your peace, Mold in the streets, The light is karma for the righteous and wicked, The night just might be where they kick it.
Turn the air to mist, Don't care if I'm on the list, I won't take a chance with my soul, They loan the plans cause they stole, This has to stop. When it's comes to God my knees I will drop, I was saved from the pit, My faith protected me from that hit.
Rewire your brain, Reach higher in the grain, The sea of fire when you train, The revelation is crystal clear, The elevation can't be whistled by fear, Not concerned with the flesh, Got to discern who truly blessed, That's not an option, Stay hot on caution.
It's tragic the folly you see, It's cause of the magic of the holly tree, Society is bewitched, Sobriety is to be rich, Don't get caught in the booze and snooze, Mk Ultra in the news, Let go of the weed, My soul in God is all I need.
A lot of people talking tough but they don't know God had enough, If you real you can't be exposed for bluff, Do you walk in the holy spirit of do you walk so people can fear it, Meek as a dove, They can't speak with love, They seek what's made up.
We must understand. We the dust of the motherland, Talking about the earth, Walking with no doubt of my worth, They'll even say believing in God is a conspiracy theory, Won't sell my soul even when it's hard in the thunder freeze of fear.
Apocalypse. Babylon with her lying lips, Any moment I come fly cause I won't comply, Feel the peace I'm quieter, Feel the beast in the rioter, Healing to the max, They dealing with the wax No ceiling to the fax, Righteous flow, Priceless glow.
Winners don't quit, Sinners won't quit, Which side are you on, We don't switch or hide cause they wrong, No devil solution cause I glow in evolution, Not talking theory, I know these bots fear me, Most acting out of pocket, The game froze out of the socket.
Reign supreme, Trying to drain my dream, God on the throne, It's odd they're thrown, Deep within is the unknown, They keep sin in the lungs of the bone, All nations will hear about salvation, Tune into your soul's immunity, Moon talk in the world community.
Ain't running even if they gunning, They want you in the guillotine, They think they can taunt in the illest scene, Martyr of salvation, Water of revelation, Father of all nation, Abraham and Solomon and Nehemiah, The Lamb and all of them is in the choir.
Pay attention or stay in detention, Ain't nobody tapped into ascension, You can level up, Cause they gon devil up, Karma hitting hard, Trauma spitting fraud, Wake up your heart, Wasn't faked up from the start, From lost to found, Paid the cost of sound.
They can't question me cause only God blessing me, My foes be testing me. Master's degree, The pastor's decree, They fear the unknown, Every year the sun is grown, Salvation is my guide, Revelation said nobody can hide, Ancient only in Jesus I confide.
I pray for instruction cause the world is decay and destruction, Knocking down doors, Rocking sound wars, They here to unlock fear, Every year it's getting crystal clear, Not talking gregorian, The earth will rot so make sure you are born again.
When you know the scriptures they fear you, You trying to get richer I don't hear you, Witchcraft on pictures I ain't near you, I don't bow down to any devil, I know how to break down any level, They hate the righteous, Keep my faith in the crisis.
I bring all nations to the temple, I sing salvation for the example, I been ancient using the Word for ammo, Be patient when you speak don't ramble, I don't care for race, My love is shared through grace, The meek can't escape God's face.
I know the body of work, I glow even when Illuminati lurk, My flow gon take them to church, My soul is for God the new merch, The devil stole I'm on the search, Found the truth, On the ground is a tooth, Trying to hex me, I'm telling them you can't next me.
I done came with a new series, They done came with some new theories, Propaganda and fake news, They read your Miranda if you got the baked juice, Sin is not innocent, To win is heaven sent, Lamb's Book got the rams shook, End times, Watch God bend time.
Change your diet, It's strange cause they quiet, Don't engage when they riot, Please our Maker who is God, They seize the baker when it's hard, I ain't no faker in the heart, Repent this instant, I know how they invent the system, My glow is biblical wisdom.
Going back is not an option, Throwing jacks is for the caution, No one needs to know your business, Folks of sin keep your distance, They look for error, Stay in peace cause they cook in terror, Can't fear you, The lake of fire is where they try to steer you.
I'm gon speak the truth, They start to tweak cause they know it's you, Used to be the underdog, The blues in the thunder fog, Can't sign no deal, Can't blind me cause the glow is sealed, Healing from the scars, I'm revealing what's on Mars.
My memories is vivid, My enemies is livid. Silence is my power, Balance in the hour, Violence is these cowards, Science is to build the towers, Talking about to the heavens, They playing lucky sevens, You can't milk the clock when you lactose, Only God knows.
It's not a sweet thang in the thunder, The earth will rot cause they want the saints six feet under, You ain't getting raptured, You got to deal with the devil in the pasture, I shall fear no evil, New World Order is illegal, Pure pearl no more ego.
My heart got them shook, I start with the book, Healed my star all they can do is look, It gets real in the dark watch them cook, True living water, I ain't bowing down to the New World Order, Filming the illuminati in the camcorder, Who made the quarter.
I pray my life ain't in vain, I don't play in my life with pain, They don't know what to say when it rain, Go hard or be a fraud, When you real they act odd, These the cards I was dealt, These the scars I felt, The game is outlawed to melt.
I was overlooked now they overcooked, Being sober got them shook Seeing the game over from what they took, Fleeing like the flame cobra cause I'm reading the book, Mvp status I ain't no rook, They climbing ladders trying to reel in the hook, I ain't a crook.
Divide and conquer then they hide in the bunker, Nobody can escape the truth, The soul of Illuminati is taped to the booth, Rather be strong than wrong, They gather the world for a song, Still healing to erase their feeling, By grace is the moment of sealing.
No apology needed, No astrology reading, Glow atomically now they pleading, My soul automatically gets a greeting, Whether inviting or rejecting, Better than hiding and deflecting, Featherweight in the guiding of reflecting.
Keep my feet light. Peep the street night, Rock steady, The block is ready, Building the temple of truth, Billing for the example of truth. Face the enemy with the gear, They face my energy with fear, They orchestrate the scans, They overstate the plans.
Getting stronger by the minute, They getting conquered by the minute, Individual basis, Residual spaces, First come first served, The curse come reserved, We not trying to see who's right, We trying to free the light.
I didn't come for the glitz and glamour, Where I'm from they blitz with the hammer, She beautiful but I can't kiss no scammer, Every corner there's a mourner, Vindication, Sinful nation, You can't blame God, The flame is in your heart.
What they didn't expect is the reason they try to disrespect, This the season to disinfect, You start increasing when you disconnect, God is your strength, Hard to live like a saint, Be in this world but not of it, Read the Word and make sure you love it.
Bold as a lion. Gold as the iron, It's important to fulfill the mission, I'm sporting the will of vision, Clarity and charity, Knowing my heart, Glowing in thy start, Can't play the bench, Filth and decay from the evil stench, Work everyday with the wrench.
Combination flow, Abomination snow, Gracious the mercy, New faces trying to verse me, Old cases trying to curse me, The meek will rise, They speak lies, Sending weak spies, Got to watch out for the assassins, Got to wash out the taxing.
Stop blaming folks. Stop shaming folks, Stop flaming folks, Take accountability, Can't fake the amount of ability, Become a victor, Spiritually richer, Don't let your enemies have power over you, Can't forget you I have flowers for you.
If it's in the newspaper, Then it's in the blues vapor, Sin has rules for favor, Make sure you repent, They can't break the pure with no intent, Even if they did, They can't unlock the grid, They in shock cause I destroyed the squid, Knock to control the bid.
Keep speaking your voice, It's deep they trying to weaken your choice, Peep how they tweaking making noise, Salvation is this instant, Elevation when you repent, The game is caked up and moist, The flame is laked up and poised, And the crown they can't drown.
Crown of salvation, They can't drown the elevation, Hear the ground in revelation, The sound of celebration, We going to go through tribulations, We going through the simulation, I ain't going through the rim of the nation, Glowing now I see the temptation.
The glow is dynamite but I ain't dying tonight, If it ain't in God's will, To be a saint your heart got to be still, Christ victory is more important than the price of history, Made new again, Won't fade to the due again, Illuminati won't rule again.
We need to repent, We plead this instant, They said everything under the sun, They dread the wings that thunder the gun, A lot of folks acting tough, My heart ain't rot by the yoke of the bluff, No man got me in fear, Soul plan can't be blocked any year.
One half is trying to put chips in me, The other half is trying to put clips in me, I ain't no teacher's pet, The saint ain't seeking a bet, They wanted me to be self-destructed, My wealth ain't deducted, Keep your currency while they purging the sea.
They try to deter the urgent cause they trying to mix the truth with the detergent, The scientists still searching, They eyeing this while the real purging, See the dove perching, Be love the only version, Sealed up by the merchant, Free truth is working.
Reaping the glitched wrath cause of sleeping witchcraft, Can't switch my path, I ain't involved in that nonsense, Give thanks to evolve my conscience, With others it's okay, But little do they know that you don't play, They try to fluke you but I rebuke you.
Regulated, Speculated, Curse words is not verse words, They planning for the future for whoever is in power, While I pray they scanning for the mixture in this very hour, Don't play with banning the fixture cause their berry is sour.
Fulfill your soul purpose, The will of the whole worship, Of course to God, Love is the source even when it's hard, Don't try to force how you feel, Strength of a horse I been steel, Forgive your foes, The more you give the less your woes.
Repent with a pure intent, Free the cement to let the roses flourish, The tree been sent so they can nourish, Every instant I stay Christian, God know I ain't switching, It's odd cause they glitching, If you really a believer, Why don't you deliver.
Be thankful for sight to see, Be thankful for the light to free, There's two options, There's new conscience, The stakes is high, Can't pump the brakes in the sky, Where I'm from the only break you get is when you die, Work to the muscle, Only clean hustle.
The streets is flooded with drugs, The sheets ain't flooded with hugs. Resist the devil, Persist on the level, The matrix is a trap, The spaceship is not for a nap, The ancient would destroy this rap, Be patient God gon put you on the map.
I don't participate in the abominations, I don't facilitate the nominations, The light of grace, The night I can face, Stay low key, I pray you'll get to know me I don't play you got to show me, Move accordingly, Prove who's in authority.
New creature in Christ, New feature in Christ, I don't catch the 5 o'clock news, Get off the block or feel those dues, Laced marijuana everywhere, Face the berry iguana which is very rare, Stay off the drugs, Stay off the slugs, Servants and merchants.
Pick up the Word and change the world, They clicked up for the bird and act strange from the third, People left you to the possum, Now they fear cause you feel awesome, The victory is in Christ Jesus, There's history for all believers.
The world in dread cause all they did I'm not dead, Now I'm living by the bread, They tried to put me in spiritual debt, Now I'm a spiritual threat, My heart is open like the universe, My start is hoping in the burst, The game want a deal but my name is real.
I'm a biblical threat to these folks who are in spiritual debt, Tell people to repent cause evil hits this instant, Be content with what you have, I've been sent to warn about wrath, That word consent is not one to laugh, Transcend the world on the holy path.
The biblical glitches cause the meek to receive spiritual riches, Now they hate cause they can't put you on a leash, They don't know how my faith was unleashed, Finding ways to heal, Minding my ways to be real, Be at peace, I'm coming at the beast.
Reading the book of Luke trying not to be lukewarm, Deleting what they cook in the frying pan to create a nuke storm, I ain't afraid or shook you've already been warned, I always prayed I could remove the thorn, The days can't be born.
It's hard but don't faint, God called you to be a saint, It's odd not to give thanks, The card is for the banks, Moving up in the ranks, Now they coming with tanks, She deserves spiritual flowers, The streets is reserved for biblical hours.
This ain't the old me, You can't control me, I've been set free, I've been on a jet tree, Whoever has the ears to hear, New weather in the years of fear, I stand bold, I won't sell my soul, This ain't cake and ice cream, Give thanks for Christ in your dream.
Be real within, Be healed with the sifting, They learning the scheming, The world is burning for the new demon, It's a set up to get you bet up, I'm still here, I sealed the fear, Turn your heart to the max, Don't burn the heart in the fax.
I was told to get up, It's a cold set up, It's a relief when you reject their belief, I remain seated in my heart, I refrain from being heated in my heart, They delegating on how I'm elevating, See them on the prowl, See the game like an owl.
Forever in joy, More than ever can't be destroyed, The game is foiled, The flame is boiled, See sojourners, Can't speak on burners, My future is at rest, Them computers is at the text, Destined to be one of a kind, They wrestling with one on the grind.
The spiritual light is a biblical right, Repentance is needed, Every sentence is pleaded, Motion picture. Ocean scripture, Psalm island, My palm ain't dialing, Don't get deceived, The mark of the beast I won't receive, My faith at peace to achieve.
The meek shall inherit the earth, If you speak they fall to merit your worth, Stay silent when needed, Pray for balance when seeded, You know them by their fruit, You glow by the truth, What they meant for evil was turned for your good, My intent is for good.
I don't align with the blind, My vision is crystal clear, I ain't switching to no physical fear, The war is spiritual, The core is biblical, They come with these conspiracies, Where I'm from only the realest see, Raised by disgrace until I was saved by grace.
Obedience is the realest sense, Perfection is my perception, Not saying I'm sinless but I know I ain't winless, The glow is not finessable, The cold ain't flexible, I know the code to rest your soul, There's a mode to bless your gold.
I don't align with the blind, My vision is crystal clear, I ain't switching to no physical fear, The war is spiritual, The core is biblical, They come with these conspiracies, Where I'm from only the realest see, Raised by disgrace until I was saved by grace.
They try to copy me cause they can't stop me, They mock me cause they can't block me, They can't lock me so they try to shock me, They try to knock me cause they can't rock me, They can't sock me so they try to stock me, Can't clock me so they try to jock me.
Stay focused, They prey for locust, Don't play with the hocus, Soursop and a tray of okras, Learning that a sin is major in God's eyes, Got a burning win to be favored in God's eyes, Talking scriptures, Walking richer Second coming, A legend ain't running.
I will repent, They still pretend, Just want to a be a beacon of light, I won't sell my soul to the deacon of night, The signs are clear as day, The minds are in fear in the prey, Be bold as a lion, Be gold like iron, New dimension, True intention.
If they could they would clone me, If they could they would stone me, The Word keeps the world starched cause the folks are harsh, Don't waste time, Don't taste crime, Do what's right, I knew she had light, The game stagnant, You got to tame the dragon.
I won't put my soul on the line, I won't fumble on the goal line, 4th quarter, A quart of the order, Not into masonry, Not erasing me, They change the rules, It's strange when you fueled, By the power of peace, The hour of the beast, Flowers for the streets.
I know salvation is a promise, I glow in the dark my star is blessed. The pronunciation different, The conversation is shifting, Regarding their hearts is hardened, Frauding for the start of pardon, Be repentant cause inception is deception.
Reap what you sow, Keep how your glow, It's deep in the flow, Healing to my potential, Been dealing with the confidential, Sin got them feeling presidential, Heaven is the ceiling for my financial, If it's leavened it ain't substantial.
All the music being streamed, Don't lose, it's your dreams, Diffuse it cause it's all schemes, Won't be used by these teams, The blues don't come with memes, The rules keep the drum on beams, The news isn't what it seems, They can't cruise cause truth gleams.
Underground tunnel. Thunder found the sun glow, Discernment in these times, This a sermon in my prime, I still got room to grow, They steal to rot in the tomb for the crow, Be real when they casting lots in the womb of the snow, The world is doomed in flow.
I'm trying to reach the finish line, They drying to teach me to diminish mine, They dying to breach me at the scrimmage line, I been crying cause the image blind, They been lying on the spinach grind, I'mma menace to the illest kind, Love is the realest sign.
I live by grace, I give you space, That don't mean I sin intentional, My tone in the scene is to win dimensional, The cornerstone ain't conventional, It's the loaner that's growing the sun's vegetable, Be a owner applying the one schedule.
Break out of that mentality, You break God's law and it's fatality, I ain't talking mortal kombat, The immortal you can't harm that, See the portal better psalm that, I ain't fear mongering, I can hear the hungering, I been known it, No fear of any opponent.
Clean out the skeletons out your closet, I know what it's been since the elegant lost it, False prophets raise the cost of the rockets, How long you gone be dreaming, Don't bow down to the scheming, They made a vow to keep the game steaming.
Drinking tea and apricot. They thinking heaven gone rot, They trying to put me on the spot, They dying to get rich on the slot, They lying watch for the start, A lot of folks don't have heart, Break the yoke of the devil's part, Every level is unlocked.
I'm enjoying my peace, I'm annoying the beast, I'm anointing the streets, God's correction is for your protection, The truth don't pretend, Why don't you just repent, Jesus bled on that cross, Increase us cause they want you in the frost.
The product of my actions, The conduct of the factions, This is my light, I know this ain't right, The glow of a saint in the night, Love covers a multitude of sins, The dove covers the altitude of wins, Forgive our transgressions, God hear our confessions.
I am not with the undertakings, Give thanks cause the thunder isn't faking, Born again believers, Won't be torn again by deceivers, The worst is yet to happen, The verse you kept is mapping, Bringing you to the seat of mercy, Thinking can't defeat or verse me.
They envy your heart, They saying this can't be you from the start, They didn't want you to play your part, Now you made it on your own, They want to fade like you're unknown, Only the real recognize, I hear heaven's cries, Now they feel the reckon eyes.
Right state of mind, Light state of mind, Blind fate ain't mine, They sign hate of kind, Design a new slate of line, Fashion stance. Passion in my hands, I ain't a fan in the stands, It's game time, It's the same time, Healing therapy. Only God care for me.
I said a lot of things, Christ bled with a lot of wings, Not on a joy ride. God's gon destroy all that pride, Humble within, Don't fumble with sin, We at the goal line. Check the stat we got the gold mind, Don't care for the game, Prayer for your name.
A righteous person is hated by the lifeless version, They wanted you to be wicked, But all you wanted was the ticket, Into the paradise, What I seen through these pair of eyes, What I been through they can't lease my prayer cries, My life is where favor rise.
Correct your health, Protect your wealth, Return to your first love, Don't burn the cursed dove, There's a gift in the presence, No myth when you have the essence, They vexing and hexing souls, God's blessing souls, The pain is real, The rain will heal.
Trust in Jesus, It's a must for believers, Don't get it twisted, For God's sake I'll risk it, The lips of Babylon don't kiss it, Find a virtuous woman, The lions are blind to a merciless human, Feel like Daniel in the den, It's annual sin in the end.
They dribbled the nations to tribulations, It's all been a set up, Don't think they gon let up, New World Order like Tower of Babel, There's a camcorder in the power of where they dabble, You can't hide underground or in space, Thunder found me in grace.
History in my vein, Victory in the pain, Mystery in the rain, Misery in the lane, Fought through. I bought it new, My soul is for God, They stole from the poor call it fraud, The Creator of heaven and earth, There's haters of the unleavened birth.
Nine eleven, The blind can't see heaven, Open the eyes of the lost, Hoping I hear the cries of the cross, Jesus came for the world, Deceivers with the ruby pearl, Thinking I need crystals, I don't dance in no disco, Grace is my portion, They praise extortion.
They want to see me fail, It only count when you got the grail, They can't haunt me I ain't frail, What's in my cup is not ginger ale, This ain't made up they linger for the sale, Sipping on grace, Only God ripping up space.
I ain't part of the craft, The saint's heart is free of wrath, First round pick in the draft, Talking Lamb's Book, Walking got the land shook, You can live it up but I won't give it up, Better repent, The weather been sent, The feather ain't bent.
I claim that Jesus is the author and finisher of my faith, They claim the believers is the cause of the pure water to vintage the saved, Not afraid of the devil, What's your grade on this level, Academic scholarship, Pandemic cause a power shift.
There's a dove trapped in your heart, There's a love that's wrapped in the stars, What are you made of when they aiming odds, Will you fade when you see the flaming laws, If it wasn't for God I just don't know, Now I'm buzzing when I start cause I glow.
Be thankful and stop complaining, Free the angel cause where I'm from it's raining, See the bengal and know there's some explaining, Water and mango keep it ancient, I don't tango with the drum of satan, Watch the pain go in the plum of payment.
Love is the living waters, The dove is the giving authors, Writing all our actions on their wings, A lot of people hiding cause they losing rings, The world is crumbling, The word is humbling, Walk in your purpose and watch the evil they do in curses.
Last time I checked God is in charge, Past dime trekked the heart of sin in large, Repentance is vital, Free sentence in the idol, Scoffers and mockers, Offers in the lockers, Devils masquerading, Every level they cast the operating.
Credit is due to God, They can't edit what's true to God, They bet it cause there's a few to God, If you ain't loving who you calling on, The saints govern whoever think they balling on, My thankful soul is sovereign, I ain't falling on.
I can tell who you are, I won't sell who I am to be a star, You laugh but you try it and be marked with wrath, I want my life stamped by God, You can't haunt my life my lamp is the heart, I can do all things through Christ, The Gospel I know the price.
Smile for the victory of Christ Jesus, Walked miles for the mystery of the price of believers, They talked for a while to sacrifice souls to deceive us, Yoked simulation, Broke the humiliation, My blood is ancient, My love is patient.
Where's the reciprocation, There's no wish in this simulation, My prayers work just fine, My paper is just grind, I ain't worried about food and clothing or drink, My vision ain't blurry I keep it good no loathing when I think, I don't act new, I been true.
I ain't affiliated, I really made it, I ain't talking hollywood, If I wasn't in peace they probably could. Spiritual on guard, So much biblical fraud, Misinterpretation of the verses, The kiss entered the nations for the curses, Repent with intent.
There's two types, They say I'm 2 hyped, The world in a cypher of cyber, The word is fiber to destroy the viper, Be not ignorant of the devices, Be vigilant cause sin ain't a license, Be militant cause to win is silence, I can't fake it, I won't take it.
The world need a intervention, The word ain't man's invention, I don't pay them attention, Ain't nobody tapped into ascension, They can't change my perception, It's strange with all this inception, The game is ain't a myth with all the deception.
Christ coming back again, That's a price they can't comprehend, You playing making other plans, Jonah and the whale, Who's the owner of the scale, They been knew your worth, Seen ain't nothing new in the earth, Leaf of the sequoia, Don't believe the paranoia.
My glow ain't in secrecy, My soul is saint frequency, It's cold what the ego sees, Mind clear of toxic thoughts, The kind don't fear closet hearts, Matter fact no person or beast, Scatter the lack of the version of feast, Love is elevated and validated.
I ain't babbling, I ain't dabbling, They feeling the power, I'm healing every hour, Spiritual threat to the matrix, Biblical is not a bet to the ancient, The energy of earth is chaotic, The enemy of earth is patriotic, Loyalty to God. Royalty in my heart.
Can't fake my heart, Can't take my heart, One day of worship and you think you saved, One day your purpose will be engraved, In the palms of God, Same time reading psalms of God, Continue to elevate, Revenue to educate.
The greater the call. The harder the fall, Thorn in my flesh, I was born blessed, Stay on fire, Pray on higher, They rigged the game, They digged the name, God is the ultimate, Her heart is a compliment, The dark got a document, Do my part I ain't bargaining.
My truth is on the level, I know the fruit of the devil, My roots makes them tremble, Whoever shook of the Bible, I knew better to look for the vital, The doves flew away from the idol, My loves grew everyday to receive the title, Thorough flow, Earthly glow.
Principle over do what thou wilt, Invincible when I'm sober I won't quit, She my honeycomb, Watch the money foam, False claims, Pulse flames, The matrix is deep, The spaceship is gon wake the sleep, Greatness is what I keep.
Love is contagious, The doves knows the sun rages, Saying the burning of evil, Praying I'm discerning the evil, Realizing that righteousness is not being in idleness, Be at work and mind your business, They lurk cause they want to find the witness.
Memory like a pager, Remember me in the majors Not that I sold out, I just hold out, Until the atmosphere is conducive to my energy, His blood spilled with no fear being crucified by the enemy, Talking about our Lord Jesus, Walking with no doubt in visas.
The game is taxed, Their name is waxed, I'm seeing miracles I didn't even ask for, I'm seeing biblical cause they receiving the astral, Your light they can't trap, The night is all mapped, I stay in my heart, Pray in my heart, Repent this instant.
Charging for water, If you a Sargeant I'mma Martyr, Thank my Father, My rank is author, God elevated me on a new level, It's odd how they meditated for a new devil, Energy work cause the enemy knows my worth, The remedy is to cleanse the dirt.
Energy work cause the enemy knows my worth, Can't be frazzled no matter the situation, She's dazzled cause she's ancient, I seen the wolves amongst the goats, I been bull strong with the holy ghost, I say what I mean with the tongue to all goalie folks.
Dna of a champion, We don't play with mercury in the salmon, I'm not inferior, I know that sin is in the area, Give thanks to the Sovereign God, They can't give banks to the offering pod, Stop lying cause the cops ain't gon drop a real lion.
How I was brought up I wasn't caught up, Not by the closest, Unlock the roses. Had to find out the hard way, Had to grind the hard way, They know my energy, I know they're my enemy, Now I see foes, That's how it goes, Check their vow and see the dose.
I know the game fraudulent, I glow with the flame what's the argument, My flow the same any continent, It's a closed case, The rose in a vase, I can't say anything to prove you wrong, I pray the dove sing to be the truth before the world gone.
Life's movie is what the earth is, My soul is not for purchase, My glow got them nervous, I know the youth ain't worthless, Won't bow down, They don't know how, Keep my energy pure, Can't sleep on my enemy who is not cured, Peep the game and be sure.
I been blessed with wisdom, I seen them finesse the system, The truth is the cross, The youth is lost, Mistaken identity, Not forsakened like the world pretend to be. What has happened to society, A lot of folks capping like social change is the priority.
I lied to myself, I cried to myself, I died to myself, The world is ego driven, The world is evil driven, Love ain't forbidden it's forgiven, We need more giving. We need more living, Deception is out here, Inception is doubt with fear. See crystal clear.
Pass the exam, Cash is the next ram, They know what they do, The glow is hot like truth, Unlock the ether flow, The reaper is not for show, Exposure is here, Keep your composure no fear, Jesus bled for the sins of the world, It's been said in the Word.
Keep elevating, Peep the delegating, It's deep what's emanating, Higher consciousness don't mean saved, The buyer not gon rest if they lose their faith, The money don't faze me, The honey don't daze me, Dealing with every devil, I'm healing on every level.
The Word is logic, The world is toxic, Your heart finance has to be rich in faith, The dark is a night stance of the glitch by the saved, Yes I know you must endure until the end, I'm blessed to glow in trust for the pure blend, Rest in the cure to repent.
Victory pouring into my heart, Mystery is scoring since the start, Can't crossover though, The sauce ain't sober in the know, Raising my vibration, Praising in hibernation, The roses smell like honey, The doses of hell smell like money.