I don't remember what happened after Kazu took me out of the forest, but when I opened my eyes it was already morning. Looking down, I noticed that I was no longer in the clothes Nikolas lent me, but instead in my sleep clothes. I turned to my bedside table and saw that it was a quarter past six. I unwillingly decided to get ready for school.
I entered my homeroom and unexpectedly saw Ryunosuke sitting at his desk. He was reading a book as usual. I hurriedly walked up to him, eager to ask him questions.
“You seem to be in perfect condition.” He said while gazing at his book, his eyes moving side to side.
“Ryu, what happened after Kazu—”
He snapped his fingers and suddenly a zipping noise echoed. I placed my hand at my mouth, struggling to say another word.
“I'll tell you after class. Not right now.”
I grumbled as I crossed my arms. I saw golden brown hair flicker in the corner of my eye. I turned to see Sen. Sen glanced at me, then his eyes quickly darted to Ryunosuke, but he suddenly averted his gaze and sat in his seat.
I pursed my lips in curiosity as I sat down in my seat.
“Don't fret, your boyfriend is alright.” Ryunosuke appeared nonchalant as he waved his hand in the air.
“What exactly happened last night?”
Ryunosuke closed his book and placed the straw of his juice box into his mouth. “First of all, you became possessed by a ghost. Then, you began attacking us, including Nikolas.” He placed his juice box down. “I assume you know the rest.”
“Is Nikolas alive? He was on the brink of death!” I panicked.
Ryunosuke sighed, straightening his fringe. “I told you already, he's fine. He's practically immortal.”
“But…” I muttered. “Why was he dying?”
“Wooden stakes can kill vampires.”
“You just said he is immortal.”
“PRACTICALLY immortal.” Ryunosuke rebutted. I furrowed my brows as he continued. “The wooden stake is a way to release the soul, leading the undead to become dead.” He took off his glasses and rubbed it onto his shirt. “Thankfully, he wasn't stabbed in the heart, so he is completely fine.”
I let out a heavy sigh, slouching in my chair. “Well, did you get in trouble?”
“I didn't because of my clean record.” Ryunosuke chuffed. “That anemic hemophiliac and his underlings were punished. Sadly,” Ryunosuke placed his glasses back on. “Nikolas got into trouble as well, but his punishment was not as severe. He got suspended again. For two months.”
“TWO MONTHS?!” I yelled.
“I guess you can't see your precious darling all the time now.” The wizard chuckled at his humor.
I huffed and ruffled my hair. “That's not funny…” I tilted my head once as I remembered something. “Ryu, why has Sen been avoiding us? He didn't join us for lunch today.”
“Oh,” Ryunosuke grabbed a thicker book from his bag and began reading. “It's probably because I asked him out to the ball.”
I slammed my hand on his table. “You did WHAT?!”
“Exactly what I said.”
“Did he say no?”
“Does running away count?”
I stepped backward and sat in my seat, putting my pork cutlet into my mouth. “I didn't know you felt that way about Sen.”
“Well, it was worth a try.” Ryunosuke turned a page. “I certainly have no clue if he likes me. He's probably shocked having that request coming from me.”
“Does he know that you're a wizard?” I whispered.
“Actually,” Ryunosuke's eyes widened. “That might be another reason why he was hesitant.”
I crossed my arms. “Ryu, what did you do?”
He chuckled to himself.
Ryunosuke and Sen stood beside their teammates as they changed into their school uniforms. Eventually, it was only Ryunosuke and Sen in the locker room. Akio had to head home early, so the duo was together.
Ryunosuke peered over his left shoulder to see Sen buttoning his white shirt.
He asked the boy, “Hey Sen, are you busy tomorrow after school?”
“No, why do you ask? Are you asking me out on a date?” Sen giggled while covering his mouth, pretending to be a flustered schoolgirl.
Ryunosuke pulled his uniform over his head. “Well, I wanted to ask if you would be my date for a dance.”
Sen tilted his head. “Dance?”
“The Winter Solstice Ball.”
The boy stared at Ryunosuke with a dazed look.
Ryunosuke sighed and snapped his fingers, revealing his wizard attire.
Sen gasped at the sudden change. “How did you do that?!”
“I’m a wizard.”
Sen laughed. “So this dance is a costume party? It's weird to have a costume party in December.”
The wizard lifted a brow and flicked his pointer finger up. Miraculously, Sen’s sports bag started to levitate. The boy gaped as the wizard smirked.
“So,” Ryunosuke inched closer to Sen, gently putting his pointer finger under his chin. “Will you be my date to the ball?”
Sen gulped. He frantically grabbed his sports bag and ran out of the locker room.
“He's probably afraid of me now.” Ryunosuke looked down at his book and laughed.
“Of course he was! You need to talk to him.”
Ryunosuke sighed, fixing his glasses. “I will, eventually. I don't want to make him more anxious than he is now.” He put his book away and looked at me. “On a more serious note, that bastard received a worse punishment than Nikolas.”
“Zaros?” I asked.
Ryunosuke nodded. “He’s suspended for the rest of the school year, but I think he should’ve been expelled,” he mumbled the last part. “his fangs got pulled out and he has to stay in a coffin until they grow back.”
“Don't his body parts regenerate quickly?”
“Headmaster Selena can stunt regeneration powers. She made it hell for him.” His grin grew wider. “His coffin lies beside a window so he has to deal with the sunrays every day.”
Right as the bell chimed at the end of lunch, I got a notification on my phone.
Acchan! How are you?
I’m fine thanks for bringing me home last night
Ya ofc :D
By the way do u wanna visit Niky this weekend?
Visit?! I thought in my head.
Wdym by visit?
Go to his house!
I’ll pick u up Sat evening!
Sounds good
I’ll see u then
I didn’t know that Nikolas had a home in Japan. I pondered.