Something happened to our world. It's dying; withering as if it lost the thing that it holds most dear. Hundreds have tried to fix it, across the species that inhabit it. Unfortunately to no avail. It's as if the people of this world have forgotten what laid in the past. Though that shouldn’t surprise me. As far as we are aware record-keeping wasn’t created until recently. Back when this all started written documents of events were rarely kept. I have been fortunate enough to find a single source of information from the past. The Diaries of Queen Rika contain everything that unfolded around the drow queen at the time we believe this to all have started. I have gone to great lengths to understand what she wrote. Even seeking out those remaining of the drow race to learn their language. Though I am no hero and have almost no combat experience, I now follow her steps as she wrote them. These books are not only my understanding of her writings but, also my journey to understand what happened. It's time to follow her adventures from the beginning.