Previous notes from the author: two people, two hearts full of loneliness and pain, will they be able to heal and feel the hopes that will germinate in a new relationship and thus new smiles?
Chapter 15: Two Hearts Torn Apart
A pleasant climate prevailed in the capital of Thundera, where the inhabitants worked hard and with more friendly hearts because they had known first-hand that life could be cruel and that it cost nothing to reach out to others. “Are you sure about this, Leonore?” Lion-O asked the young mother, who was wearing a bricklayer's suit and was about to climb a staircase to paint the arch of one of the palace doors.
“Yes, Lion-O, I'm very sure.”
“But I can send someone to do this work, you and your children are my guests.”
“But I want to do this. I don't like to feel useless, I want to do something, besides, my children and their friends are playing in the gardens and don't need their "old" mother.”
Lion-O did not see at all that Leonore was somehow old, did not even have the "lines of character" that preceded wrinkles, with a young and beautiful face that was further embellished by a look and a warm smile.
"I guess all kids want privacy, even though they love their mothers very much," Lion-O thought. "I wonder if I would have acted the same way with my mother if she hadn't died by giving birth?"
“Is something wrong, Lion-O?”
“No, nothing, don't worry. If you need anything, just let me know.”
“All right.”
The young king turned and started to come out when he turned and looked at Leonore painting the cheerful bow, her eyes sparkling with happiness as her smile showed her pearly teeth. The bricklayer's suit could not completely disguise the beautiful figure of the thundercat.
"She looks so cheerful and full of energy, I've never met anyone like her, not even Cheetara or Pumyra or..."
Lion-O realized that he hadn't really dealt with many girls, in fact, none at all. His obsession with technology had deprived him of even having friends of the opposite sex.
The thundercat must have thought about this for a long time because Leonore turned her eyes to him and greeted him joyfully with a smile.
Lion-O greeted her blushingly and then hurried to his room.
"Leonore's smile is different from all the other smiles I received from Cheetara or Pumyra or the other girls I saw in the corridors of the palace... it's not the same smile she gives her children, it's different... I like that smile."
After a while Lion-O returned to Leonore but couldn't find her.
"The arch is already painted, she should have gone back to her children."
Lion-O went to the gardens but could find no trace of the mother or her children.
The young king returned to the palace and walked with anxiety and anguish, all the corridors, after a while he realized that without his friends the thundercats, the palace was very big and he felt depressed and alone.
A thin trail of white powder ran across a snowy plateau, this trail was produced by the advance of the feline tank, which ran at medium speed since going too fast would crack the ice under the silver colossus, while on the contrary, a very slow march would cause the ice to give way due to the enormous weight of the Thundercat vehicle.
“You're doing well, Panthro," said Tara, who was with the general at the controls, "keep up the pace.”
“Warn me if you see the ice cracking," replied Panthro, his face contracted by the effort of concentration.
The other Thundercats and the Cathians seemed a little nervous, except for the old General Lynx-O, who, thanks to his developed sense of hearing, could be sure that they were in no danger.
“Is there no indication that we are approaching our destination?” Lynx-O asked.
“Still nothing general," Captain Risu replied, "this ice plain extends as far as the eye can see, what do the instruments tell us?”
“Apparently the only thing nearby is a kind of rocky peak to the east," Tygra told him.
“It's just a rocky peak," said Cheetara, "what we're looking for is a lost city.”
“In fact, I think it's an excellent idea," said Lynx-O, "this rocky peak could be a kind of natural lighthouse or mark that indicated to the travellers of yesteryear the way to El Dara.”
“It's true," Rauri said this time, "we should go there, for the moment it's our best option.”
“All right," Risu nodded, "Panthro, Tara, let's head for the peak!”
This time the march was less heavy because this time they had a goal. As they approached they were amazed to see that the rocky peak looked more like a giant needle that marked the white desert landscape for miles around.
“Impressive," admitted Cheetara once stepped off the feline tank and watched the gigantic monolith carefully, "it is much higher than the royal palace and the augury tower together, in fact its base is only slightly larger than the one on the tower.”
“Is there no sign that indicates a path?” wanted to know Lynx-O.
“None," said Tygra. “What about you, Panthro?”
“Nothing around here.”
“There are no signs in the vicinity," said Tara.
“Maybe if we climb to the top," said Rauri, who unlike the other companions did not need to wear warm clothes.
“I offer to climb to the top of the peak," said Pumyra, who was ready to prove her worth in the mission.
“It will be dangerous, let me come with you," suggested Bengali who tried to see the top of the natural colossus.
“That won't be necessary, I can do it myself.”
“Bengali is right," said Risu, "you two will climb to the top to make sure. I only hope you can see something, otherwise I'm afraid we'll have to declare this mission a failed one.”
Pumyra frowned but had to follow the orders of the Cathian, who was the commander of the expedition.
“And remember my directions," said Panthro, "I've already done these things, if the wind starts to get strong, you must stop and stop ascending.”
“Don't forget to make sure all the climbing ropes and pulleys are securely fastened," Tara stressed.
“The instruments indicate that the entire beak is almost entirely made of iron," Tygra told them, "climbing will not be easy, and extreme precautions must be taken.”
“And the same thing happens with the descent," said Cheetara this time, "take your time, it's not a speed race.”
“Thank you, wish us luck," said Bengali, who turned around and hurried along as Pumyra was already ahead of him.
Tygra was right, despite the youth of the newly appointed General, Bengali felt the muscles of his arms and forearms complain due to the effort, as well as the strong musculature of each of his legs.
“Pumyra, how are you feeling?” The man asked the woman, but he didn't get an answer.
The thundercat soured the expression in a stubborn attempt to show no weakness of any kind and continued to move stoically towards its goal.
"Damn beak, damn weather, they won't beat me.... I have to show everyone that I'm not weak, that I'm trustworthy and not a traitor," thought Pumyra, as she bit her lips at the risk of making them bleed.
“Not so fast Pumyra, remember what Cheetara told us.... Stop it, this is not a competition, it won't help if we fall and die!”
Pumyra glanced up at Bengali and agreed, the forces began to abandon her and she became more and more resentful of the prevailing cold, which carried more and more of her eyebrows with small snowflakes that froze and made her look pitiful.
They came very close to the top and, exhausted from exhaustion and pain, decided not to go any further.
“Well," said Bengali, breathing hard and shaking the snow off his face, "let's take out the broad-spectrum binoculars that Risu gave us.”
The two thundercats scanned the entire horizon and nothing.
“I think that's all," said Bengali, "we'd better get off before the evening falls. Risu will not like the news but at least we will return to the comfort of the palace and the pleasant climate of the capital.”
“Let's stay a little longer, there must be something we missed!”
It was obvious that Pumyra would not give in and Bengali sighed resignedly. After a while the thundercat suggested that they should descend but the woman was still stubborn.
“Pumyra is going to catch us the night!”
“Wait a minute, there's got to be something!”
“What else can there be, it is madness to stay in this place any longer, it would be impossible to find a shelter in this place, let's go down!”
“Go down if you want, I'll stay!”
“You will stay? What do you want to prove!”
“It is not obvious that I am not useless, I am not a dead weight, I am trustworthy... I am not a traitor!”
“Pumyra, nobody thinks that.”
“Yes, they do! And you know what, they're right to think about it! I'm a traitor, I'm a traitor!”
“Pumyra... no, you're not... Mumm-ra, he brainwashed you, drugged you...”
“...I destroyed Avian... I deceived Lion-O, I betrayed his pure feelings towards me... I slept with Mumm-ra...”
The wind began to blow hard as Bengali stared in surprise and silence at Pumyra, who trembled from the pain and fury.
“I'm a shit, I didn't want to redeem myself in front of others, just in front of myself... I'm so frustrated.”
“...Scream," said Bengali.
“Scream Pumyra, if you keep all that with you, you'll explode in the end... no one else up here will hear you... I swear by the most sacred thing I won't tell anyone, I swear.”
Pumyra looked down at Bengali in tears and then turned her face.
The thundercat cursed with all the strength of her lungs; she cursed her fate; she cursed Mumm-ra; she cursed Lion-O, for being so good to her when she did not deserve it.
“AAAGGGGHHHH” was the cry of helplessness that came out of Pumyra.
The wind was now blowing hard and the night was beginning to fall. Pumyra's body trembled from the hipcup and weeping, and Bengali fearing that the thundercat would fall into the void went to her and embraced her.
“Shhhhh, don't worry, everything will be fine, I promise you everything will be fine.”
Once Pumyra calmed down, the two thundercats began their descent when they saw the northern lights dye the dark firmament brightly.
“It's beautiful," said Pumyra, gawking.
“Not as much as you," said Bengali.
The two thundercts looked at each other, and Bengali slowly approached the woman.
Few centimetres separated the lips of the two young men when Pumyra cut off the visual contact.
“Bengali, look!”
Reflected on the ground, the aurora borealis showed a path that was lost on the horizon.
“Pumyra... it must be, that must be the way to El Dara!”
The two thundercats were happy and with laughter began the descent to their friends.
Author's final notes: what did you think? Another couple just formed!
A somewhat sad chapter, but one that shows two romantic plots that will avoid our friends problems in the future.... or rather will they cause them?
Do not miss the Anime, sorry I say the next chapter next week at this same time and by the same channel nyajejejejeje