Everyone goes home early from the competition the day before. Dhati and Ori suggest celebrating Niko's victory by showing the Poteks their secret hangout spot. Niko, on the other hand, is hesitant because that part of the ocean is a little dangerous, they usually go without their parents’ knowledge and carry weapons when they do. When the Poteks find out about a secret spot, they become overly excited and outvote Niko. So, despite Niko's protests, the group decides to leave for the secret hangout spot. Flying there is easier and faster, but Ash couldn't possibly carry them all and the Poteks couldn't take their horses because their parents can't know. As a result, they ride the serpents as well, which means someone rides Ash behind Niko. So, it ends up being Teyluk, while Akit rides behind Dhati. Nevan and Ori on the latter’s serpent.
Niko keeps looking back, seeing them having a tough time catching up. “Hey guys, hurry up. We should get back before it's dark.”
Ori replies annoyed, “Hey! Not everyone has a dragon.”
They tease each other and have a good time until Niko notices movement ahead of them. She notices some earthers making their way towards an abandoned island nearby. Niko at once turns to look at Dhati and Ori furrowing her eyebrows. That's when they notice something is wrong, the Poteks are still laughing when suddenly Dhati shushes them.
“Did you just shush me?” Akit asks pretending to be offended.
“Shut up for one second.” Niko says with a serious expression.
They all hang back at that point, looking for a place to hide, so that they can still see the earthers from a distance. That's when they decide to land on a bunch of rocks that are a little far behind.
Ori whispers to Niko, “Are they moving towards that island?”
“Why though? It's supposed to be abandoned.” Dhati adds confused.
While all of this is going on, Niko looks at them, puzzled but also angry. Even though there are two ships, they appear to be barely manned, with perhaps a dozen men combined. Only Teyluk notices Niko's eyes widening and her becoming speechless. Niko wants to get closer to hear what they are saying, but she can't because the others are there.
“What's wrong?” Teyluk asks Niko and everyone turns to look at her.
Her train of thoughts is interrupted, and Niko realizes they need to act quickly. She turns around to tell the rest of the group that they need to get back home as soon as possible and inform the chief about what is going on. She also wanted Teyluk to go with them, but because the serpents can't carry more than two people and be fast, he had to stay with her and Ash.
“Tell your dad that there are earthers near our village and stay back when he comes here.” Niko tells Dhati and Ori. She continues, “Also try to fly low to the water, not to be noticed.”
“Wait, you aren't coming with us?” Ori asks worried and unsure.
“No, I need to make sure of something.” Niko says looking back momentarily.
“Don't do anything stupid.” Dhati says her voice shaking.
Niko hugs both of them and tells them to be safe. The serpents head back, and Niko tells Teyluk she needs to get closer to the ships. He insists on going with her because he is concerned about her. He noticed that the people on one of these ships are the people he saw when he followed her to that island a while back. Joe and Mitchel.
“Be careful, Teyluk.” Niko whispers as they climb through the rocks to get closer.
“Don't make me think you're worried about me right now.” He remarks sarcastically while panting to catch up to Niko.
Niko turns to face him, indicating that now isn’t the time for jokes, he mouths a sorry. They climb through the rocks until they are close enough to hear them but not close enough to see them because they are hidden behind rocks. Both ships dock alongside the rocky island. When Niko and Teyluk remain silent, hoping to eavesdrop on their plans, if they have any. They could be out for a stroll, or they could be plotting Niko's worst nightmare, and the only way to find out is to try to hear what they are saying.
Teyluk says cautiously, “Did you hear that?”
“They're planning to attack …” Niko is speechless at what she just heard, “… our village!”
Teyluk adds, “What? That can't be true.”
“I know what I heard.” Niko lashes out; she is too dumbfounded.
“Sorry, but we need to go.” She apologizes, but she has to act fast.
The earthers plan to attack another village, their village, driven by their insatiable greed for the rich reserves of trees hidden within its boundaries, which they don’t know for sure. Their lust for power and control consumes them, setting in motion a devastating assault that threatens the safety and harmony of her home. Both Niko and Teyluk begin to climb back to where Ash is; they need to get back to the village to warn the chief and the villagers. When they arrive, they climb on Ash’s back and begin flying close to the water, trying not to be seen. But then Teyluk lets out a gasp, startling Niko, but when she follows his gaze, she is speechless once more. When they see the two serpents which are supposed to be carrying their siblings, there is no way they could have taken them back to the village and returned; they are not that fast. Niko assumes the worst, but then the worst is confirmed when she hears screams behind her, which Teyluk also hears. Ash turns around, she sees that the earthers have captured their siblings and are pushing and kicking them to the ground. Niko freezes, unable to move a muscle in her body despite her desire to attack right then and there.
Teyluk says desperately, “What are we going to do?, we have to save them.”
Teyluk notices that Niko doesn't even hear him, he has to shake her out of her state of panic because she doesn't even blink. When she snaps out of it, he asks again.
“What are we going to do?” Teyluk repeats, unable to calm himself or her.
“We need to go back and tell the chief.” She says but before they move she notices that Ori isn't with them.
“Wait, where is Ori?” She squints trying to look for him from afar.
Teyluk responds, ushering her to get going. “He's not with them, he must have escaped. But we have to act fast before it's too late.”
Niko cues Ash to turn back around and then starts flying as fast as possible. She needs to go home to warn Anu and the Poteks. When she arrives she feels a little relieved because she sees that Ori is already there, but that relief is gone when she notices that he is covered in blood. Her eyes travel to the chief, Anu, and the villagers that are gathered on shore. The chief looks furious, once she lands she runs to Ori to check him for injuries.
Niko quickly approaches Ori, looking at his bloodied clothes and asks, “Are you okay? What happened?”
“Fine,” Ori replies flabbergasted. “But they … Dhati…” he tries to continue but Niko already knows what happened, she tries to reassure him by hugging him.
Anu turns to Niko with a scowl. “Where are Dhati and the Poteks?” He says through gritted teeth.
Niko's heart pinches once more as she lets go of Ori, she turns to the chief looking down at the floor, ashamed. “They were taken by the earthers, to a ship that's harbored near our village.”
Anu is taken aback when he discovers that Niko was careless about going to that part of the ocean in the first place, she knows better. Niko is supposed to be the mature one, but he is not only disappointed but also concerned about the safety and well-being of the others. Teyluk tries to step in to defend her in front of the chief, but she holds him back by the forearm. Despite Teyluk's attempts, Anu feels let down and frustrated. She should have known better than to go to such an unsafe area, and Niko can't help but feel like she has let them and Anu down.
“How could you let this happen, you know better than this.” Anu says in frustration and anger and before Niko can reply to defend herself, he adds once more. “I am disappointed in you.”
Her eyes grow wide as well as Tul’s, the words echo in Niko’s head, but they have to act fast before Joe and Mitchel come back with more forces, or worse, hurt her sister and friends.
She quickly addresses the chief, “Listen to me. We need to organize a defense. Gather all able-bodied fighters and prepare for an attack. They are planning to attack us here.”
“They did intend to use the element of surprise.” Teyluk confirms Niko's claim.
Anu signals at that moment, for Tul to get his weapons as well as the soldiers in the village to get theirs.
He then turns to address the soldiers, “Then we must attack first. We cannot let them destroy everything we have built here. Let us gather our strength and show them that we will not be defeated.”
With Anu's cue, the villagers spring into action. They begin to prepare weapons and call their serpents. Niko joins in, strapping her weapons on. Her knife, bow and arrows and the gun she claimed from the scouts, determined to protect her home, and save Dhati, Akit and Nevan. She sees Tul take Ori in, to thoroughly check him for injuries. She also notices that Teyluk is heading towards her with his bow and arrows. She tries to hurry as to fly away with Ash before he reaches her, not to give a chance to bargain his way into coming with her.
When Teyluk reaches Niko, he places a hand on her shoulder and demands. “No way, you're not going alone. I won't let you.”
Niko turns to face him; her eyes blazing. “I have to do this. You know that. And I can't risk getting you hurt too.”
“But I'm a good fighter! These are my siblings out there!” he pleads.
Niko hesitates for a moment, then speaks quietly. “I know you are. But I can’t risk losing you too.”
Niko’s eyes soften after the last sentence, she feels a sense of relief to have said that out loud in case she doesn’t return. Because if that’s what it takes to get the others back, she wouldn’t think twice. Niko and Ash take off into the sky, pushing Teyluk back as he looks at with sadness and worry in his eyes. He knows she is a good fighter, but he is worried she’ll be reckless because she is drowning in guilt. It’s consuming her like a raging fire, she lost her family once and she isn’t planning on losing them again.
Only ten of the toughest soldiers are going in order to avoid detection as they approach the two ships. They are Anu, Neyt, and Sur, and they insist on going themselves. In addition to Niko, the group consists of six additional soldiers. There are enough men left behind to safeguard the village if the earthers make their way through. As they come closer, Anu orders Niko to fly higher and be their eyes in the sky. She can see the earthers' ship from above, hiding behind the clouds, attempting to estimate how many people are on board and how many weapons they have.
Despite their tiny number, they are armed and ready for an ambush, not a casual pass past. She now realizes that this is not a coincidence, but rather their long-term goal. She then sees troops holding Dhati, Akit, and Nevan, their hands bound behind their backs. Dhati attempts to fight, but one of the earthers smacks her in the face. The power of the strike knocks Dhati to the ground, her body tortured with anguish. Niko's anger rises when she identifies the guy who attacked her: Joe, one of the earthers' army's most known and cruel soldiers.
Niko grinds her teeth and clenches her hands, intending to hold him accountable for what he has done. She understands that she cannot afford to behave rashly. If she wants to save her friends and escape alive, she must be cautious and strategic. Niko rushes down to where Anu and the others are and informs them that there are two ships: one with Dhati, Nevan, and Akit aboard, and another with the rest of the warriors awaiting orders. Anu decides on an ambush. The chief, Neyt, and Sur, together with three soldiers, will attack the ship carrying the remainder of the soldiers in order to protect the others before joining them. Niko and the remaining three soldiers will attack the ship with Dhati, Nevan, and Akit on it.
Both groups begin to attack the ships from below, marching upward and quickly eliminating the guards. Their goal is to empty the bottom deck so that no surprises await them at the top. Niko remains on Ash, the sky underneath her, anxiously awaiting the signal from both Anu and the commander of her group, indicating that the bottom deck is secure. When she receives the signal, she knows it's time to head to the top deck. As both parties strike, soldiers on both ships are taken aback and scramble to save their fellow soldiers. Niko's heart skips a beat as she sees Joe and Mitchel among the soldiers aboard the ship holding her siblings as prisoners. Determination burns within her as she receives the signal and leaps off Ash, landing firmly on the enemy ship.
Together with the fellow soldiers, they unleash a fierce attack on the human forces. Amidst the chaos, Niko swiftly commands two soldiers to free the three captives and escort them to safety. With her sister and friends liberated, Niko and the remaining soldiers take their positions, weapons pointed at Joe, Mitchel, and three other soldiers. In that intense moment, Niko's gaze catches sight of the young soldier, maybe her age, wearing a familiar bracelet. Curiosity mingles with tension as she wonders about its significance. It is identical to hers, the one given by her mother before she passed.