The next day, Tabe gets up to get ready for school. He does his morning challenge routines. Brush his face as fast as he can within one minute, change his clothes with a fascinating show-off style of putting on his clothes, slide down the stair railing like ridin' a skateboard or riding a surf wave, stretch all of his body with a flexible pose, and- “Eat this whole crispy burnt toast without no topping with extra salt.” his dad said. Tabe may like doing hard things. But not hard things like this. And still, he would not like to unaccept something like that, to be like Fondoman. “Challenge accepted.”, Tabe mumbled as he rolled his eyes. “Hey.” his dad said. “You liked doing things you’ve never tried to do. So try this then! You wouldn’t want to be a huge, big, fat, horrible, stinky, stupid, crazy, lazy, and useless Failure, just like what you’re like right now-”, his dad stopped. Tabe has finished his burnt toast without any toppings and he had the extra salt as well with it. Kind of.
“What?” he asked. He had eaten the burnt toast with extra salt, but put some eggs, sausage patty, bacon, and cheese on it and made the burnt toast as a breakfast sandwich. “I said no toppings!” he yelled. “Oh, I didn’t put any toppings on my bread,” he answered. “I just put some eggs, cheese, sausage, and bacon on it, and the salt with that.”, “I said salt! Not breakfast on trays and sides! You’ve failed already!”, he scolded and bullied Tabe. “Oh no, those are not toppings. You are talking about butter and jelly. And peanut butter too. But I don’t like that anyways, I’m allergic to peanuts and other nuts.”. His dad got more mad. “Why you- I didn’t say you could-” “You’re right! You didn’t tell me I have to go to my bus!” He reminded. “Now I hope I don’t miss my only transportation to school. Such a shame to have a dad who’s FAILING to take good responsibility for his son. So why then, DAD?” he disrespected, even though his dad disrespects him. “What did you just-”, “What did you just say? Sorry I have to go now! See ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya!”, he said as he ran out the door. His ads now have become more aggravated than ever. “TABRAIN!”.
Tabe ran through his wonderful neighborhood. The sky was blue with the sun shining, friendly people greeting others, helping others in need of care and assistance, an old lovely lady walking across the sidewalk peacefully taking her time, and a great fast car speeding through like a super jet, I thinking today’s a great day except something is a little wrong from what I saw, “wait... AN OLD LOVELY LADY IS ABOUT TO GET RUN OVER BY A FAST SPEEDING CAR SPEEDING TOWARDS HER LIKE A SUPER JET?! OH SNAP!” I ran so fast even though I just realized I almost missed a very important scene if it weren’t for my walking around the neighborhood, luckily the car was far from the nice old lady, even though the driver doesn’t see her for some reason as the driver’s car dashing through the streets.
There were some roadblock signs, but Tabe didn’t know if the speeding car would dash through them and the lovely old lady. So I have enough time to spare to get to the old lady’s life being ended. I also didn’t realize while I was running towards the accident I was trying to avoid it from happening, A pizza delivery man was riding towards to sidewalk the moment I turned around to the scene. “WOAH!” I screamed, “HEY WATCH IT!” the pizza man yelled. I dodged the speeding bike of pizzas, and the pizza guy almost fell over with the pizza boxes, all of the pizzas flew into the air and successfully landed on the right pizza box the pizza guy was trying to deliver, and most of the pizzas. I caught one of them in my hand and shoved it into my mouth like I was starving. And then I powered up with more speed towards the old lovely lady who was about to get badly hurt.
Next another accident was about to happen. Some men are constructing a building, and Tabe’s next disaster is going to be very difficult to go through. He wished he had gone past through instead of the hobby, but a big long truck was blocking the street where Tabe was trying to get to the scene in the right nick of time. So he had to go around by going through the challenging hobby he was about to run through. He turned to the construction course. He ran up through a wooden board plank with complete balance. Luckily, the board was steady, thick, and long enough for two feet and to the other side. “Hey! You can’t come- Oh shoot!”, One of the construction men called Tabe then got distracted by seeing him when he was focused on holding the swinging wrecking ball. “Aw crap.”, Tabe said to himself as he was about to get knocked over by the rampaging giant heavy ball. As soon as the ball got close to him, Tabe touched then quickly climbed on top of the ball then swung around with the ball’s chain that was carrying on top of it, to get around back to the plank Tabe was on, he jumped from the swinging ball’s chain and landed on the wooden board plank with a Spider-Man jump-down pose successfully. Then he continued his hobby course.
Suddenly another one of the workers poured down some composted stuff, which was aimed at Tabe. It was about to get him all dirty from behind him. So Tabe ran as fast as he could to avoid getting himself composted while the pouring compost was following him behind him, as it was getting closer each second to. There was another boardwalk aiming in a different direction, but there was also a long wooden stand in front of it. So Tabe jumped again to the other board, a little too far though beyond his landing point. So Tabe kicked his foot on the wooden stand to give him a boost to his landing point. “Woah ah!” he almost missed and tripped. He made it through successfully again as he still kept going to his exit somewhere. Unfortunately, his way to whatever exit he was going after, may have to wait, a metal slide (Not a slide) was constructed down to somewhere, so Tabe had to slide down to somewhere. “Oh boy, here we go!” he said to himself anxiously. He slid down the metal slide, it was pretty long, but Tabe had good balance until there was no landing spot to stop at the very end, he was
about to fall to his death point. “Aw double crap!” he said to himself again.
Then he saw a hanger that would slide him to another constructed course away from here. He knew he’d have to jump at the right time to reach the hanger “5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO!” he said as he counted to the very end. He jumped to the hanger which forcefully led him sliding with it to the other side of the course. “Oh thank experience points!” he sighed in relief while hanging on the hanger while it’s running to the the other side of the construction workplace. But it’s not a sigh of relief yet. He still has to find the exit to save the old lady before he knows what will happen if he doesn’t make it in time. Speaking of time, he felt something behind him as if he was about to get knocked over in the nick of time he noticed it, which he did luckily. “AW TRIPBLE DOG CRAP-O SNAPPER!” he yelled to himself. The wrecking ball is back heading towards him again. He sees his way outside the construction course, but he’s still struggling to get out of it.
As the ball kept closing in on Tabe, he had an idea. He’d have to let the ball come close to him. He leaned forward while he was holding the hanger with one hand. The ball has now touched Tabe, while he was leading forward, he kicked both of his feet on the wrecking ball to boost Tabe more speed towards the exit. The exit was underground, so Tabe jumped to it. “AHHHH!”, he screamed. He made it to the exit. Then as soon as he landed at his landing point, he ran upwards to the top of the exit once more. Once he did, he was outside but... “WHAT?!”, he yelled, cause he was on the other side of the constructed building. unfortunately. “Now what do I do?!” he asked himself. Then he saw a motor scooter that a teenager was using. He snatched it. “HEY YO!”, the teenager said. “Sorry! I’m borrowing this!” Tabe said. “WAIT! Whatever you do, don’t-” Whatever that kid said, it was too late. “WOAH!” Tabe screamed as he rode the motor scooter blazing fast like it was referring to the speeding car. “Great! I can catch up now!” he said while riding. Now he’s close to the scene. But the car was now very close to the old lady who was about to get innocently hurt. “M’AM!” I screamed at the lovely old lady. She noticed me. “Oh my dear god, WATCH OUT YOUNG MAN!” she screamed. “YES! WATCH- wait what?” he got confused by the old woman’s warning as if Tabe was about to tell her the same thing as the woman was telling him.
The speeding car turned around towards Tabe. Why? Cause there were orange roadblock signs that said to turn the other way where the old woman was, which is where Tabe is right now in the wrong direction of the street he’s heading on. “Wait, what?”, he asked in such confusion. “BEEP!” The car beeped at him. He quickly turned the other way around successfully which dodged the car’s speed. But when he did in relief, “Oh thank go-” he said when suddenly, “CRASH!” the wrecking ball came back again out of nowhere crashing from the constructed building, it was heading towards Tabe at super
speed. “GASP” he gasped. “KID!” the driver man said as turned the car around rushing towards the scene, then the driver drifted his car sideways, then he jumped out of his car door while the car was still drifting, then grabbed Tabe out of the way with his jumped force pushing through Tabe and the driver’s self with a blink of an eye, passing through the upcoming wrecking ball smashing towards them, they fled successfully and bumped into the ground, the driver held Tabe from getting hurt while falling on the ground. The wrecking ball smashed through the driver’s car which made it tear its parts apart, glass shattered, and loud crashes as the damaged car rolled out of the ball. The driver was grasping on Tabe for protection. Tabe was so still that he was scared of what just happened. Then he passed out, which led to him either a dream or a flashback.
Tabe dreams of his mother walking with him in the street. They were having such a wonderful time together. “Tabe, you’ve been a very helpful young man to me, your father, and everybody else in our neighborhood, and even everyone at school as well. You always want to help people in any need, even if it’s not necessary to do so." She said. And it’s true. Tabe has been doing stuff like that ever since he was a kid for a long time. That’s his passion. Heping people in care. “I know Mom,” Tabe commented. “I’ll do that special care in any way I’m able to help. Even the homeless people!” he commented again. His mom smiled at him. Tabe smiled back. “But,” Tabe said. “What if there’s something I’m not able to help with though, like, I can’t do at all, even people know I can, expectedly.”. His mom looked worried but then she felt and looked more positive. “Well, Tabe,” she responded, “You can’t always-” Then suddenly, “GASP” they both gasped. “CRASH!”, “SCREAM”, “loud ear noises”, Tabe felt very weird, he could barely see and hear, but he did see and hear someone calling him. “Kid!, Kid! Hey! Kid!”
“Kid! Can you hear me?” the driver with the cool motorcycle helmet mask asked like 10 times to get Tabe’s attention. He began to open his eyes slowly. “What, what happened?” he asked, “Are you okay?” the driver asked. “Yeah, I, I-!!!”, he realized the old lady. “The lovely old lady! Is she okay?!” he asked with full energy. “Oh my! That’s the first words out of your mouth for a compliment?” the lovely old lady blushed at his compliment kind of. “Oh thank goodness you’re okay!” Tabe sighed in relief. “Um, thank goodness, YOU’RE okay young man!” she responded with correction. “What?” Tabe asked, “Kid, you almost got crushed by that wrecking ball!” The driver said. Tabe looked around. People looked shocked, some things were destroyed, and the car was destroyed. Tabe looked very shocked. “But m’am, you were about, well not to be disturbing you with these words, but you were about to get run over by that car, actually YOUR car sir!” he complained. “Oh, well, yeah, I admit that. But those signs said to turn the
other way. I knew I wouldn’t go through them. My car would be very damaged. Just like what it looks like now.” He sighed. Tabe noticed the car was completely broken from the dang-dong wrecking ball.
He felt embarrassed, bad, and guilty. “Sir, I’m so sorry.” Tabe apologized. “Don’t worry about it. It’s okay!” The driver responded. “No, it is not at all.” Tabe corrected with more guilt. “Kid. You were just trying to save that nice woman. And you didn’t know. So it’s fine. That was very brave of you to do.” The driver replied. “You were just trying to help young men. Thank you so much!” the old lady said. Tabe smiled a little bit from their encouragement. Other people looked confused, except for the construction workers. They looked frustrated mostly at Tabe’s run-through. “Didn’t you read the sign kid?” One of the men said. “No, I didn’t,” Tabe responded with even more guilt in him. Then, the leader of the construction workers smiled. “It’s okay men. Just another successful challenge completed.” The leader said. “Another?” the driver asked. “Yep. This young man has been helping the neighborhood ever since he was a true part of the town! He’s always wanting to help people in any need of assistance, even if it’s not necessary to do.” the leader of the workers explained and complimented Tabe. “It’s true!” the lovely old woman added. “He’s always assisting to do so!”, “Well, ain’t that so?” the driver said.
“Welp, I’m sorry for the trouble I may have caused. I was kind of... asked to do a speed run.” the driver explained. “It’s okay sir. You didn’t know either. And thank you so very much for my safety from you!” Tabe thanked. “Man, when you went in that construction course you were like challenging yourself like it’s a game level.” the construction leader said, “Yeah, I like doing many challenges that are fun to do. Just like my hero, Fondoman.” Tabe commented. The driver looked at him for a little bit. Like he’s heard that name before. “Oh, Crap-a-zillion! I have to go to school! I’m so late!”, Tabe realized after the long process for nothing. “Hey, kid. I bet I can take you to your school in about a jiffy." The driver said. "But sir! Your CAR?!" Tabe asked. "I have plenty. My sponsor will bring me another one. I'm kinda popular driven around here you know! So, what’s the name of your school exactly?” The driver asked, “Saint Govery High School.” he answered. “Ha! That’s like a few miles from here! Not even the flash can run from here to there!” The driver suggested. “Kid, wanna guess how long we can get to there? Would it either be, 1 minute, 1 minute and 30 seconds, or 2 minutes? OR actually, so fast you can’t even count and remember?” Tabe seemed confused at the 5th bet, “You accept?” The driver declared. Tabe smirked. “Challenge accepted,” Tabe responded.