Wow. I didn't realize how much time has passed since my last addition to this blog. I promise I didn't intend it that way! I've just had a lot of things on my mind recently, from moving out of my parents house to starting a new relationship, beginning new stories, and all sorts of things. Good and bad. But still life.
At this moment, I'm at work writing this when I probably should be answering phones, but I couldn't just let this sit empty for another couple months. But at the same time I don't have much to say. (T.T) So I guess this is more of a check-in post. I'm still alive, and I hope you are too!
I just recently started a new story for Watch Dogs 2, which I'm super excited to work on. I'd appreciate if you took a look at it! :)
Well, that's all for now, I suppose.