Chapter Two167Please respect copyright.PENANA8taJSSAOjG
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Thunderclaps amidst all the heavy rain announce to those aboard the167Please respect copyright.PENANA6OAm319Du2
strange-looking aircraft stubbornly making its way across the sky, that they167Please respect copyright.PENANApzCuzmzHGE
have just entered Beriheim. It is the UX-Rg31 prototype; also known by few167Please respect copyright.PENANA0VyBjATmby
as the ´Bolt Lander´, a most unique aircraft amongst its peers as its main purpose is to167Please respect copyright.PENANAJM6VPkJsaW
travel anywhere undetected.167Please respect copyright.PENANA3oNNgxSVJR
But not tonight though, for tonight stealth must be sacrificed for haste, and so167Please respect copyright.PENANAwAK11AeVdL
nothing will be able to hide it and its sounds of fury as it makes its way across the skies.167Please respect copyright.PENANA34B0OpIMdJ
It departed from the Human Capital not even two hours ago, and has been cutting167Please respect copyright.PENANASN9nFxXlpx
clouds and deafening anyone caught under it since it took to the skies. It is headed167Please respect copyright.PENANAP828fxj7V8
towards the top of the Beriheim Mountain and the large flashes of white light now167Please respect copyright.PENANAWHJ1jzuXG8
pouring through those thick glassed windows let everyone aboard know that they are167Please respect copyright.PENANAsqHA4mSBjd
getting closer.167Please respect copyright.PENANA6LtHQvOgC1
An old man is confidently taking the pilot seat, his face is spent and his wrinkly167Please respect copyright.PENANA7hqpmKcsKh
hairy hands shaky, but he is still the best pilot on the continent. His eyes are not what167Please respect copyright.PENANAMGuxEG7XFq
they used to be, but Airman Sheiska has always displayed an uncanny knack for flying167Please respect copyright.PENANAg1TdYGMNzC
as he keeps demonstrating with his almost purely intuitive manoeuvres between one167Please respect copyright.PENANAnK2AThlgRT
lighting strike and the next. It is imperative that he brings those five men as close to167Please respect copyright.PENANAmSFloGe4Qv
that Mountain as possible. Four figures sitting in the dark, two on each side of that167Please respect copyright.PENANAtOLG0i9vI2
cargo hold and with their silhouettes barely visible, except for now and again when167Please respect copyright.PENANABKzedlcFjY
those flashes of light storming the outside manage to break in. And a fifth who refuses167Please respect copyright.PENANAXOGwVgplu3
his seat preferring instead to stand proud between them; he is holding himself to a167Please respect copyright.PENANAz352elFZou
metal bar right above his head as the entire aircraft keeps shaking. Every single time167Please respect copyright.PENANALoO2rEG0ZQ
a big flash of white dumps its light through those small windows, a thunderous roar167Please respect copyright.PENANAn8aJiOHHDI
and a violent shake immediately follow. It is quickly growing worse as all six aboard167Please respect copyright.PENANALLt7ycfa8a
can easily tell. These five are its cargo, for the Bolt Lander is transporting, as it usually167Please respect copyright.PENANAgbzbZeBqNG
does, the very best of all the Human forces. The elite team that King Hervies deploys167Please respect copyright.PENANAmgpJg3LI1S
when he needs something taken care of quickly and surely.167Please respect copyright.PENANAt1CPPspLzU
They are the “Hervies Hand” for they always operate as a team of five and they167Please respect copyright.PENANAO2DQbUCG86
are the most trusted and capable of all at the Human king’s disposal. They are the167Please respect copyright.PENANARyrEbAslUm
best. Five elite soldiers; capable of all sorts of tasks that their king might ask of them,167Please respect copyright.PENANAn2XBuKol5c
including most of all, combat. Time and again have they survived what no one else167Please respect copyright.PENANA3Bq7Fi9A7E
would and just as often have they fought and vanquished all sorts of enemies in all167Please respect copyright.PENANAsnFUIkSVur
sorts of preposterous scenarios.167Please respect copyright.PENANANI67nuChGw
They go in and they come out successfully, that is what they do, and they have never167Please respect copyright.PENANAzBkQpk7sol
failed their king, not once.167Please respect copyright.PENANAHR7lNYMy8E
Everyone knows that the Hand is only called to serve during states of emergency.167Please respect copyright.PENANA8SV4HACiDU
Their work is few and far between, but it is always impactful, and many times has the167Please respect copyright.PENANAzucs8PtLvF
outcome of their missions changed the course of Human history. They are preparing167Please respect copyright.PENANApiEGRhYzcl
themselves to accomplish yet another important mission for their majesty and no167Please respect copyright.PENANAUfU0WI5Mmz
amount of rain or thunder is going to shake them. Fast has the Bolt Lander traversed167Please respect copyright.PENANA943iLrh8pc
the lands, faster than any other aircraft can, but this is the rarest occurrence for very167Please respect copyright.PENANAitz10tTXyO
seldom is she called to serve in the first place and when she is, it is to make use of her167Please respect copyright.PENANAXgLoTeNi37
more cunning and stealthy capabilities. She can fly in almost complete silence unlike167Please respect copyright.PENANArehtuG1JkT
most noisy and smoky propellers plaguing the lands and it is often able to drop the167Please respect copyright.PENANAs74Boj7wHt
Hand real close to their target without any realisation of those not involved. Covert167Please respect copyright.PENANAIw16rB6HOw
infiltration it’s usually her main focus, for it is an aircraft designed to remain unaware167Please respect copyright.PENANApD70aGMwmt
while making sure it never arrives in second place.167Please respect copyright.PENANAlM3LQlToQU
Tonight, however, the Bolt Lander’s bold nickname is to be tested, as its speed is167Please respect copyright.PENANA3FboJmHKXc
its best quality.