After walking a couple of blocks AKISE and SAKIKO see where the dog's domain is. The dogs fury white head came poking out of the wooden fence from the backyard side as AKISE and SAKIKO walk closer. The dog is peaceful and calm, panting and wagging its tail, as if it was happy to see them. SAKIKO starts to skip towards the dog.
AKISE: Sakiko wai-
SAKIKO: See Akise? He's waiting to be pet!
AKISE stays quiet as SAKIKO gets closer to the dog, AKISE watches its every move, the dogs white tail wiggles more in delight. SAKIKO gets down to the dogs level, reaching her hand out to pet the dogs head. That's when the dog bares it teeth immediately.
AKISE (screams) : SAKIKO! WAI-!
Before AKISE finishes her sentence the dog bites SAKIKO’S hand, AKISE becomes angry with the dog. She watches SAKIKO cradle her hand, pain is visible on her face as a little blood seeps out. The little amount of blood is all it took for AKISE to want this dog dead, ignoring the sweet scent of SAKIKO’S blood she starts walking over to the dog. SAKIKO blocks AKISE to protect the dog and to calm her down, but her words couldn’t reach her.452Please respect copyright.PENANASYYFf52dgc
AKISE : I told you, if you got hurt I would kill that fucking dog.
AKISE moves SAKIKO to the side like it was nothing, as she grows closer to the dog it senses AKISE. The dog whimpers and runs away, AKISE gets to the fence about to hop over it when she feels a tug on her school uniform. She turns around to see SAKIKO on the verge of tears; AKISE snaps out of her rage and sighs in frustration. She begrudgingly steps away from the fence, silently she takes SAKIKO's hand and the two walk the rest of the way home. Where the dog lived wasn't much further from their house, walking around their house to get to the front door, SAKIKO takes out her house keys.
SAKIKO (awkwardly) : My . . . prediction on the dog might've been wrong.
Unlocking the door AKISE and SAKIKO go inside, setting their stuff down near the entrance, AKISE stays quiet as she tosses herself onto the couch and turns on the TV. SAKIKO sits down right next to her on the love seat, she felt that AKISE is mad at her for not thinking straight.452Please respect copyright.PENANAsjJMDnkgsq
SAKIKO (desperate) : Look I'm sorry, I made a stupid decision. He just-
SAKIKO pauses, tears slowly come to her eyes. This makes AKISE feel guilty for her own actions towards the dog.
SAKIKO: He just looked so lonely and sad, I just wanted . . . I just thought I could help make at least one less creature feel abandoned.
With those words AKISE understood very well what SAKIKO was trying to do, it reminds AKISE of when they first met. Although SAKIKO is no vampire, she was able to understand the lonely and numb feeling of being by yourself in the world, this intrigued AKISE and the two became close friends. She felt sympathy for her, looking at SAKIKO’S face AKISE knew she had deep feelings of regret and is apologetic. So AKISE gives her an easy smile.452Please respect copyright.PENANAPY18YF0ReR
AKISE: Look I know saving me from myself must've brought a whole new guild of inspiration. But not every creature (breaks eye contact) or monster wants to be saved, sometimes Sakiko, that's all they know.
AKISE looks back up at SAKIKO and leans forward to give her a big hug, breaking apart AKISE firmly places her hands on SAKIKO'S shoulders.
AKISE: I promise I'm not mad, I just get worried because you humans are delicate, and it's only natural to protect my best friend.
SAKIKO (furrows) : But you're not a monster.
AKISE ignores SAKIKO’S comment, instead she looks back down and stares at SAKIKO’S hand. The blood was now dried and crusty. SAKIKO looks at her hand too and starts inspecting it when she notices something peculiar. A theory came over SAKIKO, so she jumps up and runs to her room to grab her sketch book and pencil. AKISE sits on the couch and waits, watching SAKIKO slowly coming out from the hallway while she quickly sketches an outline of her hand with the wound. When SAKIKO was satisfied with her sketch she rinses the blood off, the two puncture holes from the dogs canine teeth lined up perfectly along the lines of SAKIKO’S palm. She laughs to herself, making AKISE stare at her in confusion. SAKIKO sits back down on the couch.452Please respect copyright.PENANAayuw82B9ef
SAKIKO: It looks like the dog has some aim.
SAKIKO shows AKISE her wound to show the evidence for her theory.452Please respect copyright.PENANAgwiKMQOkcV
SAKIKO: See how both of the holes are right on the lines of my palm?
AKISE: Where are you going with this?
SAKIKO (excited) : Okay!
SAKIKO gets comfortable on the couch, scooting closer to AKISE and crossing her legs. They stare at each other in a serious manner.
SAKIKO (serious) : My theory is, dog’s are able to aim where they’re about to strike. Maybe! (slowly gets excited) If I got some blow-up sex dolls, mark certain areas with black dots, I could see if he'll bite each black dot as if they were targets! What do you think?!
AKISE holds SAKIKO’S hand and examines closer, getting lost in her own thoughts. After AKISE is done inspecting the bite she gets up to grab bandage wrap from her back pack. Tossing the wrap to SAKIKO and coming back to sit down. SAKIKO catches it and smiles brightly at AKISE.
SAKIKO: Thanks.
SAKIKO starts to wrap her hand.
AKISE: Hmm . . . I could see the possibility in this, dogs can be trained to specifically hit vital areas to take things down easier. Like police dogs, so it just might work . . . but a sex doll?
SAKIKO starts to burst out laughing, AKISE couldn't help but laugh along with her.
AKISE (laugh slowly dies) : Just don't get hurt on this one, kay?
SAKIKO (throws two thumbs up) : Don't worry, this plan is gonna be fool proof.
SAKIKO gasps in shock, she gets up and runs to the kitchen, coming back to the living room with two personal ice creams. SAKIKO’S face is lit with excitement while AKISE’S face goes blank.
AKISE: More ice cream?
SAKIKO (nods): We have to celebrate my awesome theory and super cool plan.
AKISE sighs in remorse, she sticks out her hand and SAKIKO happily gives her an ice cream and spoon. She plops down beside AKISE and starts digging in to her ice cream. AKISE starts eating hers as well until SAKIKO tries to steal some out of AKISE’S carton. So AKISE moves out of her reach.
AKISE: This is mine, eat yours.
SAKIKO (tries to reach more) : But they're different flavors and I really wanted to try them but I couldn’t have them both, pleeaase?!
AKISE gets up and moves farther away from SAKIKO.
AKISE: Fine, you want some (scoops a big chunk of ice cream) come and have some.
AKISE flings the ice cream getting it into SAKIKO’S hair, in shock the ice cream falls from SAKIKOS hair onto the hard wood floor.
SAKIKO (grins maliciously) : Oh it's on!
SAKIKO spoons an even bigger scoop than AKISES and immediately flings it at her. The ice cream hits AKISE’S chest, melting on to her breasts and school uniform. This ice cream war goes on until the girls run out of ammo. AKISE is laying on the couch while SAKIKO lays on the floor, the living room became a big ice cream mess.
AKISE (groans) : We're going to have to clean this up.
SAKIKO hears the familiar pitter-patter outside and gets up to glance out the window. Outside it is sundown but the light rain from earlier had now turned into a shower. SAKIKO fills up with excitement and she takes AKISE’S hand to go outside in the rain.