SAKIKO jolts awake to a pair of unknown arms wrapped around her body so she struggles to get out of the strangers grasp. The stranger loosens their grip but never took their hold off but SAKIKO manages to turn her body around to look at the assailants face. The moment she stares into those disgusting blue eyes SAKIKO feels an overwhelming emotion of resent and disgust. ROY sits the both of them up, his grip never leaving SAKIKO’S arms.
ROY: I've been looking everywhere for you, why didn't you come find me sweetie?
The longer ROY spoke the harder he squeezes SAKIKO'S arms, to the point where SAKIKO expects bruises the next morning.
SAKIKO (growls) : You know why bastard.
ROY'S calm and happy expression switches to one of rage, the mask he's held over his face finally removes itself. His hands are now squeezing the feeling out of SAKIKO'S arms.
ROY (shaking with anger) : It was your parents wish to have us get married, now . . . you will be a good daughter and respect your dead parent’s wishes.
At the mere mention of her parents SAKIKO spits in his face.
SAKIKO (growls) : Over my dead body.
SAKIKO knew she would regret doing this but at this point she didn't care, she's always been afraid of ROY. Despite having a blackening rage against him, she couldn't fight back, even now.
ROY (smiles menacingly) : That could be arranged.
ROY took the knife that is right beside them and as he stood up he still held onto one of SAKIKO’S arms. ‘What's he doing?’ SAKIKO questions as she watches, but in a split second ROY slams his foot onto SAKIKO’S chest. She gets ripped out of ROY’S grasp and she hits the floor 2 feet away. SAKIKO struggles to breath as she slowly gets to her knees, trying to get up, ROY rushes over and mercilessly cuts her from elbow down to her knuckles. Slowly. Tears stream down SAKIKO’S face as she suppresses her screams, she didn’t even want to give him the satisfaction of hearing them. But it only made him angry and as he lifts the knife SAKIKO squeezes her eyes shut expecting, wanting, the final blow. But it never came, SAKIKO looks back at ROY, the knife already lowered as he smiles like a maniac down on her.
ROY: Come on Sakiko don’t be stupid honey, if YOU died I wouldn’t gain anything from it.
Then another switch flips and ROY becomes the "sweet" ROY HUGHES everybody knows and loves. He drops the now bloody knife on the floor and he let's go of SAKIKO. She drops to the floor in a crumble and he starts walking out the door, stopping and turning before leaving.
ROY (sweetly) : I'll give you one week to be the good girl your daddy and mommy expects you to be, okay darling?
And to piss SAKIKO off more ROY blows air kisses in her direction, he finally leaves, leaving the door completely open. Pretending to be the good girl her family wanted again SAKIKO lied on the floor and waited, she waits until there's enough distance between herself and the walking dick that left the house. After a half hour of complete silence, SAKIKO gets up and starts walking home. When she walks home it goes by in a blur but as she reaches the front door and grabs her keys her hands were still shaking. Not from the cold blood drying on her arm or the wind but pure fear. SAKIKO attempts to unlock the door but fails several times due to the shakiness. After finally getting the door open SAKIKO walks in to AKISE sitting on the couch with her face buried in her arms. SAKIKO shuts the door a little too hard jolting AKISE from the trance she’s in. Re-locking the door SAKIKO takes off her shoes while AKISE quickly gets up and walks up to her. SAKIKO sees AKISE’S face and it’s puffy and red from crying, not to mention she’s wearing a fierce expression. Before AKISE could get a single word out she smells a strong fume of blood, looking down she sees SAKIKO’S arm dripping. AKISE’S eyes grow wide and as she opens her mouth to say something SAKIKO holds up her hand for silence.
SAKIKO (stressed) : It's okay, I just ran into someone from my past that resulted into this.
Walking up to AKISE she gently kisses her cheek, she would've done her head but, of course, the curse of being short. She looks back into AKISE'S eyes.
SAKIKO (smiles) : Don't worry, I'm going to try to get rid of him.
SAKIKO then turns to go to her room, as she walk down the hall she couldn't stop the tears from leaving her eyes. AKISE follows SAKIKO right on her heels silently, she didn't know what to say so she follows SAKIKO just as a presence. So she wouldn't feel alone.
SAKIKO (whispers to self) : He's not taking me away from you.
The girls walk into SAKIKO'S room without another word, while SAKIKO sat on her bed and tends to her wounds, AKISE stands off to the side of the wall and stares at the ground. After some silent minutes passed AKISE clears her throat.
AKISE: You know, I don't really know much about your past, why don't you tell it to me?
AKISE gets closer to SAKIKO and she sits on the end of her bed cross legged. SAKIKO finishes cleaning and is about to wrap her arm until she freezes at AKISE'S statement.
SAKIKO: And here I thought you already knew. Huh, I guess there's no reason why I shouldn't tell it, especially since I'm in a relatable situation.
SAKIKO finishes up wrapping her arm, mentally checking herself and preparing to re-tell or rather re-live the story.
SAKIKO: I lived with a poor family, nothing was ever given to me and I accepted this with happiness. Never asked for anything, never expected anything . . . but in a funny way I was too expensive.
AKISE never took her eyes off of SAKIKO as she listens intently to her story, she continues on.
SAKIKO: One winter I got really sick. The medicine they bought for me costed a lot, so they thought of an alternative.
SAKIKO grabs AKISE'S hand and guided her to the back of her head where a big bumpy scar hid under her white hair. AKISE'S eyes grow wide, she never knew a scar laid there, especially since the back of SAKIKO'S head is cut short. But the thickness of her straight hair hid the ugly scar properly.
SAKIKO: If that knife was any sharper, I wouldn’t have woken up that day. I’ve went to the police and told them what happened, but some of them were friends with my parents and knew I was a sickly child. So they never listened and just told me to go home.
SAKIKO looks at the ground the entire time but when she looks up AKISE is staring at her, still listening intently. Looking back down she continues on.
SAKIKO: I ran away so many times, but the police just brought me back, my parents would hit me for running away and causing a commotion. I've nearly died 4 times in the span of my childhood, and I would've died the second time if a spoiled brat named ROY HUGHES hadn't shown interest in me. He says he's in love with me but what that man shows is not love.
AKISE'S expression turns one into shock at the mention of that name, remembering about this afternoon and the unexpected visit from him. But AKISE didn't want to interrupt SAKIKO so she listens on.
SAKIKO: Conveniently, his family was rich and man did my parents want that money too. But ROY is abusive and obsessed over me, I'm like a slave in his eyes. When my parents died they wrote in their will that I was to marry him, but I ran off before he got the chance. I was 13 years old . . . running away to save myself . . . to save my life.
SAKIKO grows silent, and the room became silent for a minute, then she looks up at AKISE and gives a small smile.
SAKIKO (lightly) : And then I met you.
AKISE’S eyes grew wide, she wishes she could feel the sudden thump of her heart looking into SAKIKO’S eyes. Feeling the moment and remembering the very beginning of meeting each other. SAKIKO looks away and reminisce as she speaks.
SAKIKO: I admired how you were so strong and stood up for yourself. I still wish I could’ve stood up for myself they way you did. If I was . . . (clenches her fists) If I was strong like you, then I wouldn’t have to deal with Roy. He’d be dead . . . because I would’ve killed him.
It's back to silence as AKISE processes SAKIKO'S life story, the ROY part is figured out. Seeing SAKIKO frustrated made AKISE upset, so she grabs SAKIKO'S fists and un-clenches them. Instead she holds them in her own, lacing their fingers together.
AKISE (softly) : Hey, don't worry. I'll protect you, always, I'll be like your personal bodyguard. Although with the ROY situation we'll have to keep a closer eye on you, since the last guy wasn't hesitant on kidnapping you. So we'll have make rules for school to make sure you stay safe.
'What?!', SAKIKO thinks to herself, she can start to feel herself get even more frustrated.
SAKIKO: I don't want you to fight my battles, that's not fair to you! He's my problem and I should be able to stand up to him!
SAKIKO huffs loudly and she lays her head on AKISE'S lap and AKISE instantly starts touching and stroking her hair.
SAKIKO (lightly) : I just don’t know why I fear him so much. I wasn’t scared of your brother or the night we met, but I just get scared . . . so scared that I’m not even able to move. I just don’t understand it.
Another round of silence once more, the wind picks up making the bushes scratch against the window, AKISE continues stroking SAKIKO'S hair. Often playing with her long bangs.
AKISE (gently) : I think I might know, you're still haunted by your parents. Secretly your still scared, because you always had to be a good girl and if you didn't listen then they would've came for you. Even though their six feet under, its like they never truly left, they were always there and you could sense it, in your heart.
Sweeping the hair out of SAKIKO’S face she turns her head to face her eye to eye with AKISE. SAKIKO sees the worry in AKISE’S eyes as she continues.
AKISE: I'm not fighting your battle; I'm just trying to protect you. I'd hate myself if something ever happened to you knowing full well that I could've done something with my power.
SAKIKO melts at AKISE’S words, she could feel the love emanating from AKISE and so they stare into each other for a moment. And after the building pressure they brought their faces together and kiss, gently and lovingly. Breaking apart they touched foreheads and enjoyed the touch of one another. They understood each other’s demons, to them, life was a joke until they found meaning in with each other. AKISE gently lifts SAKIKO’S head to get up and places it back down, running off to her room to grab a surprise. AKISE brings back a new horror movie they’ve been meaning to watch for a while now.
AKISE: Wanna watch a new horror movie and I'll make my famous chocolate caramel coating for the popcorn?
SAKIKO (eyes grow wide) : Hell yeah!
SAKIKO’S heart is touched at AKISE’S idea to cheer her up but mainly she's excited for the treat. Jumping out of bed to watch blood and guts with her favorite person, AKISE follows after SAKIKO who ran into the living room and plops herself on the couch. AKISE'S happy her idea worked and is even more glad SAKIKO is out of her depressive state, going to the kitchen she starts making the treat for their movie night.