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What was wrong with him?
What was wrong with him?
I paced around the dark cell, footsteps echoing around the dumb place.
Exhausted, I tripped over my own feet as I kept walking.
I hadn't slept in so, so, many days, and my vision clouded around the edges.
I couldn't sit down, I couldn't sleep, because every time I closed my eyes I had nightmares.
Horrific nightmares.
I just wanted to be able to rest, I just wanted to die, and why couldn't I do that?
Why couldn't the king just let me die?
I bit back a whimper as I just kept circling, my head spun and my scars burning so badly.
What was possibly in it for The King, to let me live?
What was wrong with him?
It wasn't fair, why did my family do to deserve to die...?
Something burned deep in my eyes, and I felt something wet fall down my cheeks.
"Sweetheart, you know you shouldn't be upset. Remember what I said, I don't want to see any more tears. It's such weakness...."
With a snarl, I wiped my eyes roughly, because I wasn't weak--I wasn't....
And then I laughed, delight suddenly clutching at my stomach for who knows what reason!
My laughter was high pitched and sharp, and so utterly not my voice it made me giggle harder.
Oh, what was I doing?
Better then sitting there feeling sorry for myself, for sure, because pity was good for no one.
I sung quietly to myself, filling in the empty lack of sound with my voice.
It was a sweet, soft tune about the stars that my brother taught me when I was little.
He used to sing it to me when I had a nightmare...it would...be really nice if he could sing it now.
I spun and twirled around the room, my vision blurred from lack of sleep.
Dancing, and spinning, stepping forward and backward, all while I kept humming that same song.
I stumbled over my own two feet, but kept spinning.
Even as my head and my eyes ached...I kept dancing.
S o m e o n e h e l p m e .
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Popular me and all the guards escorting me had already teleported to the king's palace.
The absolutely massive palace loomed in the distance, big and beautiful, andI'd always wanted to see it!
Too bad now it made my stomach sink in an awfully uncomfortable way.
Two suns were already out, and the breeze was nice against my hot skin, it certainly didn't seem like the right weather for something like this!
There were birds flying outside in the nice weather.
I wondered what it would be like...to be them...free and unhurt.
"Oh, it's pretty, isn't it Tasa?" I murmured to my brother, my smile so big it made my cheeks hurt.
"I knew we'd see the castle...ha, that means I won; +
that's five bucks, Tas."
I laughed softly, wishing I could hear him laugh back, as we walked on.
"Guys, I can walk by myself." I commented, to the guards guiding me by the arms tightly.
What'd he think I was going to do, bite him?
I felt like talking, it made me less anxious, afterall.
"No, you can't."
"Funny. I didn't realize that."
"Be quiet."
"You're really touchy, did you know that?"
He sighed, his eyes narrowing in annoyance.
Yes, alot of people tended to look like that around me, nowadays.
"Can ya make me?" I asked casually, wanting to see his reaction when I pushed him further.
"I think he's funny, don't you, Dals?" I whispered softly to a girl who could not hear.
"Yes, he's very silly, isn't he?"
She was giggling right now, I was sure.
She had such a nice laugh, it was like the trinkling of bells, and my brother would keep going with it, just so she would laugh again.
He did that with the both of us...he always knew how to calm me down.
I kept on humming under my breath, fidgeting impatiently.
Scorvis came out just a few minutes later, still in a long sleeved jacket, glowing cyan cape whisking around him.
Oh come on, it was at least 150 degrees outside, there was no way he wasn't at least a little warm!
"Well, well, well, look who decided to finally come out!" I laughed uncomfortably, the sinking feeling in my gut eating inside of me.
The guard saluted to him, for whatever reason, finally letting go of my arm.
I bounded away from him, the soft purple grass wonderful under my bare feet.
"Yes, er, good morning."
Scorvis murmured, his eyes so cold that it sent a shiver down my spine.
It was like looking at two black holes...I couldn't bare to see them....
How was I going to live with him?
"Not so good anymore, at least not for me! Haha!"
The officer was sending me a death glare, probably for being so rude to there precious king.
Well, he didn't really deserve respect, anyway.
I thought I saw him picking at his arms for a moment, before he quickly stopped himself.
"Well...it is meant to be a punishment, miss Madeline."
"Really? I didn't know that! I think you should tell me again, so I can really pick up on it!"
There was a very small glint of amusement in Scorvis' face, after that.
"I could get you a card with that written all over it," He mused to himself.
"Good idea," I said, but by the time the words had left my mouth the light had already drained out of his eyes.
"You are dismissed," Scorvis told the guard, waving his gloved hand with a small wince.
The guard saluted once more, bowed to the king, and then teleported the heck out of there.
Man, I wish I could do that.
"Miss Madeliana?" He asked, gesturing me to come inside with him.
My feet were glued to the ground, I didn't want to go inside.
I didn't want this to be real, I wanted to ignore it and make it go away.
But I couldn't.
I laughed suddenly, it all seemed so very funny, didn't it?
Hey, I wasn't opposed to some cleaning.
I threw my arm around his shoulder, which made his whole body tense up--didn't like being touched, huh?--to let him guide me inside.
I almost knocked off the flowers that decorated his cape and shirt, which made me laugh even more.
It was interesting, to interact with all these real things, but I didn't think I liked it all to much!
Oh well, I could correct it! Afterall, fantasy always hurts less then reality...at least when you're me, haha.
"Lead the way, you're highness!" I commented, grinning, and feeling like I was walking on air.
"Of course, of course...."
He said, and I noticed he had casually removed my arm from his when he gestured me inside.
We went inside the huge castle, and the fringe between delight and fury hit me, hard.
It was nice inside, pretty chandelier, nice river throughout the floor, the marble cool against my feet, but there was something...cold about it all.
Like it was a toy house that hadn't been played in.
"This is pretty, huh?"
"Yes, I hope so."
"I wasn't talking to you."
He frowned when he looked at me--nice to see his lips down for once-- and then cleared his throat.
"Well then, miss, come this way and I'll show you you're quarters."
Wonderful, what a gentleman.
"'course, 'course," I said, but as we moved along, me and Scorvis' footsteps and our breathing were the only sounds.
The whole building just felt devoid of life, of feeling.
I glanced at Scorvis, as I kept up with him easily, his eyes just as emotionless as the building.
How did he live like this?
I also noticed the whole place was spotless, but there was no one to clean.
So, unless ghosts miraculously learned how to be coporeal enough to clean, I had some questions.
"Uh, buddy, where are the other cleaners?"
"Hm? Oh yes."
They were executed!225Please respect copyright.PENANARZvLjJyY7A
"They come during the night usually," He said, waving his hand nonchalantly.
"Oh, so will I be alone during the day?" I said, not liking the thought.
A l o n e .
"Sort of, since you will be living here, I assumed you wouldn't want to ruin you're sleep schedule--"
"That doesn't exist...."
"W-well that s-should exist, and you would want to take c-care of things in the day, if that's what you mean."
Scorvis suddenly stopped right where a huge, indoor river was, and more importantly, where the dock for the huge river was.
Yikes, how big was this place?
"Miss?" He asked, gesturing me to get onto a small glass boat.
I looked up at the spiraling river that went just everywhere, it must take you wherever you wanted in the castle!
I got in, grabbing onto it's handles.
"Whoa, who thought of this?" I asked, actually kinda impressed, and something...different appeared in Scorvis' face.
"My wife," He said, his smiler growing fainter, softer.
"She loves the water."
The Queen.
I had almost forgotten about her, it had been so long since she'd....
"I'm sorry," I said in what was a very, very odd voice, one which I barely recognized.
Then I snapped back out of it and said, "it looks like you're wife was a good designer, at least!"
Scorvis' smile was somehow even emptier then before.
But I could see his eyes, see the pain I'd seen in my own face so often.
"Yes, yes she was..." He said so softly
leared his throat, and the boat started to go up the spiraling river--this was gonna be fun!
"But, that's not important. I'll show you to your room, now, and then you can get started!"
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