Atania, Humanity's newest home. Deep in the far reaches of another galaxy, Humans have become part of a galactic alliance that learned to harness the power of an incredible ability: the Kanushin, a physical embodiment of spiritual energy.
Diah Nollak, a rebellious Chyl noble, is caught in a whirlwind of political intrigue when she is kidnapped and taken to a massive metropolitan space station far from her home. After learning of plans by the vicious Kunar Regime to destroy the alliance's headquarters, Diah and a ragtag group of adventurers must embark on a planet-hopping journey to prevent the galaxy from breaking into all-out war.
Kanushin is Book #1 in the Starweaver's Tapestry, a Sci-Fantasy saga that spans 15 key stories across 4 distinct eras.